Friday, October 20, 2023

The many faces of the moon


How many?

Just one, actually.

It is just an expression

Not to be taken 

Too seriously

Some people 

Are incapable of 

Doing simple arithmetic

Much less more comprehensive

Thought process

Of understanding conversation

All they want is their way

They don't care 

What others say

Nor do they attempt

To even get the message

No more eavesdropping

Nor spying on my computer

One more time

While I was at my families

Old Ymca swim pool.  . 

I got erroneously 

Assessed by some baby

My behavior has nothing

To do with my life

Except someone has a needle

Which does not come with a court order

But Ashley want to be the one

To jabbed it into me

Just because I refuse 

To acknowledge giving birth

To her or her friend Hestor

Nor her enemy Najma

Or any of the others

Being made to stay awake

Til midnight by one side

Only to have the other side

Demand I be given a sedative

To keep me asleep

While they go through

My personal belongings

That they cant possibly want

Just to prevent me from 

Having anything at all.

I tell you a secret

I have a degree 

In body bags

On my way towards

My dream of becoming 

An Archaeologist

Long before Harrison Ford

And when I was quite young

In fact I had several relatives

Who are not unknown

To be qualified scientist

Instead of nursery school

Lecturer telling us dirty stories

All those years working

In laboratories having passed

My college Biology

Before i took it in high school

Where they would not acknowledge

Any of the court orders

Just because some girls

Wanted to play with my 

Now dumb mother

Who has lost her brains

But was still alive

Do you know

I went to a highschool

Where they were the 

Blue Devils

And did everything 

They could to destroy me

Because I was not a white


Instead the KKK

I ran into the upper whites

Who have not line to 

Plymouth colony

But are instead Berliners

Poor things who cant

Understand how they 

Got taken over by that

Horrible race

The Russians

I also went to a high school

Whose mascot

Are the Red Devils

Thats right

I was a lucky girl

They even battled 

Each other as often

As they could 

In games such as basketball

Meanwhile I was expected

To be the sharpest

And smartest girl

On campus

Music and dance

Without stupid Cathy miller

Going around hitting me on the head

Just so her real girlfriend

Harris could have fun

With me at her fathers



ATT and the FBI

That is what Cathy 

And her girlfriend

Had custody of and they used

Them both for what?

I ended up going 

To a dozen different 

High schools

And graduated from

Half a dozen of them

Only to finish my degree

In Psychology not arts

I have not a masters

In psychology 

Allowing me to wear 

Cowboys boots

In a town that does not know

Who Wyat Earp 

Was nor what Tombstone 

Means to the average joe

He was the sherriff 

Here in this county

And his jail 

Has been replicated

At the State Park

I am a qualified


Not a medical doctor

To perform surgeries

Nor diagnosis diseases

But the one on every 

Humanitarian trip

Which I went on a lot of them

Got the job of the black garbage bags

In a state of emergency

They use garbage bags

Body bags are better

Because the zip

But still have to go in the back

Of the truck or cargo plane

I wanted to explore old sites

See ancient ruins

Run  my fingers through 

Fine artifacts

Instead i did grave duty

I prefer my bodies

With just the bones


And not fresh kills

All those days

And I am given a degree

In Forensic Archeaology

Instead of Fine arts

I got a degree in Art History

The difference

Is night and day

Like the face of the moon

Only one side is turned towards us

We only get the one side

But everyone has different

Ideas of the world

The far side of the moon

Was circumvented

By the astronauts

On their ill fated trip

Until just recently

When India landed

After Russia crashed

But the Space station

Now owned by China

Sees a lot of the universe

And they gave us 

A photo of the earth

While it was in an eclipse

Notice the black blob

There on the west coast

All that darkness 

No wonders the ancients

Used to call it the end of the world

The Mayans and Aztecs

Were great astronmers

And had the whole world 

Mapped out but destroyed

By those conquistadors

Who came to devastate 

A already known society

The Arabs were not unknown

To travel great distances

But all of their books

Were also taken by fire

At Carthage

And in the isle of Kell

Most of the known world

Vanished into darkness

With the end of the Roman empire

The Nazis attempted to resurrect 

These old things

Wtih thier investigations

But too many people

Want power over others

And caused utter chaos

Such as those needles

I have not been diagnosed

With mental illness

And I have seen professionals

It is the county workers

Who cant spell their own 

Names nor their patients

Who get it wrong

Jim likes to say he is a doctor

He stooled his psychologists

Note pad

And began signing his name

The name he choose

To all the perscriptions

For the girls 

Who were too crazy

To stay at home

And are now major


Because the one thing 

They are good at 

Is lying about everything

Such as Julia Roberts

Apparently someone is playing

That old joke

That I look like 

A movie star

They dont mean I was once

Qualified to get on stage

And perform Shakespeare

At the park in summertime

But that i resemble

Julia Roberts

Or Demi Moore

Who have been dogging

My steps since

High school

They were the stupid ones

Who saw a rising star

Who was going to be 

An archaeologist

Not an emergency room

Medical personal

Get straight A's

And qualify

For those other

School things

Which are kept 

From people

Such as Jimmy

And Cathy

As well as Candace

Just another day

At the race tracks

They got to be rich

While I was not poor

Just defrauded 

All the time

And swindled 

By my very own

I still have not given birth

To anything at all

And now have evidence

Of all those years

When i was not allowed

To do anything

Just because

Jimmy did not want me 

To have anything

He wanted to be in 

The Macys day parade

Where he could get 

Custody of hte mircrophone

And tell people to be mean

To a sweet little girl

Who was my sister that day

Who then died a week before


Shortly after the 

Thanksgiving parade

Along with the driver

And her one year old daughter

Who was named Biden

They only talk about

The first wife and the auto accident

Not what occurred

Nor do they provide

The information that it was believed

She was being pursued

By Jimmy at the time

Which is why she was on a back road

Instead of the highway

Now he is faced with 

A decision about Israel

America must support 

The Holy land

And its various religions

While the freedom of the world

Has been lost

To terrorists such as Jimmy

And his friends

In the Middle East

Where he went in order

To get even with a native American 

Family who do have ties

To Plymouth and Jamestown

But are not the Kennedys

Those people have had

Enough tragedies

But did not have 

Al Capone 

Move in next door

My grandmother was on the radio

The glamourous days

Of news reporting 

She even transferred over

To television

Interviewing Harry Truman

On his decision to support

The new Israel 

Before retiring due to her 

Age of 39 plus

Only to have her new home

Built in Florida 

Where her old parents

Could have the sun

To be invaded by the FBI

Who is your neighbor?

All those questions

And innocent but not seen

As not guilty

Some district attorneys

Don't view the whole scene

And wonder who is bringing charges

Because they are determined

To make someone pay

For something they cant understand

Immigrants are often lied to about

Thier property and their taxes

But then the squatters turn out

Not to be telling the truth either

Poor old man

Telling the truth

And no one know believes him

Wanting to discuss his outfit

As if he was wearing pajamas

Who do you have to replace him?

Who was there when Golda

Was Prime Minister

You young ones do know

Who Golda was?

You cant even get

A speaker of the house

All your jarring and gabbing

And no one is going to get

Satisfied with the role

Of the stand in 

In case the President

Should die in his sleep

And the Vice president

Gets into an accident

On the way to the White House

The Speaker then has to stand in

And do his best to lead the country

Out of complete shutdown

While the electors 

Get someone to replace him

The role of the Prince

Is to do the will of the King

But be independent himself

In case he has to become King

And then be his own man

While the second is the Queen

Always in danger

Of being taken out

Does exactly what the King

Wants in order to show

A unified face

Not a divided one

As for the little princess

There are always those

Who want the limelight

But don't know what to do

When they do get it

Except get in the way

They come in different

Sizes, shapes and genders

They are the showstoppers

And the ones who get all the press

Well, the moon passed over the sun

Putting the earth into darkness

And we survived once more

It is the hurricane and cyclones

Threatening our shores

Which might collapse

Would someone please tell

Suzie P and Gary C

To give back the keys

Of those houses they slipped into

In order to keep control

Over a family who were simply

In the way of others?

Or that is right some of those 

Places have been torn down

Some have been remodeled

All without the couple 

Paying for their stay 

Nor the electricity bills

Just left a bunch of garbage

For others to clean up.

Just put jimmy on a plane

To nowhere, will you!

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