Monday, October 9, 2023

Wake up !


Wake up 
Spanks Candy

Get up
Something terrible 
Has happened!

What time is it?
How many digits

Are on that clock
What has happened
Its been canceled!

Macys Colombus sale!
This is about a sale 

At a store?
Christopher Columbus day sale!

It is the biggest one
Between summer and winter
Best bargains....

You woke me up
Over a store sale!

Today is a holiday
I'm going back to bed

Not anymore
Birthday boy
Who the hell was 

Christopher Columbus?
Who was ....
Honey, I'm gong back to bed

Who was he!
Only the smartest Italian ever
Smarter than Galileo?

Hey, my story
He was so smart 
He figured out how to cross

The Atlantic
And discovered 
The Americas

That is who 
Columbus was 
The smartest guy

I'm going back to bed
He has been canceled
It is his holiday

And I'm going back to bed
America was discovered
By that German guy

Leaf or something
Leif Erickson
Was a Viking 

From Scandinavia!
Same difference
Germany conquered 

Them as well
After all we are the Aryans!
Honey, I'm going back to sleep

He has been canceled
Your Italian boy
It is no longer 

His birthday!
What, what?
It says so here 

In the newspaper
Christopher Columbus 
Birthday has been canceled!

And there are no store sales
Anywhere I look
I need you to call 

The White House
And explain that your wife
Needs her Macys sales!

Honey, let me look at that
Where are my glasses
It says, mutter, mutter

Who or what 
Are Indigenous?
Those are the native Americans

Who supposed to be here?
Already instead of the Germans
Honey, we have been replaced!

No more Italians!
Some group of Native Americans 
Are now being given the day

Which means no more sales!
Call the President!
Honey, I have to call the office

Why so you can go to work
Not if is not a holiday
I'm not going to celebrate 

That gang of thugs
Who are you calling
You know who is still 

listening to you
Where ever she is
She is still watching

Got rid of that indian
And we get nothing 
but trouble

Everywhere we hear about it.
She has a big mouth
And never talks to anyone.

What am i supposed to do
No sales
Are the banks closed today?

Honey, if I don't take the day off
I don't have to come in tomorrow
Go enjoy something else today

I suppose we could have Mexican
Let me call Gabriel 
Hey honey you want to go Mexican today?

She says if she has to hear about
Her having a special day now
Her kids are not going to school

And she is not going to do anything
Today except order Chinese!
Can I go back to bed now?

Did you call the Bidens?
No store sales, no banks

Have to eat Chinese
Instead of Italian
Maybe the day is going

To be a good one
I just drive by a few malls
Just in case....

Oh honey!
Ugh, hmm....
Might want to turn on 

Someone attacked Israel
Or something

I heard them say they are at war!
At war
With whom?

Someone in Rome!
I don't know
Just don't have to eat Italian today!

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