Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Who wants to be a princess?


Taken today at Coronado
Famous for that movie
With Marilyn Monroe

Same beach 
Different characters
There is always a sand castle

Built fresh everyday
But that blue is pacific 
Ocean looking westward

The Cabrillo monument 
Is the land mass
With the corridor

Leading into the bay
Where all the navy ships
Are safely tucked away

Here on the surf 
All at the mercy 
Of the nature at work

But if one looks 
Closely forgive me
For not having a mega 

On my phone
Are men running around
They were training 

On the beach
Where several movies
Have been  made

And Polo was played
By former King Windsor
And Clark Gable

Are military men
Working out in the sand
And carrying boats

Into the surf
And then attempting to row
Against the tide

While a military ship
Sits off to the west
What are they doing?

Gettig ready for a war
On our own surf and turf?
Or planning an emergency landing

Somewhere else?
All of them

Who else would 
Get selected to be 

And gawked at 
By the most expensive
Clients on the strip?

Except for an old navy
Family member 
Who has seen it all

Or thought she had
Until today
One of those long days

When all I want is my life
Back where I don't have
To threaten to kill

Those squatters
Down there on the
French Jardin

Or wonder why
The boys no longer
Call home

Where all those 
Needle marks came from
And why  this new doctor

Is yelling at me 
That I am a Diabetic
When in fact 

I already proved 
It was not  my blood work
It got mixed up

With someone 
Whose birthday 
Is Oct 28 68

Oh that's right
Julia Roberts

Who is sugary sweet
People always tell me
That I am too sweet

No it is more like
A seething feline
Just waiting to strike

Anyways this little
Princess apparently
Goes to the same lab

As I do and got 
Her dates mixed up
I do hope she is not getting

A prescription 
For a thyroid disease
Someday the doctor

Is going to tell me
I have a heart condition
Anyways I did not get 

My walk on the beach
And it was an anniversary
Did you know 

There was a little boy
Born on this day?
His mother might

Even have dressed him
As a girl in order
To disguise him

And keep him from
Being discovered
And killed.

His name was Jesus
And mine is Jehovah

Everyone knows
That Christ died
On Nisan 14 

And was raised 3 days later
On the 18th
He was supposed to be

According to almost
All traditions
33 1/2 years old

Six months backwards
Brings us to the later 
Part of October

Which is also the same 
Date as the deluge
Late October

Of course everyone
Uses a modern calendar
October 31 

For Halloween
When the demons 
And the spirits

Come out to mourn 
Their dead
As well as Christmas

Being set in December
Instead to accommodate
The modern Romans

Designs on keeping 
The people in order
The end of harvest

Meant celebrations
And we did just have
A Jewish holiday

Where upon their
Neighbors brought 
Upon them carnage

Well, we will never know
Will we the exact 
Day and hour?

All speculation 
To some but not to others
Anyone else have a special

Connection to this date?
I have an anniversary
Only I know about

And celebrate 
By communing with the ocean
Need some roses, anyone?

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