Saturday, October 7, 2023

Suspicious...Where are we going?


Where are we going today?
A special chariot
And a new clothe house....

Hmm, Lady
Can I review the terms
Of our contract

Don't remember having
To be taken outside 
For rides on public transport

Strange place
Funny smell

Where are we?
Don't leave me here!
Oh, my god

That was the worst
Ever hair appointment
They actually gagged me

Then they put something
Up my nose
And then they were playing

Around down below
That horrible smell
Flea repellent

Thats how I know 
It was a hair appointment
She always finishes bathing

By putting that nasty stuff
On me and those guys 
Go crazy

Hiding here 
And there
Then they bite 

Which is why I bite her
Oh, we get to go back
So tired and feeling

Woozy, oozy
Funny thing this chariot
Has wheels and she just

Keeps on pushing me around
Wish those people would stop
Staring at me

And jumping back
What do I have on my nose
They look so startled

Anyways here we are
Elizabeth who?
Must wear the Elizabeth collar

They gave it to me with instructions
No licking!
I am not going to do this at all

Cant eat out of my bowl
Cant see my feet
Don't know where I am

Got to find out what they did to me

Maybe it was not a hair appointment

Oh my god!

They are gone!

Those little beauties

That were growing done there

They were getting a little large

And I was trying to tell her

I needed to go down the hallways

And visit someone

All she did was show me

A little sister just born

Who cares what mom

Is doing after disowning me

But that spit fire!

No, no

It is all over

I was going to go

Get myself 

A sweetheart

And then knock on the door

And introduce her to my mom.

Ouch this is going to hurt!

At least I don't have bedbugs

I hear they have them in Paris

Paris, Paris 

I heard about it on the news

They have all these people

Coming to visit them

And they have those things

I can tell she does not want them

Nor am I going to go anywhere

Near any other woman

Without her having a problem

Just dandy

I bet she is planning 

A bigger trip 

For us togehter

Wonder where she is thinking

Paris just want to go to Paris

I was almost born there

Before my mother was forced

On a plane that then had

An emergency landing

And my father had to be hauled

All the way to this place

No one knows about

Sweet river

Ulysis Grant Jr

The President's son founded.

It on the banks of a fiver

Far away from Washington DC

After his dad got in so much trouble

I even went to the high school

Anyways he has to be fixed

So, he can start going out

We are going to make it to France

Where I might no come back

Anyways here he is at the spay clinic

Hope he is not to angry

But it has to be done.


What else are they going to do

To that guy

His poor mother

Just worries herself

While Jimmy is planning

Another thing or two to do

Israel was attacked this morning

No body is having a birthday

Today are they?

I still think 9/11 was about me 

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