Sunday, October 22, 2023

Whats that!


Does anyone know?
Who Lindberg was famous for?
Landing in France

Instead of Ireland
He was supposed to fly
Across the Atlantic

To the nearest land mass
Went right past.
Found a farmer. 

Who did not speak,
Still managed to get a ticket parade.

Unlike his father
Who had stones thrown
At him.

He was an elected
Member of congress
A dirty politician.

Who Knew?
A hero's dad
Now France has had 

To close their airports
Due to threats of violence.
What else can happen

To the next Olympic site
As for congress
They threw out an old lady.

For a young man
From Los Angeles
Only to hang him

Over the impending
Shutdown of the government
He crossed the lines

Only to then almost elect
A democrat instead
And he would make.

The perfect bookend
For Kamala during
The President's state of the union

Jeffries family are Brooklynites.
They come from Rappanahook
Very expensive and old money

Presumably as former servants
light complected hakeem
Is actually a descendant.

Of a man that Broadway
Has decided to honor.
King henry viii

Many mistresses
This one is a Blount wife.
A royal in their midst

But the wrong party.            
Must be a Republican
Poor Nancy

And a Baltimore
Almost as royal

Those people had power.
Half a dozen different guys
Want to be speaker.

But when is the budget,
Going to be passed
Remember the prince.

Has to be both independent.
Of the king
But also working for him

Who is up to the job
Another hurricane has hit.

Baja California
Cabo got lucky again.
While Ensenada 

Has still not informed. 
Me of the damage
They forget who the will.

Inheritor by law
While they don't have a bill
Of sale

Not jimmy.
But little jack
Grandpa Jacks favorite

Was designated.
By a real will
Not those chosen by Carole

Gail Gadot 
Jennifer Gardner

Can look at their own
When it goes up in flames

By the way academy
I withdraw my membership.
I no longer want to be.

Part of the actors guild
I got nothing but bitches.
Dumped on my doorstep.

I have not given birth.
To any of them
They can all go to the mental ward.

I have tumors.
In my uterus
Can't get pregnant.

Not since I was pre-adolescence.
I have had relatives die.
From uterine cancer

One of them
Cassandra Waite
Better known as

Mrs. pierce Brosnan
Please leave me alone. 
And get us a speaker!

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