Thursday, May 25, 2023

Burnt sunset dreams...

My sister always called them 

Burnt sunset dreams.

We would come home from a trip

And there it was one more time

Our home had been invaded

My grandmother and myself

Were born out there on the 

French soil of the West coast

Ranch of fruit and nut trees.

No matter what we did

Or where we went

Or why that witch

And her family would be there

With their human trafficking

A pimp and a prostitute

Is what the Farrel's were known

Arrested and deported

Only to walk once more into

A gated private property

To set up a public campgrounds

Even now the girls who are supposed

To be taught aeronatics at

The corner school which was once 

An international college 

Now has a butch of catholic

Sluts who go to the beach

And have sex with their companions

Causing the visitors and other

Residents a shock to see their uniforms

Not adhered to their bodies

Why has the gentle community

Of religious members

Of the same family for over 

A hundred years have to put

Up with this woman and her adopted girls

Who are not nice nor do they not encourage

Drugs nor murders on the property

Cleary they will have to be killed. 

Themselves in order to get rid of them.

Meanwhile this weekend 

Should be a family one 

Where we could all come together

As in the old days 

For a family memorial

Of all the ones who have died

For this country

Not for Germany 

Nor Mexico

Such as my father Terry

Who served in the Korean war

For five years, 

Only to be set on fire

By Jimmy whose real dad

Never served in the military

Just woke the kids up 

Every day with his show

Captain Kangaroo.

Then there was my grandfather

Jack who was a paratrooper

During WWII ,

He was found dead

At the kitchen table

In my apartment

Instead of one of his own homes

His own military pistol

Was used by whom?

The Police never did 

Figure it out in LA

Where Jimmies dad ruled supreme

Or my grandfather Ralph

Who worked on the Manhatten Project

And volunteered for North Africa

After his job was done 

When D-Day occurred 

He had no intention of dealing with 

The Pacific battles nor Japan

His brother-in-law 

Was there on his ship.

For both WW wars 

As a professional naval 

He suddenly drove his car

Backwards in Sausalito

When Jimmy needed a ride

And not even his kinfolk

Amos is buried at the 

National Memorial 

In the Bay Area,

While his brother in law

Had a massive heart attack

After he found out that the kid

Listed as the first conscientious objector.

In California when the draft

Was being considered by Carter.

Only to want to run around 

And control those Muslim guys

In the Iraq Desert Storm

This after he interfered in Iran

Practically causing the Iran situation

While I was in the office with the housekeeper

To get our papers in order at teh US Embassy

My uncle whom I was supposed to be living 

Got left behind as I was escorted out the back

My skin beige enough to pass

But not my whiter french uncle

Who was hide with one of the other guys

For the duration of the hostage thing

When they finally let them go

These guys were also pushed out 

Richard was one of the ones who understood

Poor Carter, Jimmy was not his friend

And he is laying in Hospice 

Having served himself in the war effort

Both my great-grandfathers

Also served in the Great War

One was a flying ace 

Stationed in Egypt 

And a Mormon 

Who managed to go home 

To his one wife or was she his second?

Anyways the other guys 

Offered themselves. 

Such as the one from Scandinavia

With experience but over forty.

His son did go in his stead

Buried at the Rosencranz

National memorial for WWI

And then there was that guy

Who got sent during the Civil War

To California who spent it 

At that fort in the middle 

Of the bay called Alcatraz

Then refusing to go home

Until he retired as the postmaster

Of the Presidio in San Francisco

Only to die shortly afterwards.

We have those who are buried

At Arlington National Memorial

As well as those who came 

Home quietly to finish

Thier life course 

Without the fanfare.

All the way back to the 

French and Indian wars

We have fought 

For this country

And never have any of them

Been given the real heroes 

Welcome home.

Not even the ones in the National Cemetaries

All have been robbed and raped

By the German cowards 

Who came not wanting to deal

With Russians

But also refusing to go home

Once their Wall came down.

They prefer to be the ones

Yelling the most about

Thier Social Secuity benefits

Being in danger by this 

Current adminstrations

Possible debt default crash

Causing the entire federal government

To come to a halt.

Enjoy this weekend 

It might be the last one

With money for a picnic 

At the Beach or the Park.

Just wait till they get that call,

To repay their loans

In full from someone

They might have made angry

Such as Russia

Whom do we owe money 



Burnt skies,

Possible nor morning sky...


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