Thursday, June 27, 2024

Honey? What happened?


The Pandas are coming

They are coming back

The Pandas are going

To be back home

In my zoo

Just like the old days

Before it all went wrong!

What happened?


Watching the debate

Between the two men

Who should never be

In the same room

Not all men get

Along and not need

To shake hands.

Have you ever been

In a group setting

And had a child

Lay down on the floor

And put her feet 

In your lap?

Kate Middleton

Did that to me

On Good Morning America

In the middle of my 

Discussion this bitch

Walk in and lays down

In front of me

While the cameras 

Were rolling

Then she screamed at me

That I was really her mother

Not only am I not 

Her mother

I am not going to get over it

How many times

Have I told them

Dont get me stuck

With someone like her

Because I am going to 

End up killing her!

The judge told her no!

And she took it out

On my father!

She showed up 

On the west coast

Took my father

Out of a Veterans hospital

Rolled him into the corner

Of a Walmart shopping center

And told him a few things

All because she was born

To a heroin addict

The real mother even

Appeared on GMA

With her newborn daughter

But that is not good enough

Put up for adoption

To a couple who became

Rich overnight

Probably by stealing 

Someone's life in order

To afford a life

They have wasted

Was it is the worth

Of having that bitch

Sit at home and refuse

To speak to the Japanese?

Someone should teach

One of her houses

To act like a dog

And jump on top 

Of her like Annes

Horse must have

Or is that what really happened?

A concussion is a serious thing

It does not make her mentally handipcapped

But it will hinder her progress

So convenient just when

Anyways I will never understand

Why that witch is being

Told by everyone that she

Is going to be the next queen!

There is no reason to lie

To her she is never going

To be a queen but the Kings

Bitch who doesnt deserve

Anything at all

Shame on everyone 

Who have no respect

For what Charles has gone through.

Have you ever woke up

With a naked man

Laying in bed next to you?

I have and he was not my husband

That is what it feels like

To see this bitch

Keep up her demand

To be more special 

Than anyone else

Not unlike her mother

Who used her to get

Into art school!

My mother was so ill

So ill that she refused

To eat anything 

When she was pregnant

With me!

I have one of those 

Rare diseases

It is caused by 


My body has never

Gotten enough nutrients

I was born with black hair

Just like my fathers

There are pictures

Of me with my father

Where I have dark hair

My hair has lost its color

I am not a true redhead

But an honorary one

My hair got lighter

As I grew older

And now it is not changing

Not my fault

As is my wieght

I am sorry to those men

Who are not given

The correct information

Ahead of time

It is that thyroid medicine

That my mother kept giving away

When I was a working professional

Even Kate had to have

Her way with that

Standing there screaming at me

When she first got married

And insisted she had to come

To California as if she had 

Not been here before

She made a mess of my life

In fact I have had such

A bad time that one

Can only consider it being

The fault of someone who

Allowed it to go to her head

Who thinks sitting down

And shoving their feet

Into someone's vagina

Is going to be taken seriously

They are called tumors

Get over it

I have not myself

But you need to understand

Starving is not going

To make a difference

Look at little Charlotte

She is so malformed

That it is obvious

This mean bitch

Called Kate has had her 

On a diet just like mine

Kate will never be well enough

To make decisions

And her children show 

Her mental illness

She was born addicted

To Heroin for those

Who recall the show

Where her mother introduced

To America the concept

Of Heroin babies

So tiny that they cant 

Handle going dry

They have to have their

Little needle jabs

Or they will die

Poor suffering things

She has never learned

What it means to be a real person

Meanwhile I am in pain

Every day and every hour

But I am not allowed to get

A little bit upset at times

I am not dangerous

Nor confrontational

But I am not able

To get my neighbors 

From stealing from me

Just because Jimmy

Thinks it is funny!

Keeping someone under

Mind numbing drugs

So funny, just funny!


What happened?

We had each others back

You were never going

To allow jimmy to win

But it is that mean bitch

Named Kate

Who is ruining everyone's life

What can I do to get

Her on committing treason

Against the crown of England

Just so we can watch

Her head come off?

Really the thing is a

Complete bitch

Look at the way 

She wont leave 

Little Louis alone.

Anyways why dont you

Go introduce yourself

To Mr. Putin

And tell him he is your 

Daddy just because I once

Interviewed him.

He is not your daddy

I bet it is Brent

Who got your mother

Pregnant and then refused

To marry her

Just his type of thing

When he is not showing

Up with a knife in his hand....


He is from that type

Of family 

OH Kate!

Dont step foot on my property

Because I will not get over it

That you have threatened

Me your entire life

Demanding you have to be

My child instead of the woman

Who first showed you off!

The first heroin addicted baby

In the world

Not special enough

And what you did 

To my father

Is unforgivable


The world does not 

Revolve around you

There are Pandas 

Coming home to our

Town for diplomacy

I was once a graduate

Of one of those

Special programs

International relations

They called it

One of my many degrees

And yet I get reported

Every time I go out

By those bastard 

Named jimmy

His poor real sister....

Get lost Kate

And don't come back!


What happened?

I am innocent  

Whatever it is 

That I am being blamed

For this time....

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Hello is anyone home?


Did you hear 

Llyod and Wayne?

Your are remise on your

Monthly subscription

You missed the last

Tract from your 



All those of you

Who just thought

You could have one

On the side and not tell

The rest of us

Actually you did tell us

And someone listened

In case you are getting

Up late today....

The entire chapter

Of the Bakersfield group

Of the Hells Angels

Whom I know you are

Associated with because

You made sure we knew

You were just as others

Remind me their families

Are knights of the KKK 

Membership who also pay dues....

Anyways they have been

Arrested in California

The entire group!

For abduction, kidnapping

Robbery and possession

Of illegal objects 

Associated with force

Of human nature 

In this case assault rifles

It is a crime in America

To force others to do something

To have undue influence over someone

Causing them to provide

Or give up something

Such as.....

Basically we are talking 

About witchcraft

That is what all those 

Salem trails were about

Really the main objective

Was to make their properties

Available to others

Those false accusers

Just wanted their land

It is still illegal to practice


Not just pagan rituals

Which by the way

The Hells Angels

Profess to be pagans

Which is not illegal

A nation cant force

One to believe in god

It is causing others

To not believe nor practice

That is the issue

They even allow pagans

Into the American military

As long as they don't 

Have undue influence

Upon others or a community

To act in opposition 

Of what is normal

Such as a woman who

Keeps showing up with 

A needle in her hand

Because she does not

Want someone to do something

Or a man who keeps

His woman drugged

Or not receive the proper

Medicine in order to keep

Someone from doing something

Or prevent them from doing something

Such as testifying 

In a court of law

Or even the local congregation

Against someone who is known

For taking advantage of others

Such as misapplying for programs

They don't need 

Or stealing food from programs

That they are not qualified

Or simply taking their bank account

For themselves because

It is not being used properly

Even in America

A man is not allowed

To sit down with the banker

And make decisions based

Upon spending as to whether 

Or not they get their tax refund 

Or with the doctor

I'm sorry it is the nurses

Who sign everything

And make decision

Not based upon real 

Medical evidence

But on presumed 

Behavior patterns

Such as Suzzane 

Who came out of

Nowhere and took me

To court with her husband

Jimmy because she wanted

Me to pay her 

Continues to make phone calls

Keeping me from basic services

While Jimmy is still using 

My last name even though

I divorced him court

To make him stop saying

He is my husband

No man has the right

To his wives money

Nor can a woman

Be forced to provide

A man with an income

And yet

I have more needle marks

On me and these are the same

As those potions

Once brewed by witches

Given to others

To provide an influence

Of the mind over someone

To fall in love

Or not love ...


Can be many things

Such as following someone

Around to see if they

Are going to follow

The daily morning scripture

To be read for your own

Soul but others just want

To see if you are going

To give up something

That is all people

Such as Wendy

Understand that they

Want the unchristian

Idea of giving up

Instead as a christain

Caring for your own

Belongings and the talents

God has provided to be

Used by yourself

The whole point 

Of the pilgrims progress

Is to prove to god

That one is willing

To live by certain

Morals and use what he

Provides instead of giving

It to others 

For them to use instead

What is the point

Then one has nothing

To offer in the end

Well, I gave it all away

Too bad, too bad

Not going to enter 

The kingdom of god

And hell doesn't want

You either!

What are you going to do?

Candy doesn't understand

To keep demanding

She is better at caring

For your little purse

Than you are

Or men such as Brent

That they want to manage

Your business instead of fyou

And yet dont provide

Any sort of comfort

They still expect you

To do acts of prostitution

In order to survive

Or just lay down and die

As for jimmy

Did i ever tell you

The story about him

Where he took my grandma

Away from me just so

He could have his way

She was on the radio

And influential at the time

She did interviews

She did not know people

She allowed them to have

Thier voice to be heard

Meanwhile she had an income

While Jimmy father

Was world famous

And always gave him money

He made my grandmothers

Life a living hell

She was no longer

Needed because of radio

No longer being anything at all

Television was the thing

He made her give up

Her house

And her way of life

Only to live as 

Senior citizen

But that was not good

Enough for Jimmy

Who did not want

Her to have anything

She was living in the same

Apartment as her sister

Who was once well known

In Hollywood

In the office capacity

It was just too much

For jimmy to handle

He walked in on her one day

When he had turned 18 

Picked her up

Spanked her for sitting down

Carried her outside

To Skid row

And plunked her down

And told her just lie 

There and die!

This because with so much

Money in his own bankaccount

He wanted to show up

In places where other people

Lived and tell them he was their guest

These were the people

She interviewed

But did not live amongst

He then proceeded through

Her apartment 

Raiding it off everything

He did not think

She deserved to have

She had also been drugged

There is little difference

Between poisonings

And drugging

They can both cause

Death as well as confusion

She was found standing 

By someone who was 

In the habit of driving around

Looking to see if anyone

He knew needed him 

To help out

My father her ex-son-in-law

Jimmy insisted by parents

Get divorced just prior

To this incident

Gives one to wonder

If it was all about

My grandmother

Being denied her life

Because it hurt his feelings

She was taken to the hospital

I was volunteering

In the social services

In those days at soup kitchens

As they were once called

My mother was in the habit

Of showing up with news people

To see what kind of people

Her daughter was associaating

Just because I once thought

It provided needy people

With a resource they needed

I am still against people

Living in the streets

But there are so many

Scam artists and swindlers

Even amongst those

Who are supposed to be

Case managers 

Who just want to know

Where your money is

So they can have it for themselves

Such as Maggie who stooled

My Pandemic check

Because she did not think

I deserved it 

When she was living on free

Handouts from the government

All that rent free days

No foreclosures 

And unemployment

Plus, they were encouraged

To drive their expensive vehicles

Through the food bank

Too get all that

Plush stuff for themselves

Than they wont to sit around

And yell at you to get a job

Just because they were forced

To go back to work

When one has already been

Given a medical disability

Undue influence upon

Someone else using 

Eavesdropping and spying

Watching people on the trolley

To see if they are going

To a doctor

And then having a retarded man

Show up swinging his head

Back and forth

When I have a diagnosis

On my spine of degenerated disks

And whiplash 

Which is where you neck

Is injured causing one to not

Be able to control its movements

Not the same thing at all.

Abduction and kidnapping

Is common among 

The California chapter

Of Jehovahs Witnesses

Who wont listen to anything

The East coast branch

Tells them even when they go to court

Real court not a kangaroo meeting

Where others either bring false testimony

Or provide ridiculous excuses

For why they need someone's else's

House to reside in much less

Access to their money

Stealing their wallets

Because they dont want

You to spend money

On yourself or your pet

This is the same thing

Having a hostage

For money or land

Or silence against them

The entire chapter

Were arrested together

No one was left out

In some cases 

Entire elder bodies

Have been removed

Because of their undue influence

There are cases of women

Explaining that they know

When you walk in 

What you are wearing under

Your clothes or other things

That make one wonder

If they are using

Satanic ways of watching

You in the dark

Or the toilet area

Your thoughts are your own

Not for others to decide

Whether or not you are going

To be allowed to have 

Your own things

Allowing a man to take 

Away from his women

Her family homes

And her family inheritance

Just because....

It is still illegal

To practice witchcraft

Even the modern versions

Monday, June 24, 2024

Where are you going?


My mother as her cancer

Spread through her brain

Began to fall back

On all those expressions

One learns in language class

We both grew up speaking

The local languages 

Only to have to prove

Our ability once were

No longer living amongst

In other words 

Those sentences 

She used all came

From the foreign language


Are you sure?

How are you?

Where are you going?


I had another siting

Today at the cupboard

Is there anyone

Still looking for those

Girls of Charles Mansion

Found another one of them

They always work 

At places such as libraries

Or other social things

Used to follow us around

We were one of those families

On the list to annoy

For no reason

At all but that we did

Not fit in and yet

Kept getting to places

They thought were 

For them alone.

They wanted to take

Over the upper white class

By destroying anyone

Who walks into their field

Which happens a lot

When they are careless

About the people

They associate 

Such as nurses

Who always have another

Objective than the ones

Already discusses

Marlene Mimmo

Was great at getting

The doctors orders wrong

And then there are those

Other specials

The private security guards

Have you ever checked

Them out?

Most of them are living

On minimum wage

With others and not alone

Or in other words

They cant afford 

To go without kickbacks

Never trust them

Not ever without knowing

You will regret it!

Anyways because

My cat needed his shots

And other things

I am short this month

And have to rely upon

What is expected at my income

Which does not include

Any of those places

I actually worked 

And was known for it

Food pantries

And free cupboards

No questions asked

One just shows up

First come first served

Unless the word

Has gone out

While taking public transport

They came all the way

From the tip of 

South America

They speak Spanish

And French

But I heard something else

African Latino's!

I am the Non Hispanic

Brown skinned polite woman

They came from southern Chile!

That is Patagonia

For those who don't know

Thier geology

They walked and swam

To get here 

In Southern California

And it only took 

Them 13 days

But cost them 

7000 dollars

To get to the United states

And then from 

Texas to California

Another 2800!

Wow don't they have

Bucks to spend

Don't speak English

But want to work

For anyone who is 

Willing to have an illegal

Or are they not considered


Only been in the country

8 days

Have a place to stay

But sadly have no food

They are wearing expensive

Clothes and have a fancy

Baby buggy

Four adults 

And one small baby

Who looked in good health

Considering their ordeal

And they didn't even have to wait

At the border 

Come right over

Like everyone else

I enjoy a good story

And what do I have

Against people

Willing to stand 

In the hot sun

In order to get some bags

Of food?

Except all I got

After calling ahead

To make sure this time

I would not be given

Rotten vegetables

Or just tuna 

And left over 

Starbucks sandwiches

Which i have to toss

The bread leaving

A small pile of processed

Things I am not sure

Were protein

Oh yes, don't worry

They have diary and meat


Needs hot water,

Needs boiling water

For the birds....

Oatmeal is not gluten free

Has to have boiling water

The peas and beans

The same thing

And I only have a microwave

I saw beef in their bags

Which by the way

They were escorted 

In front of me

And the Vietnamese people

Hasn't it been fifty years

Since they came over?

They are still following 

Me around

It was one of my sisters

Things in 1972

To promise without knowing

Whom she was speaking

Freedoms and the ability

To earn a living

If they would only put

Down their arms

Or whatever it was she 

Was told to tell them

I was in a hosiptal

In Auroara Colorado

Having another back operation

After the eye operation

And before the kidney failure

She died in December

I still have no clue

As to what she told them

But they show up

Everywhere I go...

It is a say story

The sadder story

Is that my people

Are Cherokee

Which means stranger

We are from the Altai mountains

In southern Siberia

We walked across

Siberira and upper Mongolia

To get to that little piece

Of ice called the 

Alaskan straights

And then continued

Onwards to the east coast

Which is where were found

And every wave

Of homeless europeans

Told us to get the move on

Until a good majority

Of us who did not stop

In Oklahoma 

Now reside on the West coast

What do they want us to do?

Jump in the ocean

And swim back to where 

We came from?

Why dont they start

By getting rid of all those

Germans who are now

Getting old age

Social security from us

Leaving the next generation

Without even health insurance

Let them go back

And rebuild their country

Which they purposely

Pulled down in order 

To have no where to live

Then tell Michelle

That her babies

Are now full grown

Those people of hers

Who had to take baby steps

During her husbands 


Are now full grown

Adults and it is time

To get the move on

Instead of killing each other

And expecting larger than

Normal handouts for doing nothing

Get them off drugs

And into real jobs

Oh it is not time yet

Well, I am going to tell you

That Michelle is one type

Of person 

And Kamala a different type

If she should get to stand

And up and swear an oath

It will not be the same pleasant

Stroll through the park

Not that I don't feel sorry

But I am still waiting

For my unemployment

For working for the US 

Federal government

And as for any pension

From ABC or CBS

It has already been gotten at

By Candy and her daughter Lisa

Jimmy has gone to far

This time governor

Time for him to learn

To keep his mouth shut

And as for those other males

Decent woman

Gets tired of waiting

And starts taking things 

Into her own hands....

They walked and swam

All the way from Chile?

Do I look as if 

I was born yesterday.

Where are you from....

Does anyone remember

Their history?

Those Italian city states

Defending themselves

And governing themselves

Until a bad group came along

And up ended the stratosphere?

Florentines were not Italians

But one day they became Holy Romans.....

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Oh, George...




Do you remember?

You don't recall

Do you?

Those days 

Around the campfire....

When one is young

Times were different

Weren't they?

Well here is one

For those old days

Do you remember

How to spell


My sister always 


It was one of the

Few words

She did know how

To spell!


The joke is 

The generic name

They are better known

By is Giraffe

Not Cameleopard

Do you even know

What a camelopard is?

It is one of those 

Old wives' stories

But most of us 

Know them 

As spotted camels

Those tall things

With long necks

Often found in zoos

But sometimes also

Found in the wild.

It is as jimmy 

Says a wonder of the


He once walked in

On a diplomatic session

In the middle east

And no one knows

How he got there

And literally sat down

Right next to the 

King of Arabia

And other important


And started in on

Their camels

His version is that

In the middle of the night

A leopard snuck up

On a camel

And laid it down

Jimmy had other words

The result is their camel

Gave birth to this 

Mutant thing

As an albino

A weird oddity

He always had another

Reason for him existing

It is called 


That ridiculous thing

When the schools

Did not want to teach


Instead of mythology

After 150 years

They still have not proved

A thing except

Dinosaurs did exist

They have even 

Sold dino poop

At auction

Some poor girl

Has  a dad

Who cant tell

When he is being


Men are scammed more often

Than women

But we carry the 

Bad reputation

For not knowing

Anything at all

But as it is


Not only did not make

It to the Gallapollis islands

Having stayed behind

In a plush nut house

In Peru

He stooled his theory

From another man

And then had to be

Committed in a real

Mental institution

The rest of his life

And yet

Everyone keeps 

After us about this

Unproved science

Experiment without 

Any merit at all

It is not about 

Whether or not

God exists or not

It is this thing


A long, long time ago

The trees grew so tall

That the camel

Had to stretch his neck

Until it broke

And stayed in that


Then he grew spots

To blend in with 

The leaves of the trees

So he would not be

Spotted by the leopards

Who wander around

And take advantage

Of sweet young innocent 


And very old blind men

Do any of your


Believe that story?

There were a lot of things

We were told we had

To believe in the seventies

All those hippies

From Germany

Who told us they 

Were not going

To overpopulate

The world 

Nor eat meat

Or cut down forests

Oh yeh the became

The parents of the yuppies

Who went around stealing

Properties from old people

Claiming them as the owners

Cutting down forests

And orchards for their

Urban housing

So they could house

All those extra humans

Breathing my air

And eating all those

Cows and pigs

Some new age era


Just a bunch

Of bologna

Meanwhile nothing

Good has come out

Of this legendary

Thing from the past

Remind me

Is giraffe meat

Any good?

I know those

German saboteurs

Have tasted it

They even eat 

Quail eggs

And Ostriches

They sell the meat

There in the land

Of Hippieville

Having transformed

A  nice old community

Into their wonderland

Of nothingness

They even have farms

For their Rhea's

Why don't they go back

To where they came from

And stop destroying

Our homesteads

And inheritances

For more of their 


Have you ever noticed

These people who claim

They came to America

Seeking protection

Never go back

When it is safe

The wall came down

How many years ago?

Wasn't that in the eighties?

Over thirty years ago?


By the way

Were large prowling


That left behind

Large pools 

Of oil 

From which

Gasoline is extracted

And hence all those

German long haired

Liars now drive around

In minivans 

Instead of the family

Station wagon.

They also if they

Got caught pooping

Our of doors

Left very large


Not small handheld

Extra dry excrement!

Fossil hunters

Claim to be experts

But they only got

Fifty dollars

At an auction house

For their little joke

I bet they even

Claim it is older than


Those small fragments

Sold on the air

Cant trust anyone


Not pawnshops

Who claim your

Silver is iron

Have you ever 

Heard of a

Shiny silvery 


Being made out 

Of steel?

No would buy

Steel to hang

Around their necks!


I have had a bad week

And in one of those 


What about it


Do you remember

Your youth

Now that you live

So high up that

The clouds 


With your wifi?

Don't recall

Anything else

Who by the way

Are you voting for

In the next elections?

Be honest

It is that cool guy

The one who looks

Good on the cover

Of a magazine....

By the way

George and Jake

I am seriously



The Zelenskies

For what I have had

To endure

That last two years

Including running

Into a couple 

Of his nuts

Who fled a little


But don't speak

Any English

After two years

Of living in California

I bet they could

Understand Spanish!

Trying to chat

At the bus stop

Surprised they did 

Not have a vehicle

Instead of having to go

To the store by public transport!

All this just because

Some Princess of Wales

Does not know how

To take care of herself

Poor thing

So anorexic

Her tiny waist 

Was so small

At the Kings 

Birthday party

What do you think

Makes her believe

If she is sicker than him

He is going to step aside?

Anyways those people

That no one in the business

Wants to acknowledge

As victims of the Ukrainians

Donetsk or Donbas

Were originally

People from Wales

Who settled in a new land

Where there was no one

Else living and breathing

English nor Ukrainian

My native language

Was wiped out centuries ago

That is how long those


Fleeing persecution

For their religion

Have stayed in my country

A couple of hundred years

Robbed and raped

My ancestors

Even when Pocahontas

Got to London

They killed her off

With one of their diseases

Small pox

One of those 


Those lying sailors

Keep picking things up

From other areas

And transporting

Notice it was not


That she had 

Another one of those

Lies that those nice

Catholic boys

Got a disease

For visiting us indians

I have more than one

White women

Stand right on top

Of my toes

And tell me that

She heard that

We developed

This horrible disease

After the Africans

Stare into my face

And tell me to get

Back on my boat

And get out of here

I don't remember

In history class

They ever telling us

Children that 

Columbus died

Of syphiliss!

Eliot Nesss

Is supposed to have had it

And he was a really good boy

Who never stepped out

On his wife

So maybe it is not 

Transmitted by sex

But by those 

Toilet seats!


My life has been altered

By this guy

Who wants to keep

Those people hostages

Stalin would not let 

Them go back home

And now this guy

Wont allow them to be

Free either!


Once they get in powere

They no longer remeber

I recall the guy

Standing over my mother

At one of those comedy clubs

And claiming he was too poor

She had brain cancer

Going through treatments

Until he needed who help

He got all kinds of things

Including the voice 

Of Paddington bear

One of my mothers favorites

Having lived in London

During the war years

Then she died without

Anything at all

Leaving me with all 

Of those promises

And contracts


Because after jimmy

Who said he was going

To have his way

Was told he could not

Has done it anyways

He has been tearing down

Hundred year old houses

And giving away all 

Of those things listed 

In wills

Just because he does not

Have to do what he is told

If there is no one 

To make him stop

Stop jimmy!

Stop !

There is nothing

For those two women

To go back to

So they will probably

Stay in my home town

Which no longer has

A historic downtown

Because they are building

Those disgusting

Glass towers

Which are just going

To come down

When the next earthquake


And it will strike

That is if we dont

Get hit first by one

Of those large bullets

They have over there

How many more toys

Does the guy have to have?

Even my own sons

Life has been altered 

By this guy

Who does not even

Know what he caused

My life was turned upside

Down when he visited 

My town

And now his wife and kids

Live better than 

My grandparents 

Who were promised.....

That is in the past

We live for the future

How much do you think

That guy has collected

Since he took office?

Millions or billions?

Saturday, June 22, 2024

What are you looking at?


When a small child

Will lead to safety

Those who follow

Not a man

But a thought

A condition of belief

Some call it 


Others Humanity

What made those men

Go to fight in the 

Holy Land?

Was it a desire

To become a hero?

When for the most part

They had to kill

Without looking at the men

The old war days

They saw their

Enemy eye to eye

Here they wore asks

And kept to themselves

The infidels!

Christians versus Muslims

Was it the right thing to do?

Compared to all our young

Ones who want to sit around

Crapping on everyone

They have their issues

They want to demand

To threaten an innocent woman

That they are her daughter

And they are not going 

To allow her to say no

Even when the evidence

Is that she has never

Been pregnant

A think waste

Is not evidence

And demanding someone

Go without food is not the answer

Criminal is what it is usually called

Not Christianity

Nor Humane treatment

But too often

My former colleagues

Have hired the very ones

Who kept causing trouble

Everywhere I went

There were those tiny foot falls

I don't know anyone else

Who has had as many 

Babies being offered

To them

Kill them all!

My mother allowed

My father face something

That was not his fault

Just because 

Jimmy likes 

To make people 

Behave for him


Anyways treating him

Inhumanly was all it took

I was never my mothers

Friend again

Nor was I her enemy

She was my betrayer

She said to me everyday

She has brain cancer

There was not teaching 

Her to understand

But making a man

Become embarrassed 

The rest of his life

Because she just could not

Be bothered to tell the truth

That one day...

We are a nation

That allows the man

Who is called President

Of the United States

The head of the entire nation

To become ridiculed 

By the entire world

Over a janitor 

Going through a garbage can

And then wanting to get paid

For stealing from his employers

Can you imagine

An honest professional

Took the word of a janitor

And a thief

And paid him money

For his story

If his father had not

Been in the business

Already he would not

Have been taken seriously

No one believes the maid

Word not accepts 

The handshake of the

Ditch digger

They might not be

As honest as one needs

Just because they claim

To have first hand knowledge

Does not mean it is true

But to betray ones owner

Or employer

No one today

Would take serious

A domestic worker

Nor a porn star

But when money passes hands

People need to know

It was not just thrown away

After all hush money 

Is meant to be kept

On the quiet

Hey Stormy

You need to return

That money!

After all you did not keep

Your mouth shut!

Therefore you are going

To have to pay up

Or is that the plot

You get to keep 

The money and make

More on all those interviews

They are going give you

Heaps and heaps 

Of that green stuff!

Sorry Bob

No meanness intended

But did you know

You were dealing

With a thief and a liar?

You were lucky

The luckiest man

Alive to get your boss

To put up thier entire 

Business based on your

Unnamed source

Really it was Jimmy

Wasn't it?

There in the dark

Playing games 

Got into deep doo doo

Because he had caused

Someone to loose face

And now he was going

To put up unless....

He could prove the other guy

Was lying about something

Then it does not matter


After all no one

Likes a liar

Just get the guy

To do something

Repeat a sentence

Loose an article

Of clothes 

In the middle

Of something important

It might cause a war

And all those kids

Lying there dead

Just because Jimmy

Took a pair of panties

Out of the garbage can

And claims

His limp dick

Has done something

Actually moved

When in fact he is nothing

But a liar himself

And no one cares...

A small, retarded child

A midget with a grudge

Betty A 

Was seen carrying

A chain saw 

Towards a house

With a locked gate

Can't have that

She is also the type

If denied entrance

She is going to get even....

Did you know her mother

Was thought to have 

Killed a KGB agent?

Wanted by the Kremlin

Really they have lists also

Of wanted criminals

What to say that it

Was not she who 

Picked up a rifle 

And took a shot

At a woman

Who would not allow

Her to hold her hand

In church or something

Or is Betty the reason

Little Parick died?

Betty, betty

Always going around

With your hands

On other peoples children

The kind of religion

That allows children

To be picked up

And stolen by the meanest

Bitch in town

Just because they are 

Frightened of what 

They might find in that


A small child is supposed

To be leading us towards

Not the mistress sitting

There pretending to nurse

The son and heir 

To the family fortunes

But the bed wetter

Who keeps another womans

Man company

But is not going to give up

All those Madonna paintings

Were meant for private viewing

And were a type of contract

Between a man and his woman

For pity's sake....

What are you looking at....

Keep your eyes 

To yourself

And your hands off 

Of me!

I am one of those

Lost children

Stolen from my parents

And never given back

There are so many women

Willing to lie themselves

Into hell by falsely claiming

While there are so many

Children who cant

Be told that it is impossible

For a child to have given birth

And then there are all those

Guy who just dont understand

That they are not going

To be allowed to keep

A womans wallet

Or go around bragging

About something that

Has not happened...

When you stand over

A woman whose mother

Clearly has mental problems

And demand to have his way

While her only romance

Is being told that she has 

Left her dirty underwear

Behind in someone else


One tends to get 

Hard feelings

When the end result

Is the death of an old man

Or innocent children

Just laying there on the ground

And the answer

Is simply to allow

The freedom of the people

Humanity is a better word ....

Friday, June 21, 2024

Its hot out there!

Its hot out there!

Water and air



Every Muslim

Needs to experience

A trip to Mecca

The Holy Rock

Of the Koran faith

 I've made the trip

Myself with others

It is a mans only 


No girls allowed

I sat in the car

Very hot and exhausting

At least the Hagia Sophia

Used to allow tourist

And I was also a tour guide

There as well

In my travels

It is odd

One does and 

Does not know

Things from the past

Some people recall

Everything important

To them and others

Only what is spoken

I have a tendency to 

Recall as needed

Not all at once

Those years are a blur

Now when my mother

Would not allow me

To be at home

I got a life of my own

And then got oppressed

Insisted I had to live with her

Misting areas are needed

In Paris for the summer games

As well as small splash pads

For the tiny ones to enjoy

And perhaps a few

Pop up clear tents

With air conditioning

Would help with crowd 

Control not that they

Have not taken to the 

Streets again....

I do hope Le Pen

Knows what she has done

To my city 

And my apartment

Has probably been

Invaded by Brent

Have him arrested

Please he is nothing

But trouble 

And has threatened 

My more than once

With a knife

His sister Tara

Is also not to be


On camera took 

A loaded gun

And put it to my 

Mothers head

And pulled the trigger

Found blood on the pillow

My mother is a quick one

Moved her head at the last

Moment but still Tara

Comes along and grins

As for Gary and Lisa

Gary is the fomer

Husband of Ludmilla

I went to almost all

Of her weddings

Six that  I recall

This is the father of 

Her daughter Eve

Known as by the

Grandmas name

Of Green

By the way


There is this little

Piece of property

I have my eye upon

Since Gary and Lisa

Have been raiding my places

I see fit to claim 

His inheritance

Out there by Bodega Bay

Overlooking the sea

Where Drake is supposed

To have sunk one

Of his ships

They have been 

Exploring under water


It is mine 

And not yours

Or Lisas

Got it?

It is hot outside

Keep to the shade

Or find a cool spot

Those pilgrims

Should sue thier

Tourist agent

Who sent them 

Unprepared into

A wasteland

Not pleasant

To have no place

To stay or lay down

I have done that as well

I miss my father

Whom I always got 

Things wrong

No matter how hard

I tried I just could

Not get past my mother

My younger brother

Showed me his family photobook

They were all the wrong people

In them and they had court orders

But then they dont have to comply

They are Germans not Americans

Poor kid

Grew to hating me

No matter how many

Times I save him

He does not care

Those ladies from the hall

Were always there

Making sure he did not

Know they wanted

Me to have nothing at all

And they have already

Called dibbs on a piece

Of  property

That had nothing but 

Running water

When I was little

I intend to take that place

Back as well

So Ludmilla

You better keep 

Your eyes off of that one

As well

And Jimmy is not my relative

What ever he told you

When he married you

In front of others

Besides myself

It is not true

Try Vermont

His daddy was from there

Where was his mother from?

Oh there is nothing down there....

Gary is a rapist

So beware all of Paris

And as for that fourth

Daughter if I don't kill her

She is an exact look alike

For her grandma Doris

You know her as Roberts

But this one call

Herself Dixon for some reason

Four daughter she has

They all call me mama

None of them are mine

Two of them are adopted

And two of them are natural

She wont acknowledge

Anything before that

There is also a son

With a cleft chin

He was half raised by me

But be careful

Those women only want

To kill everything

Wish they would go

On a pilgrimage

To their own place

Moved out of Brooklyhn

Got too violent 

And too hot for them

There are all those 

Cushy hotels for them

To stay in 

And lots of cows

To stare at

Creatures of leisure


Cars, houses

And trailors

They never do anything

Modest or worthy

Of being mentioned

A humbling experience!

Where are they 

Going to go?

Those who dont

Have the same

Equality as these

People who want

Everything for themselves

They should be sending

Tablets and hotspots

To Africa instead

Of shelf serving Lesbians

And all those married men

Who just want to have

Thier way with another womans

Bank account

Most of them dont even

Attempt to rape

They simply lay in wait

To see if there is another guy

And then if there is the slightest

They go in for the kill

Right Brent?

And Gary?

By the way Gary

I think Dan beat you to 

Your former fiancé

Demi M did give birth

To a boy named Adam

But he looks more like

Dan as does the other Adam

Anyways Brent

Why dont you go hug

John G

After all he is your daddy

Isnt that right?

Taught you how 

To climb in windows

And steal from

Little old ladies

And then hawk everything

You could at a pawnshop

Considering having them


The Aztec bit the dust 

By the way

Got in over his head

Way to hot out there

Maybe you would like

To go sit in jail?

Did you know there 

Is now an interactive

Online Monopoly game?

The dice roll themselves

And the guy runs 

Around on his own

Hmm, sounds like

Never mind

Jimmy always steals everything

Just as Candy always take

Credit for everything

Cant even think about

Something without her

Claiming it came out of her

Ass instead of my head.

Consider renaming yourself

Satan? Not Santa?

Did you know I got 

Some wise sage information

From one of your nephews

Allona's husband Robert

Once told me in a not to 

Timid voice 

That did I know that 

The Demons watch 

Everything you do?

I actually think he was

Threatening me

But is good advice

For all of you

Who dont think god knows

Your sins because

You all have it covered

With each other bringing

False witness

And finger pointing

In the wrong direction

But perhaps you

Should look up and down

Next time.....

Almost too hot

To go outside

But some people have to ....


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Summer sad


Summer style

Summer solstice

Summer wear

Jacques has been

Waiting to wear

His French Baret

Just like Grandpa


Same growl

I'm going to get 

Even when I get home

With whom ever has...

Then he would 

Run around buying

Things for his woman

Chocolates for his

Mother in law

Always eaten by 

By his wife

Special alcohol

For his father in law

Also undrunk

Sat on the shelf

Until an unsuspecting

Fool came along

Here drink 

And tell me how

It taste!


He was Mormon

They don't intake

Anything stimulating

No alcohol

No caffeine

No sugar...

Of course his wife

And daughters 

Were no participating

Christians of a different flock

But then Jack 

Was an atheist

Having survived

The war on the grace

Of Allah for the most part

His comrades

Were not willing 

To help him

Due to his faith

While the others 

Were glad to help out

Trust no one!


There would be 

A fancy doll

For his daughters

Collection of boxes

She kept them inside

Unless her grandma

Wanted to play 

Fashion designer

Then they would get

Carefully measured

For cloth dresses

And crocket coats....

And for his loving wife

She would get her present

Afterwards in the bedroom

A box of special things

Some call them jewelry

Most were not the real thing

But expensive enough

For him to impress her

That before the war

They were going to be rich

When he came back

And treat her like 

A Queen

But then things happened

Including their own child

Falling on her head

With her feet up

In the air

Many said she did

It on purpose

Just to get even 

Because she wanted

To be carried and not walk

But she managed 

To do the one thing

That is not reversable

She smooshed

Her amiglia

That little nut

Right in the middle

Of the brain


Unless you land

Exactly on your

Which she did

And was never the same

Most of the money

Went to her upkeep

Getting her into treatments

Having brain surgeries

Learning to do things

But never for herself

She would not hear of it

She wanted others to enjoy

Her little joys

As she got to be 

Thier little girl

The rest of thier lives

Which she did and then

Went out and got even 

With them for dying 
On her.....

A beautiful day

At the beach

Takes four different

Vehicles to get 

Ten miles away from

My doorstep

Or is it five?

Would not stop

Yelling and yowling

And then when 

He was released

Just kept to my leg

Not going to go

Anywhere else

Purred and hung on

So we ate our sandwiches

Gave him some salmon

And cried for our back

Thanking god

That Tara had not shown up

I want John G


For refusing to comply

With letterhead instructions

And then allowing my mother

To hang out with the girls

As if she was still

A teenager

Which she was sadly

Still not grown up

And was easy to manipulate

By those horrible creatures

Who hate their parents

Despise their religion

And want to get rid

Of the old fool

Who just stood there

Smiling sweetly

Into the camera

Not even realizing

That the girls

Had removed her clothes

Thought she was wearing

The Emperors or something...

Don't know why any of their parents

Bother showing up on Sunday

After their kids

Performance on Saturday

But then they were themselves

The Friday night

Wrecking crew

They just enjoy it actually

Look at the way 

Vivien carries on

As if she is a Christian woman

Or something

I am not their friend

Nor their sister

Not even their 

Adopted daughter

Much less their birth mother

If I wanted a child

Since I cant have one

On my own

I would have to hire

Someone to do it for me

And none of the media girls

Who all have the same mother

Are able to understand

That I am going to send

Them to hell

Just for suggesting

That they are someone's


Just because they are nothing

But drug smugglers themselves

Even Tersa smuggles 

Drugs in from Mexico

As for human trafficking

Are you aware 

John G

That your wife is 

In the habit 

Of staying out late

At night 

In the company 

Of young men?

While her sister

Suzie slept with Gary

The now husband

Of her niece Lisa

Candy prefers 

The company of that 

Sexual pervert

Brent Brentwood? 

Wei and Jones

I can verify 

That Brent has on

Occasion shown up

Distracted me

To call the cops

Or something

Then pretend shock

As he joyfully

Watches your wife

Inject me with her 

Potions that she uses

In order to restrain

A perfectly normal human

In order to deny them

The right to any enjoyment

At all

Then Brent picks 

Me up like a sack

And throws me into 

His car

No wonder I have

So much back pain

Did you know I cant

Even feel my fingertips

Due to the carelessness

Of someone?

Then they drive me

Back to where they want me

Which is never with 

My friends nor family

In fact I have lost

All of my family 

And friends due 

To this fowl play

Meanwhile I am 

Unable to verify

What else they do

In the dark

John as I have been 

Knocked unconscious

Date rape drug

Is what the professionals

Call it 

Your wifes is just 

A witch practicing

Her witchcraft

But also getting 

Her kicks via

Your own son

He is yours 

Isn't he?

Judie's nobody knows

Who he belongs to

Certainly not that 


That shows up

Sometimes for Tara

The redhead daughter sister....

Hmm, interesting

Family life you have

By the way

Is it Iraq

Or Iran

Your father is from?

Just checking

So many Italians

With no paperwork

In Italy

Thier parent stupidly

Got into the wrong line

Instead of being

Muslim they have 

To become Catholic


There it is 

Missing Stonehenge

Used to travel

Until you christians

Got into smuggling

And trafficking

What if we should

Cancel your license?

Your publishing license

You are not the only

Bible publisher in town

You know

And by the way moving

To farms is not useful

Why don't you guys

Give up eating

Cow and pigs

Then there would be 

More time for bible studies

Instead of standing out

In a field of cowshit

Or pig slop

Why don't you guys

There in upper state

New York

Eat just fish and fowl

Chickens don't take 

Up much room

Chicken every night!

Instead of boring

Hamburgers and steaks

As for pork sausage

And ham sandwiches

Your waistline

Wont miss them

Maybe some of 

Those young ones

Who dont want to get

Up when the cock crows

Can learn to fish

And not waist time

Imagine what a clean

Environment your people

Would have if you just tried

Oh i see

It is pasta every night

But Sunday

Hmm, how much

Taxes due you pay

Anyways for those 

Fancy digs

With bomb shelters?

It is not fair

To have men

Such as Kim D

And Micheal H

Insists on taking

Your donations meant

For you upkeep

And turn it into 

Income for themselves

They steal my money

Use it for themselves

To eat and sleep 

And dress better than  

I can

So they can go out

And use their bible

That is how thier

Donations work

Instead of making

A modest one

At the proper time

And living off

What is available

Not even Gary does that....

No donations

No license

What would you people


Actually read that bible

Do you know

I have read the bible

From cover to cover

Until just recently

When someone had to slam

My head so hard

I am not going to

Believe a six year old

Gave birth to them

Nor that men can change

Oh never mind

Lets celebrate 

The Solstice

Something that god designed

For us to know

Our seasons

Are reliable

After today the light

Will be getting shorter

Just on schedule....

As Jehovah intended

Hey mother 

Did you hear?

They are going into

The brewing business

Since they dont need

All that stuff 

For cows and pigs

They have decided

To go vegetarian

Really !

All that wheat 

Just laying around

Doing nothing at all

They are going to turn

Into beer!

How about that one

Stick to the weeds 

My dear 

Departed mother

Without a hope...

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Why me?

 My dad

He is my father

Why me?

How many times

I fought for him

Since I was small

I recall him taking

Care of me

When men did not

Do child care

But my mother

Was unwell

It turns out

She had brain cancer

But she also developed

Severe mental issues

Caused by outsiders

Who kept after her

About things that dont matter

In order to control 

The environment

They wanted to belong

War heroes 

And their wives

Are not unknown

To be targeted by others

Those people who follow

People around in order

To make them feel the pain

Of having won a war

Over them

Some people never do get it

Hitler committed suicide

After he lost his own men's

Support and the war

Mussolini was strung up

By his own people

By the neck

Not good examples

But their followers

Both German and Italian

Just don't get it 

They were wrong

And lost to democracy

Instead of anarchy

Even a flag

Purposely flown 

Upside down

In order to alert

That they was a hostage

Situation was made to 

Appear as if the residents

Were crazy or traitors

My fathers mother

Died when he was 

Only three weeks old

He was raised by his 

Uncle and wife

Who were Navy people

But he had nothing

But problems

From naysayers

And then his father

Was part of that

Project that he could

Not speak about 

And was seen

As a slacker


These bad people

Keep showing up

Having pick pocketed

Someone's wallet

Or did a hold up

And made other believe

They were the ones

The heroes relatives

How many more times

Are we going to have

To put up 

With the Gillette's

And Johnstons?

Then there was 


Demi Moore

Who was from the 

New Mexico test site

Why was that not

Good enough for her?

She just had to keep

After my family

Until my own parents

Forgot who I was to them

The only one

Who knew them

As thier first born

When the family

Still visited

Before they started 

Dying or being detained

Even John fell by the way side

Why was my father


He deserved a life

He suffered through

His childhood

Always being torn

Between his father

And his mothers family

He ended up living with both

Wanted his father to love him

But could not be told

Why he was not available

During the war years

Wanted his mother 

Not to have died

Even had dreams 

Of her taking care of him

When he was small

But what?

He went to college

And made friends

But always had problems

They were not poor

But did not have

The showy display 

Of life as some do

Such as the Galioto's

Who always have 

The best clothes

The most expensive bags

Or brief cases

The newest furniture

And vehicles

As well as a kitchen

Full of other peoples

Hard worked for items

Even the food has been stolen

Poor white trash

Trailor Park trash

Homeless people

Who squat on your land

Or take over the management

Of properties or business

So much display

As if they come form

Wealth or royalty

While the rest of us

Make do with what

Is available

Knowing who are ancestors

Are without having to share

Them with worthless illegals

Who just imagine

They have found


Living off of others

While Dantes Paradiso

Answered the question

Of Hell and heaven

Having traveled from

The depths of hell

And showed the way

Towards god himself

At a time when 

The city states

Of Italy were separate

Ethnicities as well as


Dangerous to even travel

Without suspicion

Of evil ones....

My father did his best

As at being an adult

Smaller than others

From the things that 

Went wrong during 

Those years when 

The military did not tell

People they were playing

With god 

Experimenting with potions

And witchcraft

All those drugs

And electrical things

Caused many to die

Instead of having a better life

My mother went insane

From drinking the milk

From the cows 

Who feed off the fallout

Of those experiments

In New Mexico

The Utah grass was contaminated

The only one to get cancer

My father had a bad heat 

And was brillant

But led a life dependent

On his only friend

My mother whom he married

I tried so many times

To take care of him

Even taking him on a trip

Where his youngest son

Who had gone missing

Was actually alive

They enjoyed the hunt

Through France

Looking for an owl

He had been trained

In Code breaking

The puzzles were easy

For him to translate

There he sat

Holding the wooden owl

As he realized that 

There was no going back

His life was not going 

To get any better

As long as his wife

Was too ill to understand

And his sons had been 

Stolen from him 

By a family named


Bad wicked people

The Rosenbergs

Were executed for treason

But perhaps

They were set up

By these people

Who still communicate

With the enemy

Giving up all those 


We are not to provide

While obsessing with the 


Everyone needs to eat

I had kidney failure

From my treatment

By these people

Had to have a transplant

Before I was an adult

Always a skinny child

Now a hard working individual

Who keeps getting sick

With no means of getting

Better if the Gordons

Continue to insist

On having my medicine

And my money

My father had made

A good husband 

And father

He was more of a Christian

Than those other ones

The Barmettler's and Weinstocks

My father wanted me 

To find happiness

And a man to take care of me

I had found such a one

But he was taken away from me

And I was furious about it

Later my father

Said he could not take

The coldness

He was blind by this time

And I sometimes forgot

To speak out loud

A mute child

Who was going to find out

What it means to suddenly

Become vocal

Without wanting to

What an ordeal

I have had but my dad

Deserved to be happy

But instead his hope

Slipped out of his fingers

My mother picked up

His prize and threw it 

Into the ocean

As usual she always

Through away every oppurtunity

That god gave to her

She did not understand

That god works in mysterious ways

Meant that he was not going

To stand in front of her

Instead he provided

And she rejected

Hence her death not even

Being acknowledged 

By Jimmy who lied to her

Every day of his life

While my fathers gave up

Hope for a future

Although his faith

Seemed to still be intact

Until those Robinsons 

Got hold of him

I was on trail by the way

For his death

In Florida

I went missing during 

A storm from the gulf

And could not prove it

Or I could but was not

Being listened to by the authorities

I was caring for my younger brother

Whom my mother had left behind

On purpose

As usual each time

She found out she was


She gave up the rest of us

A complaint came from

The so called step sister

I don't know how my father

Ended up with the wrong woman

But he spent more time

With me than he did with her

Because her adult daughter

Wanted to be an indian


Would leave a blind man

In the middle of the road

Just because she is demented....

Anyways I was not arrested

Just detained while they

Had a quick trail

Where my younger brother

Was forced to testify

Against me 

But released at night

To take care of him

Strange ways of America

Justice system

Trusted to show up

For court but accused

Of killing my own father

Then they complained

From Nevada

What was he doing in that place

That is where all the trouble


Oh Judge 

Could I speak to you

For a moment

Apparently you are 

Not taking care of your

Father properly

And these people 

Have had to pay

For his hospital bills

What do you have

To say about that?

Two things

He has Medicare

From his disability

Of becoming blind

Under that families

Lack of care

And he is not dead


Judge had to think about it

I simply wasn't there

When he fell into a coma state

They must have stolen him

Who do we have in the morgue?

Not this guy 

He has now died

In Nevada

A strangled cry

From my younger brother

And myself

That is why were in Florida

Instead of California

Because those Troths

Had stolen him from

Another morgue 

Bringing him here

To get the insurance claim

Woke up after they ran

Off with the loot

They are all still 

Taking advantage of 

The atmosphere

Of easy pickings


And squatters

By the way 

What are these

Commercials for diabetes?

Do you know how much

I have to spend on my 

Asthma meds?

Does anyone care?

Not really

Bless you dad

And I hope are in 

Paradise heaven

While my mother 

Sold herself into hell

And don't go after her....

I bet he has gone on that

Journey as well

Some men will not give up

On their woman once she crosses

While others simply forget

Does anyone know

What a treasury chest looks like?

Does anyone care?

Someone has been going

After my families safes

As well as bank vaults

There is one bank

That shut its doors 

Overnight during the 

Pandemic without informing

Me of my family's little drawer

Jimmy showed up with-it

And then just threw away

The contents

His whole life he has spent

Making sure

I just dont get to have

Anything at all

Not even my own father

Life is not supposed to be

Controlled by someone else...

Does anyone even care

What happened to the Titanic?

Do you know that they have

Never found any bodies

After the initial rescue?

What happened to those dead bodies?

Monday, June 17, 2024

So, so sad


San Diegans react ahead of local Roman Catholic Diocese's planned bankruptcy filing (

June 13


Chapter 11

The San Diego

Catholic Diocese's

Is filing for bankruptcy!

Imagine that

It is a sad day

And it was all


There are multiple claims

Of sexual impropriety

Towards the young

Choir boys

What did they do?

While the LGBT

Community is throwing

A party this month

And the Catholic 

Community has encouraged

This group to grow

They are now also

Known for child

Sexual assault

How far most of

These claims go

Is disputed

A male can be


And other things

Imagine being

A small boy

Whose mother 

Just wants him

To make him proud

Only to find out

He had to endure

Not only nudity

But also other things

Apparently many 

Full grown men

Could no longer 

Handle the shame

Of keeping quiet

The females are

Still told to keep

Your mouth shut

But the men are being

Allowed to have 

Thier way 

No longer being kept

From having a life

In the same community

Before they would have

To go elsewhere

Or kill themselves

If they confessed

To being improperly handled

Jimmy is a masturbator

And child pornographer

He is well known

For refusing to leave

Women alone when

They need to have

Thier female exams

But he is also suspected

Of badgering boys

And old men

To the point of

Extreme discomfort

How many of the ones

He grew up with

Suddenly had too 

Much attention

Upon them at a tender age

All because Jimmy

Was impotent

And never going

To be able to have


Not that he really 

Wants to engage in sex

According to more than

One of his psychiatrist

But jimmy wants

Jimmy gets

He has been running

This community for

So long it is incredible

And he does not eat pork!

Jimmy has a Baptist

Reverand Grandfather

Whom he hates

In fact he hates god

Does not  really believe

In history either

Anything before his 

Birth blows his mind

When people talk about it

And then there are 

All those Kennedys

Who came to town

They always stop by

And offer donations

The Catholic Charities

Claim they are unaffected

By this catastrophe

Of the Diocese

Having to file for


Due to many unsettled


They dont admit

No wrong doing

Just that they cant pay

Up the amount of claims

Meanwhile the Catholic

Charities continues

To take advantage

Of people 

The money is always

Misdirected by Antionette

And her daughter Gemina

Who have made themselves

Available to everyone

Who comes through

Just like Carol Lindheimer

And her daughter Nicole

Always on hand 

When money went missing

But were never accused of


These two have been

Operating for decades

But the main building

Still provides food

And shelter

But those little kids

Are still required 

To go to church

Are they not?

Oh mother I do recall

My little brother

Sneaking off on Sundays

So he could sing like

An angel

He had better not

Have suffered any harm

For your insistence

On my not knowing things

When my father

Was an honest man

But your preferred

The lying blond man

Who was going to kill 

You one day

And he did

Dont count on me

Remembering where 

I buried you

I have amnesia 

You know!

Poor kid

I threatened him

Every day of his young life

For his own good

Believe in god

But don't get caught

Up in their doings

Don't associate

And stay clear of 

After school things

And there he is sitting

With aunt Suzie

Who kept abducting him

As a child

And aunt Betty 

Who never would stop

Attempting to sale 

The kids to child traffikers

How many times 

We had to up and leave

Or travel back 


Just because someone

Was after on of us

That is why after

My sister died

We were split up

In order to protect

All and without 

Two girls to control

The situation

The boys were sent 

Elsewhere to grow up

In safety from those

Who want to do them harm.

There bad wicked people

Betty told us the first time

She was forced to get up

And explain a bible verse

That her and her mother

Were Catholic

As is Bridget Murphy

Some never do leave

Not even the Gordons

Want to acknowledge

That they are just

Taking up space

In our old places

Just so they can make

Sure we don't get away

With anything

The old German adage

The took the religion

About the year 1000 AD

A barbarian race

Not even given to god

Cannabalism and incest

Are well known throughout

German history

While the neighbors

Shudder when ever 

They get it into their head

To hire a killer

From a different religion

Oh look the Ukrainians

Have one of those

Another Adolf Hitler

Denying his Jewish roots

In order to serve his masters

Nato has gained 

The Swedes and lost

The Russians

Brings one back

To those days

Of the Nazi takeovers

Were they or were they not

Willing comrade's

The Swedes with the Fascist?

A killer is all Zelensky

Is going to be known

As by historians

And there will be those

To survive this silly situation

Done in Cuba

But will the Swedes

Still shine so bright

In the near future

They do know

The Swedish Royals

That jimmy is an albino

Don't they?

He is not our family

His daddy was 

Captain Kangaroo

Bob Keshan

Who had a romantic relationship

With a child expert

Who was the first black American 

High school principle

In Washington DC

Her husband was the first

Black American Mayor

Jimmy has two sisters

One is blond and blue eyed

And not named Camille

And the other one 

Is a brunette

Named Bennitta

The pretty one

Who is a college professeur

They are not our relatives

Jimmy was born to a 

Mix race couple

One white and one black

Just as Meghan Markles

Children came out white

With one white male

As their father

Harry Windsor

Meghan's black mother

Is in all the pictures

To prove she is black

I am not black

No offense intended

My roots are 

Scandinavian and Native American

Brown skin

And light hair and eyes

Mixed but not Mexican

Which brings us back

To the Catholics of 

San Diego

The Spanish were not

The first to arrive

But the Russians

And the Japanese

There was evidence

Of both communities

But it was wiped out

By those outlaw men

The Friars whom 

The local sports team

Is named after

Were in fact 

Expelled from Mexico city

And Excommunicated

From Spain

They could not go back

To Europe nor stay

So they went to the 

West coast and but

Missions for the little

Brown skinned children

The late arrivals

Were not concerned

With the condition

Of those children either

There are cemetaries

Of dead children

Down here as well

How they fared

At the hands of men

Who don't believe

In god such as Jimmy

Is not fully known

But the community

Has been punished 

For this lack of authority

They are no not going

To pay their bills

How long will thier doors

Stay open

While the charities

Still rack in money

Intended for others

One cant even leave

A bag of groceries

For one person

Without them being stolen

I have too many children

In this community

All because that other

Catholic man

Al Johnston 

Brought all the unwanted

Babies born in his area

Down here to be put

Up for adoption

And used my name 

On all the records

Which by the way

Were destroyed just before

The Pandemic hit

So I cant go in

And show them they 

Are adopted

They just keep

Calling my dead mother

To confirm I gave birth

When in fact there are no

Pregnancies on any of my records

These Catholics who go into

Some one else house of worship

In order to cause chaos

Have made their own 

Religion suffer the consequences

Such as the Cardinales

Who still show up

By the way any signature

Attained from me is under

False pretenses

I have already gone to court

No one is supposed to force me

To sign away properties

I am not living a lie

But amongst those

Who know I was already granted

My families little estates

Only to be robbed and drugged

To keep me from them

Doing it one more time

I remember all those years

When we had visitors

And there would be scarry

Occurrences by these people

Pretending to be ghost

And goblins

In order to isolate us

Because Indians are easy


I respect those who have

A belief in god

And act upon it

No matter what church

They go to

There are bad people

Even inside the Catholic churches

As for my little brother

He had better know

How to run faster

Than me if I find out

He did not take my advice

But you know he did

Didn't he?

Hmm, please don't leave

Out anything you 

Don't want stolen

Even your kids

I remember one summer day....

Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...