Wednesday, October 25, 2023

What about the other guy?


Have you thought about 

The other guy?

How does he feel about it?

When in Rome it is best

To do as the Romans

Or so they say

But what if it is wrong

What if the other guy

Is in fact not right

Knowing when to stay

And when to run is 

Never an easy task

Some do it better 

Than others.

One must feel sorry

For the first guy

In history to go through

Fifteen rounds of votes

To get his seat 

Only to loose it 

For acknowledging the other side

Best to the new guy

Another first for America

Three weeks without a speaker

The leader of the pack

Must be present in order

To conduct business

And pick a fight

With the big guy.

We almost had 

A Tudor elected 

To the third chair

Instead we got a guy

Born in Shreveport

A Russian town from 

Way back

Whose family line

Include the names

Cash as in Johnny Cash

And Boogaert 

As in Humphrey Bogart

Both bad boys

Who kept the line

And made others 

Respect them 

A fireman's son

Who is the better

A fireman or a police man?

I'm from a Forestry fire fighters

We always sigh when it starts

Entire acres on fire

But watching those single homes

Is never easy 

Nor is a building going up

My siblings and I 

Survived a number of close calls

Fires are not our friends.

Will someone go by

And arrest Jimmy

For me?


I might have to make him


There was this girl 

In school who said

She was my best friend

She was supposed to be 


But had already had a child

And got married afterwards

She made my life hell

In a school whose mascot

Was the Blue Devils

I went to live with my father

The Red Devils

Were their mascot

And they meet on the field 

I always wanted to make

Cathy disappear

I just could not figure out

What to do with her body

I would sit in class

With her at my side

Again and dream

About how to get rid of her

A few times I missed

The Questions from the instructors

But it was just such a strong desire

To be rid of her for good.

I have that same feeling

For jimmy who has outlived

His usefulness

For all those who still use

Him for themselves.

All the harm in the world

Women who want other women

To suffer for no reason

Except for being born.

No one believes a six year old

Gave birth to a baby

But there you are

A dozen surfaced

The same year 

My sister died

Cruel and vindictive

Wish Isreal had not been

Abandoned by the Crusaders

Nor the current ones had not

Thought of life 

Outside the box

Some neighbors always 

Have it in for you.

As for the other guy

He just wants to kill

His enemy and wants

Everyone to do what he wants

Without questioning the true motives.

Sadly there are children

Who will never grow up

Nor parents who will ever

Get a chance to see 

Thier own succeed

Due to an early death.

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Three times loser

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