Tuesday, October 10, 2023

While America slept

America has been 


And so has the rest

Of the world

Just like Sleeping Beauty

Where everyone falls 

Into a deep slumber

Where were we?

What was the world 


Who did not see 

This occurring?

While everyone 

Wept over the little

Zelensky country

Offering him everything

Even to the point

Of having a coup

Occur inside the very

Building that is supposed

To put an end

To this type of terrorism

Breaking America 


With the others not 

Far behind

How much more money

Can he ask for ?

And it is a handout

Not expected to be repaid.

Now there is no money

Left of the children 

Of America

Having survived 

The Pandemic

With no work 

Nor mortgages

While everyone

Is priding themselves

For denying college students

The rights they have already

Had in not  having to even pay rent

Or any of their loans

They now have had 

A great earthquake

In Morocco 

Where they told 

America to stay at home

And out of their country

Afghanistan now has 

A devasting set of earthquakes

After twenty years

Of warring in that country

leaving them suddenly

Without warning 

Allowing the Taliban

To retake the country

Because they did not have

A plan nor the knowledge

Now those people

They promised to take care

Are buried under buildings

Meanwhile in Israel

An attack was made

Israel is now at war

America and Russia

Promised a combined 

Support for the state of Israel

After Hitler put Europe

At risk with his Fascism

Without warning

Armed men crossed

The border 

After watching it done

In the Mexico crisis

Where America is loosing

Their country

To one that they have

Already won a war with

America has only gone 

To war with Mexico

After getting rid of the Brits

Only Mexico challenged 

Their authority

Now they are helpless

In dealing with the intrusion

They just want to take back


This was a French held colony

Until the Brits lied to the Indians

And staged the French Indian wars

After all this time

We allowed these people

To watch the difficult

Situation of dealing

With those who just

Wont accept the word no

Now Zelensky crying

For help 

While he kills the chilren

Of his neighbors

Whom he refuses 

To give the same rights

As his own people

Slaves just as in Pharoahs days

He has broken Americas

Bank while eyeing Britian's

And France and

His people have not done

Well in America

Those who are not living

Off someone's else's income

Are homeless

With no more opportunities

Next door are hotels

That put up these people

They get on the bus

Looking frightened

As if there's is a magic place

They can simply arrive at

Instead they are being

Given free rent 

In special places

But don't have a job

Nor a future

How long will they last?

Here they come

Over the border

Killing in the very highway

Opening fire on citizens

Taking hostages

Using them as a barrier

Keeping retaliation

By saying they will be 

Sending bombs towards

Israel devastating

Religious buildings

As well as neighborhoods

Down went another 

Building in which 

I once lived

Sitting there seeing

It just sinking into the ground

Reminds me of Jimmy

And his threats

In 1973 

People still told him no

He was not allowed

To live with us

His father was having fits

His spoiled child

Was not going to destroy

Another person

Instead he has now 

Convince world leaders

To take his advice

Or prevent people

 from having a life

The world now needs

A savior

And there is no one available.

I certainly will not be

Riding in to rescue them

All I asked for was my right

To my own body

Instead I now am 

So bloated from the tumors

That I cant wear clothes

With the distorion

Of the tumors 

While they keep after me

About his sugar needs

I am not mentally disabled

Nor a diabetic

But Suzzane 

Cant see it my way

After all she is jimmies

Wife from those old days

She still stands there

in our way

After Ludmilla

Ran away and got married

And remarried

Attempting to get rid of hm

Only to sit there 

With all the other victim's

Watching and listening 

To jimmy and his sad views

We now have chaos

In the world

And those girls 


Don't know what 

They are talking about

After all they have

The same daddy


Really ask them

Secret daughterss

Of someoene

No one is supposed 

To know about.


There are those

One could consider

As collaborators

Such as Wonder woman

Gail Gadot 

Was a convict

Allowed at 18

To be released 

For this beauty contest

Which was bought for her

Then she agreed 

To two years military service

Only to arrive in California

Interfering in someone else life

To rise above everyone

As this slut

That sleeps around

Does not say loyal

Even to her Steve

Anyways she had 

The means and circumstance

Are you aware 

She made a movie

In Egypt

Death on the Nile

She was paid 

To get out of jail

She  must have to pay back

Only the American people

Don't have to pay back

Their mortgages

Everyone else has to pay

Even Gail Gadot

There she is getting

A dram job

But no enough

Now she needs to go

To places a real 

Jewish person

Would not go

Training and access

To people who pay

people too look good

Too good

Such as Megan Markle

A Mexican born

Porn star who uses others

Or even Michells Rodriguez

Who had to go to Dubai

For her come back

She has done nothing

But be the stupid girlfriend

Of a race car family

Who got into trouble

But were good enough

They could be vetted

By the American government

It is not everyone

Who gets those kinds of deals

It all a little too much

To believes

That Jimmy is not involved

He was always involved

In the past

Before he became happy grandpa

He threatened to bring down buildings

To cause war on people

he has his own connections now

With the Speaker of the House

Suddenly and for the first time

Kicked out of the job

That leads to the Oval office

While the long time enemy

Of his and forward individual

Diane Feinstein

Who was also Jewish

Would not allow jimmy

To eat pork around her

When she had to put up

With him just showing up

Without permission

In her home 

Asking for food 

Since he was poor

When in fact his mother was rich

Until he broke her bank

And then her heart.

We are we going

With allowing convicts

To get into places

Seen by the media

As powerful

Media love moviestars

While I was just 

And internationally known


I had not fight locally

Against a few movie stars

Who war told to get rid of me

Using them in order

To cause a war in Israel

He has always had a hatred

Of Jewish people

After all he was born 

In Germany

Not come calling

Me now

I am no even good enough

To invite anywhere

Jimmy keeps me drugged

And they know that 

When they attempt

To appear as if 

They are speaking to me

Instead of to him.

My clothes are mocked

Everywhere as everyone

Watched my weight

After my mother 

Was handcuffed on tv

For refusing me my

Thyroid treatment

And again  i cant

Get a doctor to properly

Diagnose me all because

Of people who feel

They are more important

In the old west

Everyone blamed

The Indians for attacks

Till the military

Was allowed to use Africans

To hunt down those displaced

By wars

Even the Bosten tea party

Was staged by those

Who did not want 

To pay a postage stamp tax

Send them back

The Brits

Why don't you send

The Queen bitch

Kate Middleton

Her family lived in 

The Isreal

While her father

Was an airline controller

Did I mention that Ludmilla's

First husband was an airline CEO

He killed himself in London

Or so they say.

Don't assume it was the KGB

It was probably Jimmy

Anyways these people

All know each other

And if someone looks

At old photos 

They will find them 

Together in them.

Kate also had access

And knowledge

Anything goes

Is that not right

Why do people

Hate Jews?

It was Rome who killed

Christ using the Pharisees?

Maybe the Jewish man

Named Zelensky could offer

His support

After inciting his nieghbor

In throwing rocks at him.

Really when is it going to end

The lack of real commentators


Wake up 


You have been asleep

Long enough

Aurora has already risen

And bed led off into captivity

There is no more Cinderella

To save you

Nor Wonder woman

They are all frauds

Just simple fairy tales

Just heroin addicts

With male bodies

Too rule over no one

Get going and get back

Your country 

And your world

Before we all end up

In Jimmies

Screwed up one

Oh, Prince philip

I think you horse 

Got away from you

Going to have to walk

Myself out this one

By the way

No one won the jackpot. of 1.5 billion


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