Sunday, October 8, 2023

Is that all they have on the radio?

Have you ever had one of those
Trips where everything goes wrong
And all you can think to yourself

Is where is Jimmy?
Shawn is what they used to call him
Then he wanted to be called James

As if that would make him
A better guy
His mother was from the south

Took him everywhere
But it was not good enough
Her father was just a Reverand

While these other people 
Were military and radio 
His daddy was a kids show

It made him so made
Every time he saw the girl
Get to do something

He could not
When in fact the parents
Paid for a lot of things

They just could not make
Him into a Prince
He decided he wanted to be 

The President 
Of any country
So he could be the boss

And would not have to take
Spankings from his real dad
My mother had gone to one

Of those places
A mental ward
She came out worse

And she had a new freind
This kid
She was never well

And she never got better
But the family would
Send us on trips

To make her feel better
We had been to eegypt
Where she had a baby 

On the Nile river
just like Moses
Then the disappearead

My sister died
And we were so Christian
That we got sent to Israel

Already been to Rome
Not Catholic 
Here we were in the

Holy Land
Visiting all those sites
That Jesus had walked

And preached 
To the Jews.
Even the Muslim Rock

On top of the Mount of David
My father was going to take 
A few courses so he could

Finish his architecture degree
Where he could build housing
Instead of dams and bridges

I would later follow
The same line with my own 
Studies into archaeology

I wanted to investigate history
History of people
Not primates

I went everywhere as a child
To all sorts of countries
Studied just about all the visible

Works of art and artifacts
I also worked as a writer
I sometimes contributed

To a few religious magazines
Which were sometimes stolen
by someone else 

Or simply stated as theirs
Men have big egos
Think a woman 

Cant get close to god
I had so many different 
Religions and friends

That i accepted god
And listened to others 
But wanted to know more

Due to my grandmother 
I was offered a chance
By a now blind bible scholar

I also had a library degree
To be his legs
And visit certain places

Where there would be 
Manuscripts and other types
Of written items

Could not remove them
Nor photograph them
In the days before the i phone

Got involved with UN humanitarian
Efforts through others 
Finally got my degree 

In forensic archaeology
I prefer my bodies 
Without the flesh

Not frightened of skeletons
Kept working in morgue type
Situations with dead bodies

With the flesh still on them
My Rhodes scholar friend died
At the age of 80 plus

His translation came out
More than a decade later
After others altered 

All his careful instructions
Just like my father 
could not get a project built

Without Jimmy interfering
Or Candy and her crew
Wrecking crew

Very antisemitic
Could not stand us 
being friends with Jewish people

Of course, they are 
Nazi grandchildren
Who have friends 

Who are KKK.
Anyways we got to 
Israel where I had

Already been a few times
With both of my grandparents
And with s few others

Including those from 
San Francisco 
Where we just lost 

A long time friend
Had not invitation
To a private Jewish funeral

Did have several appointment
Which I would have rescheduled
But was not going to stand outside

Looking foolish
After jimmy caused me to have
A nervous breakdown

Over my medical treatments
For my own body
Uterine cancer 

Is in my family
I have had a few cousin die
And all he wants is to invade

The private space
Where he can stare 
No wonders my mother

Had a mental breakdown
Dealing wit her pregnancies
And him a cry baby

About wanting to be allowed
To say she was his mother
So, he could run away

From his own
And do what he wanted
A sad good bye

To her who had also
Suffered the 1973 
War on Isreal

We were all there
Her family

And my family
We even had a friend
Or two with us

It was a big thing
To get an apartment
In this city

And a few had 
Invited themselves
My grandmtother sat

At the table
With her head in her hands
She had been on the refugee.

Committee that had helped
A number of real Jews. 
To escape or relocate

My mother was in 
a state of shock
She could not understand

How this could happen
while the rest of the adults
Hung out on the balcony

Or laid down in their rooms
This one guy held out with me
In the front room

Listening to the radio
Describe in detail
The seriousness of the war

He had no idea about
Anything except his family
Traveled when and where 

They had money
But an apartment
Anyways scattered 

Were the rest
While we sat vigil
listening for that one voice

Our own cousin
Which is why my grandmother
Was in such agony

She had helped
Peter get jobs
When his own father

Wanted him not to go 
Anywhere after he had 
Found out what radio men

Had to put up with
In the old days
People would take stations

Hostage or even
Abduct a news man
Now they are simply 

Killing them
But in those days
To be held hostage

When your boss
Did not have the money
to pay the utilities

Or the government 
Would have to decide
There it was 

She had sent him out
And Charles would be expecting
Him to return

My friend and I had an eyeful
Of what happens in war
In hostage situations

And in family relationships
None of us were the same

Israel under attack again
And there it is the building
Still standing

Even though on each side
The other two have now collapsed
I can see her standing there

With her hands on her hips
While we wandered
The area looking for any signs...

Of life at all
While Jimmy was running
Around Rome laughing his head off....

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Three times loser

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