Sunday, October 29, 2023

The Pale Horse rides


Have you ever stood next

To someone who is your enemy

Have you wondered

Who is your friend

Or sibling 

Or spouse

According to Agatha Christies

Pale horse 

Trust no one.

Where would we be

Without another shooting

They are so common


A bowling alley

A local mall

Then there are the sudden


That cause one to pause

A well known actor

Who had alcohol problems

Turned his life around

Went back to work

Then slide into his own

Backyard hot tub!

His passing is being

Noticed by those fans

Of a famous person

But it was his mother

Whom I recall 

More than his short career

She was a Canadian journalist

Who was hired to be the 

Press Secretary of the Prime Minister

Pierre Trudeau

The father of the current PM

A female press secretary

With the world at her fingers

Instead the PM and his wife

Separated as she did herself

And now Justin and his wife

Are no longer a couple

More tragedy are the lives lost

Being married to someone 

You hate is hard

But can be eliminated

It is those who stick 

To their vows 

Who have the most

Problems when others

Get in the way

My grandparents

Were in love 

Then the war

After Hazel fell off

The apartment complex

And lost her unborn child

In front of my child mother

Who was at that impressionable age

They could not live with each other

Divorced and regretted it

My parents were forced apart

Just so jimmy could have his way

He got rid of everyone 

And then did not want to do

Anything but make me disgusted

With his obvious lies

All his life 

He just wanted

His parents paid him

Money to keep him

Out of their lives

He was never poor

Nor did he have to live

Without family

He has at least three siblings

But choose to want to be

Born to a different woman

A woman with emotional problems

Associated with what goes wrong

When the wrong type come inside

Any group especially a religious one

My parents never got over

The divorce that was forced on them

I myself has a fiancée

Who promised he would 

Never abandon me

No matter where

I was or what i was doing

Or not doing

He would be there!

Instead others came in

Peter, Mark, Dan

Willie, Mario, Donald

The list goes on and on

Meanwhile those girls

Who got pregnant

Were allowed to put 

My name on their unwanted

Little bastards

There is not one actress

Who does not have a look alike

Working the same trade as them

But want to be the real little princess

Instead of  me not being 

Punished for something 

I did not do.

When will it end?

When they are all dead?

Our world is permantely


There are earthquakes

That go unnoticed

Turkey and Afghanistan

No longer allow American journalist

Meanwhile we keep have shootings

And another war broke out

First Ukraine and now Israel

What is going to stop them

The Pale rider

Is having a really good day

He is the horse 

Who rides behind the others

The apocalypse rides

Many movies there are

About this theme

But it is true

We are all faced 

With deaths and no satisfaction.

My diagnosis is in

Gues what I have?


Vitamin D deficiency

All the symptoms i have

Can be attributed to this 

Necessary vitamin

Found in fortified bread

And milk

Celiac Disease 

Is also one of my diagnosis

Buying the more expensive stuff

And yet I was denied the right to salads

Or anything at all at supper time

Those places one goes 

When there is no other place

Piza and pasta

Every night

No food again

I suffered

And yet did not loose weight

Nor I am going to be told

I am a bad person

And have diabetes

But my mental is freed

No more mental issues

I do have allergies

And I do need to eat

A dietician is probably

Going to be the next step

What I need is my thyroid

Treated for the pre known condition

As well as the newer Uterine tumor

Condition I have developed

Instead Jimmy is not going

To allow me to have my way

With my medical conditions

That is what happened to my mother

Whom I don't hate

But never got along with

Not even as a small child

She frightened me

With her crazy ideas

Then i was bored with her

Constant denial of reality

Always adopting those 

Who wanted her dead

And telling children

That a five year old

Gave birth to them

And they actually 

Believe the impossible

When is Trump

Going to be told

They just did not want him

To be President?

His vice president

Has now dropped out

What about those 

Grandchildren royals

When the war was over

Those royals were grateful

For those who stood by them

And protected them

They kept hire promises

Until their children were born

Now that there are grandchildren

They have forgotten

All that kept them from freedom

Thiers will never make it 

With the new climate 

Of mutiny and coups

Did you know I have 

One of those long names

That does not fit on a 

Birth Certificate

I was also named after

The Queen of England

Call me Alex not Betty!

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