Sunday, October 15, 2023

What is there to say?

Lisa Gordon Calvi
Has been arrested again
Because she is candys daughter

Not mine
She wont give in to the law
They insist they know

Better than she
But alas
She was raised

To not listen to authority
She will not give in
To any medical doctor report

She just knows better
Which is why 
The state of California

Paid her parents
Because they had a retarded
Child who was considered

Handicapped or disabled
It meant they did not have to work
Just keep promoting

Thier sick little girl
Which is why they did
Everywhere my family went

Until my father lost his career
My mother lost her mind
And my grandparents 

Lost their lives
Which they had worked
Hard at through the war

But no one cares
About war heroes
Certainly not those 

Who kept the peace
Or made Hitler give up
Every night 

Elisabeth Erica
Prays to her god
Dear Adolf

Would you please 
Come back
And wipe out this 

Wicked Indian family
We are actually 
French, Danish, Russian 

And Native American
But who cares?
Certainly not the religion

In which she was raised
I simply grew up
In the same religion

But heard it differently
And also had been trained
Separately than the others

Now there is nothing left
To go to anymore
They removed the headquarters

To some remote farms
Those who don't even know
That a chicken can lay

A blue egg
Much less where eggs 
Come from

Have picked up
All their city resources
For remote living

I have a suggestion
For their annual meeting
Why don't they go all remote

No more need 
To congregate
Unresponsive ones

Who are just there 
For the grub
Homeless individuals

Who cant make it on 
Thier own anywhere else
Eliminate them

And let them see 
That god is good
And that he provides

In their time of need.
Do you know I was kicked out
Over the issue of some

Believing that god
Does not cause it to rain
On even the good?

A little rain is beneficial
For all.
But some want others

To suffer the consequences
Of having been born better
God does see what they are doing

For instance
All those nasty antisemitic 
Comments from Constance comment

Cant be repelled
Know that there is a war
Declared in Israel

They at least gave
People warning to depart
Just as when the Romans

Suddenly left their encirclement
Flee and get out of her
Now this suggestion

Is for the elders
To take seriously
It is known they have 

Gotten a little accustomed
To having servants around them
To make their coffee

And shine their shoes
Useless avenues
For grownups

Who would be better suited
Showing the world 
How to live amongst 

The heathens
As if they were really 
Christians after all.

Here it is.
You don't need them
The three little farms

In upper state New York.
Ger rid of them
No more cows to milk

No more cheese to make
Think about it
It would open all sorts of doors

What you need 
Is remote access meetings
The Governing body

And their carefully selected
Could be housed 

As they are vital
To the organization
But they could have 

All their information
Done by remote
The writers could 

Check in daily 
Through their computers
And video chat

To make sure their words
Are being directed
From god to the masses

While the rest of the group
Are unnecessary
Nor more tour guides

Of the facilities
The printing presses
Can be operated

By remote as well
They now have clever
Assembly lines

Where the machines
Do all the work
Even boxing and taping

All that would be needed
Would be volunteer
Truck drivers

To collect and distribute
Thier collection 
As Amazon or Uber 

Now have those 
Who will go shopping
And then deliver 

Items from the store shelves
Actually they always had those
In the old days 

Of New York city
People did not leave
Thier brick buildings

Everything was delivered 
To them in their fortifications
Along the Hudson

Eliminate the little ones
You have middle men
With legs and tires

No more cooking
For the thousands
Just get up in your own

Remote section of the world
And turn on your faithful
Computer with video

And go to work
As the rest of the world
Learned to do during 

The Pandemic
Talk to those who need
To hear from you

The writers 
To encourage the congregations
The elders to oversee

The humanitarian aid
To the various parts 
Of the world

While some roll up
Thier sleeves to ensure
The writs and decisions

Get handled properly
Speaking directly to their 
Overseers before they go out

With each group
Making sure those who have
Been disfellowshipped

Do not show up 
Time and again
Such as Constance comment

Or those brothers
Who have better things to do
Than ogle innocent women

In their toilet areas
Go home and do the work
Their wife is covering for them

What a beautiful new world
Everyone will have remote access
To the website

Overseed by men
Who no longer have to put
Up with idle chit chat

In the hallways
While yet another couple
Is making out in the haystacks

The elder group 
Can led from their selected rooms
While except for the printing presses

Actually we could do away 
With those as well
Except for perhaps Bibles

Everything else is online
One can distribute tablets
To those in foreign locations

Where they are towers
For cell phones
In the deepest 

African forest 
Or scattered desert location
Then instead of walking

To those small farms
Without food or water
AS no one provides 

That anymore
They can be directed
From their remote locations

Then the world will be happy
Just like a Hindu monastery
Hidden from the world

Instead of three farms
Smaller enclaves 
Of those trusted

And proven reliable
Instead of all the wannabees
Who show up at Bethel

But cant handle the strain
Of a schedule
Much less sitting down 

And not eating off 
Of someone else plate.
It is just a suggestion

Not heresy
Miss Constance Comment
Tea drinker

Take some Splenda
In you cup dear
And make sure it is arsenic!

It has been a week
Where there was not much

To say 
With Friday the thirteen
Looming over head

Some people don't believe
That god created man
But do believe in these

Silly little things
They cause things to happen
Bad things to good people

And then run off 
And claim the person
Is afflicted 

By the Devil
I had to have a mold inspection
I have lived for over two years

In the same room
Which has had water damage
From my neighbors

While I have mold 
Down my sinks
Something I cant be blamed 

In keep spitting up
Phlegm from my lungs
While Mary lu

Is on an ventilator
I only have my nebulizer
Acute asthma

Is what I have always have had
Though I am not allowed 

To be diagnosed with
It might provide sympathy
I just want not to keep

Breathing in harmful spores
Which is why i was already
Out the door

Except for a few of my 
Mothers cousins
There was no reason

To show up anymore
I was being called a Russellite
Anyways for being old school

I did read my bible
And practice celibacy
Weirded everyone out

I got the flu shot
With an auto immune disorder
Properly diagnosed 

And I have had a week
Of body aches and weak legs
Nothing to worry about

Not contagious
But found myself
In situations 

Where I cant do anything
Went to the beach
To commune with god

And his resources
Only to find myself
Under attack again

And not by god
Nor the devil
Got a chance

To see the eclipse
This morning 
Just a partial

I forgot to go by
The local library
For my special

Eclipse glasses
Had to find a blank piece
Of paper

And poke a hole in it
With a thin needle
Just a pin prick

Held it up to the sun
Once the fog dissipated
And walla 

There it was from my angle
A bulge moving across
The edge of the sun

Partially blocking it from us
It did get dim out of doors
No one else noticed

They were in their 
Saturday morning
Hang over stage

Those in Oregon 
And Arizona and Florida
Go the full affect

A ring of fire
As the moon 
Moved over the sun

But could not cover it all
Providing a spectacular
Evidence of gods creation

At work.
As for god 
He is very sad

This week 
Those people of his
In that holy land

Have attacked ech other again
How many times
Did he tell them

How many times 
Did he save them
And then they turn on

Thier own brothers.
There is a serial thief

Still at large
He goes around
Masquerading as their friend

But only wants 
To prevent them 
From enjoying anything at all

He hires young girls
To impersonate
Daughters someone does not have

To inspect and remove
Any offending item
That is deemed to good

For someone
Such as myself
It was all child play

Those who were authorities
In the world when it began
Some 150 years ago

When will it end
This predicted time of the end
Some say it has gone on 

To long already
Others say not enough time
For their families

To acquire
The means of their brothers
For themselves to take advantage

Taking advantage
Is the main understanding
Of those left behind

To guard not the rear
Nor keep the bags safe
But for them to get rid

Of the rest of us
Who have already been here
Because it is just not fair

That we had already been 
Chosen or selected
Had already worked out

Or provided evidence
Of trustworthiness
My own mother

Was carefully trained
To keep after me
To prove I was wrong

And the Barmettler's
Were intruders
She died without

Thier coming to her 
hospital room nor her funeral
Just as i was forced 

To watch an old friend
Go down to her grave
Alone without but a few 

Of those who knew her
And now we are waiting
For the coup

To settle on a leader
To lead this country
Through budget control

Not to simply throw money away
As they did in Germany
Only to have

Those people
Whom they rescued
Turn on them

If not in real time
In hacking soft ware
Such as Tik Tok

I accidently got on to 
Them on day
Could not figure out

Why i was being told
To go out and harm others
With their silly games

Cut them off 
Once I realized 
Someone had signed me in

If I could just get off
Which was used by my 

College instructors
To speak to us 
And provide us 

Safe check-ins
To their remote course
Did sign myself out

But I understand 
Someone has put me u

It is illegal to pursue
Someone by stalking
And harassing them

Even news media
Can go to prison
Meanwhile the biggest news

Of the week
Is the dying Olympian
Who unseated

A recorded champion
Insisting in her Germans
That she owned 

Someone's else glory
Never work  out
For the better good

Of humanity
They don't want you
Because candy

Wants to control 
Your appointments
And your medical treatment

Which is why some are 
Dying over her ignorance
From her mother drinking

Tea during her pregnancy
Since she was a Mormon
Who does not believe in caffeine

Where is my coffee?
Do not harm my coffee pot
Nor deny me my preferred beverage

Or it will mean more than war
But your untimely demise
Diabetic sweet candy .....


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