Monday, October 16, 2023

So you want to be a Prince?


Dan just wants to be a Prince
He will stand under a shade tree
In 100 plus weather

Than admit defeat
While I was supposed 
To wear myself out

After having survived
Kidney failure and dialyses
Only to receive my own sisters

Kidney as a transplant
I was supposed to be recuperating
Not wandering the housing areas

Wondering why no one was at home.
But then Princess Peter B
Had stolen my life

In that community
Who would not have a mental ill
Patient go back to her institution

Instead blamed me for not wanting
Her to cause me to have a nervous breakdown
After my little brother went missing

And my sister died
Only to have Jimmy move in
With us because my parents

Had forgotten that they
Had small boys
Who were wondering why

They were not allowed
To live with them.
Instead mad Peter

Picked up a ball
And threw it at my head
In the schoolyard

When he was not more than five
Causing me to fall to the ground
Knocking me out

Giving me a concussion
Then causing trouble 
On the way to the library

Having the old lady fired
Who was tried of hearing 
About his wanting to be a prince

Instead of me being a princess
It was my sister who was the princess
Not me

And Demi Moore
Had already stolen that from her
Before she died

The little sissy kept
Claiming to be doing a paper route
Instead of finding an airconditioned 

House to hide in until 
His parents expected him at home
Who did not care about him at all

Allowing him to commit home robberies
Amongst other things
Oh and he had a bad back

I had an operation when I was little
In Aurora Colorado
Where upon I had to relearn

To walk amongst other things
Only to be given a concussion
By this little bastard

Dan whom everyone knows
Is not "Ann's son
Thought he would steal the show

He did steal John F K shoes
Screaming downtown 
Where he was making the police

Regret having made an issue
Of a rich man coming to town
Who could not even park

Before his fancy dress shoes
Were taken while he was still 
Dealing with the parking ticket dispenser

Martin Luther King Jr Law School
Has a lot to explain 
But Dan got way with perhaps

A pair of shoes which did not cost
Two hundred dollars or more
But over twenty thousand

Most likely
The police were besides themselves
They were a university town

And they enjoyed the misery
Of those who thought
They would just step on the land

Which was once a Indian tribe
And now an expensive experimental 
Farm of Berkeley's

They still do experiments
In their international school of medicine
While the Law School

Does not really exist.
Some towns frown
On taking on airs

Putting your name on a building
Is a dangerous thing to do 
In that kind of town

Which did not exist 
Before the advent of the 
Great war.

Did you know 
For your information
That even the Queens of England's

Husband was not really a Prince
He was born a prince
Of Denmark and Greece

But in England
He was given the title
Of Duke of Edinburg

Thats in Scotland
Far away from London
They even would not allow

Him to provide his own sons
With his name

Instead they stooled 
The name of a castle 
Built for William the Conqueror

But not named for him.
Is the name of the castle

After the castellan 
Who kept it up to standards
With his own monies

Now Princess Margaret
The sister of the Queen
And daughter of the King

Spouse became an Earl
While Princess Anne;s
Husband was no more than 

A Captain in the British military
None of the others have real titles
Certainly not Prince

In America it is assumed
That marrying royalty
Makes you royal

After all they have difficulty
In understanding anything
About politics

Much less kinship
As for Dan Vincent F
He is probably 

Lindhiemers son
After all she failed high school
Went to live at Berkeley

When it was a free institution
Only to wind up on the streets
Of San Francisco

When that rogue
John Shuck was patrolling
He was such a sweetheart

On that other show
But in real life....
He has eyes just like Daniel

Imagine young Carol
Fresh out of prison
For signing her name

To someone's else check
Seeing him coming along
And throwing herself 

At his feet
Only to find out she 
Could not stand boys

She is said to have married
A homosexueal and raised a girl
Who did not look like her 

But Dan has always been 
Her favorite
While Peter B

Is not Steves son at all
No, Steve was in one of those
Boys reformation farms

Way out in Bloomfield 
While Cathy was running wild
Having caused her fathers death

By removing the block 
That kept his car from rolling 
Down the hill

One night it did just that
While he was still sitting in it
A tree is to blame for that tragedy

And little redhead 
Peter James came along 
While the young man

Was unavailable 
For anything 
Now Kate Middleton

Is so special
Her parents lived 
In Israel when she was tiny

Only to return to England
And become billionares over night
No one does that

Without some sort of illegal activity
Such as drug smuggling
Was born to a princess

As a bastard child
To an unwed teenager
Well, it was not me

I was already married
And separated from my husband
And had just come out of hospital

Where I had survived a come
And been given a new life
With a rare transplant

Definitely was not pregnant
During this difficult time period
While little miss Meghan

Is most likely Connee Sellecas
Missing infant
Imaging being a major 

Movie star 
And having your newborn
Stolen from the nursery

In a place like Manhattan
Well, she did file an FBI report
And go on tv about it

It was never returned
A girl with some coloring
She also got divorced

And moved into the same 
As the Mexican born 

Self made princess
Poor Harry 
He is a good guy

And does not deserve 
This after his mother was taken
From him while he was still young

Nor William 
Who is not a bad guy
Just a little bit dumb

By the way
Princess Charlotte
Is a real princess

As for the others 
It is just no meant to be
Nor all these good for nothing

Guys who imagine
They will marry someone
And become magically 

A prnce!
Not even in Israel 
Does this happen

Look at those poor people
Our hearts go out to them
But our pocket books

Are a bit strapped
They cant even give us 
New house speaker

Tip O Neal
Reigned for decades
This third position

Is as close as it gets
To being a Prince 
In America

The President is our King
And his second our Queen
Leaving the Speaker to be the Prince

In real terms
As for Afghanistan
They have had so many earthquakes

But the Taliban took over
After an ill-advised departure
Leaving an older man

In the Whtite House
Than before
And now he has the also

Ill advised support
Of a self made Jewish Prince
After all Zelensky is not the one

In charge 
Just the front man
Therefore the guy

With no real power
Just a pretty face
"The Prince"

Does no one in America
Not get that this is the guy
With the most kissing 

And no telling?
Not the one with the enormous
Spending account

Just because Jimmy wanted it all
After hearing my mother
Being chided about her unborn

She sang that song 
You know the one

I am dreaming of a prince
For her uncles drawings
They were artists 

And missionaries
Her family 
Her uncles were illustrators

The girls look like
The aunts their sisters
And the voice was a niece

Then she got married
And embarrassed about 
Her pregnancy

Which was born dead
After just six months
Not really even an infant

But they had a funeral for him
It was the abortion years.
Not wise not to show remorse

Then I cam along
Five years later
My mother was probably

Holding her legs together
The whole time
After that she just let go

Every year or so
Along came another one
Six or seven of us all together

And none of us were born
A Prince!
Although some of the boys

Might have thought
But then the line of David
Is supposed to have been lost

Not that many dont 
Give it as their lineage
As for those things

We dont want to talk about
School shootings
They seem to have taken

A back seat 
To the current politics

No one knows
Although their was a completely
Unrelated even across

The pond 
In France
Were a school teacher

Was stabbed
Are they crazy
The first lady

Was a school teacher
They went on high alert
Which is a good thing

Because they had a bomb threat
In the Louvre of all places
Now there is a Prince 

Of a man 
And he does not even 
Use his title

While the President of America
Is going to go to Israel
Just to shake hands

Best to him
And may he not meet
A bomber named jimmy

Nor one named Satan
As for the others 
They seem to behaving

Not so bad
Perhaps there is hope
That female Princesses 

Might prevail
Without having to hand over 
Thier allowance from thier income...

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