Tuesday, October 3, 2023

What were you expecting?




John F Kennedy jr?

What a disappointment.

Not what was expected.

Nor wanted.

Just as the Speaker of the House

Is being challenged

First time in 100 years

Just for crossing over the line

And joining hands with the other side

No bi partisan agreements!

I do recall the days

Of the old guard

Democrats down one side

And Republicans on the other

It did matter who you got

Into the White House

Because no bill was being passed

Except straight down party lines

Now everything is a mixture

And by god he just had too

In order to keep the government

From shutting down

He went over and against

His own people

Poor people can have their food stamps

And rich kids

Can send their neighbors

Into the military

And not feel guilty

When they don't get paid

No one remembers Monica

What is she had been assigned 

To scrub floors instead?

Anyways I still don't know

If this guy is a good one

Or not

But did understand that he knows

How to play ball

With the big guys

And as the third designate

In times of emergency

He is expected to step up

To the Oval office duties as well

Who ever the new kid 

Is on the block

I do hope he is not a bad guy

We are entering waters

That even Katrina 

Would have trouble deciphering

The little expert

Who just had to show up

Every time the over qualified

And really well trained

Granddaughter came to town

Which reminds me 

After awhile my grandfather

Also would get caught

In a grocery store

With his wallet being stolen

They did not want him to eat

These people from this religion

Of hellions

Just like my father 

Could not walk down the street

Without being mugged

They don't want anyone

To be in control

They want to be the boss

And have already accepted

Thier inheritance

Corban it is called

In the old Jewish days

When Christ walked the earth

And called into question

The ways in which

The young were encouraged

To steal from their parents 

Ang grandparents

Before they were dead

What they wanted out of life.

So, the chef has a son

No one knows much about 

This guy who lead a rebellion

Against the military

But was stopped by the big one

Before he got to Moscow

Don't do that!

You are not one of them.

He did not go to West Point

Or whatever the Kremlins 

Version is of the academy

Now his son is taking over

Just 25 years old!

Likes wear fancy fur 

And wear expensive shoes

Well, so did John F Kennedy jr.

He was orphaned at a young age

Had to abide by moms rules

Got his inheritance

Passed the bar and road a bike to work

Then had his steering column

Freeze up on him 

Drowning himself and his wife

As for the fictional Ilya

His creator has just died

While the other young man

Lost his beautiful wife

And kids

In a sad story of too much

Attention from women

Such as Gail Gadot

Who are still slutty 

No matter what their job description.

If I had a son

His father would be disappointed

And I would have to tell him

The same thing

And as for the poor boy

What were you expecting

For a daddy


Alexander the great?

Those are jimmy's titles

I had to think about it 

I remember an incident

When I was just fourteen years old

Some say that is when a woman 

Comes of age

The Virgin Mary

Was just fourteen

When she was engaged 

But not yet married

But suddenly with child

Today we would call it 

Artificial insemenation

No sex required

Which is jimmies plight

You see when he was twelve

He got married to an actresses daughter

Got Linda Evans to be his mom

She lost her husband and career

Only the sake of an old Fruend

Did she make a comeback

But Doris Roberts

Was not a weel known actress

But she married Italians

Which meant to Jimmy

Mafia and Money

They were both disappointed

Sonja now calling herself

Ludmilla but was named

Mary of course

Could not believe that 

He did not know what to do

In bed

It was not her first marriage

Nor her last one

She did produce

A fine perfectly 

black baby girl

African Mexican

He put her into a mental hospital

The baby up for adoption

In South Africa

His daddy had him 

Chemically sterilized

So it would not happen again

Not that any of us our sure

She is not a dynamite child

But Jimmy who had a marriage performed

In Mexico wanted better

He wanted a prince 

So he could proclaim 

Himself president

There was this moment

I remember screaming

At my mother

I said no!

He wanted a marriage 

Performed at the Kingdom Hall

Now he has many wives

Including Demi Moore

And Thelma Weatherford

Not to forget Anita Rhoades

One has to be in good stnaind

To have anything

Including a funeral

He also has to support the wife

None of this stealing her paycheck

Or selling her vagina

He has to do the work

These people used to be old fahsined

Now adays unless

One is a Russelite

They are in the wrong religion

In those days 

It was not unusual for a 14

Year old girl

To get married

Times have changed

Fergie could arrange 

To have her daughters 

De-virginalized at 12

But they could not marry

Until the younger princes

Anyways, he had someone

Wave a bible in my general direction

While I screamed and yelled

To no avail

Protest is not accepted

I am a free and single female

According to my uncle

Who put me through the hoops

Questions have to be answered

Before on is allowed to get 

Baptized at the young age

Of 14, the youngest

Jimmy was not baptized

Nor was he in good standing

The same year I qualified

For baptism 

Is the same year he claims

To have married me

And yet within

Five years he held 

A Bonafide marriage certificate

With a woman named Teresa Rojas

I am not Teresa nor red

Although Russian is one of my many

Mixtures of ethnicity

I am not married to jimmy

Despite him waiting 

Till I was past 18 

To explain to me

That I was not good enough

Nothing before this marriage

Is Jimmies to own and hold

As for sickness 

He is he one who claims

False ailments

While the real ones go untreated

What we were expecting

After Alexander the great

Came to town

And wowed everyone 

With his performance?

Barack is the grandson

Of an African chief

And the son of a female anthropologist

He was created in perfection

And gave us a good performance

His wife on the other hand

Is not to be mentioned

Or I will have to bring

Court actions against her

Just as Roxane of Bactria

She fell far from the mark

And he stepdaughter


Not only claims to be 

Barack's born out of wedlock. 

To a twelve-year-old

But also claims me as her mother

And everything of mine

Belongs to her

And she is the exact replica

Of everyone loves Raymonds mother

Doris Roberts

Except for the deep southern tan

I will not sand for it any longer.

No, No, not any more

Get in line

And bring me your paperwork

No more nice guy

Honey, your daddy

Was my heart attack,

"Meet me at the train station

Must see you one more time

Before i leave

Just take the last rain

To the end of the line

I will be waiting"

Cant even name that group...

I bet 

Your daddy was not rich

But smart

Smarter than the rest

Just relax and enjoy 

Your freedom 

And do me a favor

If anyone should suggest

They are your real father

Just kill them for me

Jimmys life is going to be shorter

Than he expected

Seventeen forever!

Don't worry about the other guy

We have a new kid in town

Lets see what Pavel

Can do

While we wait 

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