Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Just one old one might be just enough


The Victory Day Parade

That was once celebrated by all

Who defeated the Nazis

Which once had official's

Vying for their turn to go 

To Moscow from all over

Had not one single Western

Authority find the time

To attend the end of a dictator

Who threatened the whole world

That Truman was convinced to drop the bomb

That Eisenhower had resisted sending to Europe

They were not to busy to watch

The Coronation that Biden again

Sat out at home as his age 

Is getting to well noticed

And the British wanted to watch

Young William scrim 

While his disgusting prostitute

Continues to show herself unqualified

For the job of elegance much less

Lady in waiting 

Instead of primary whore of the nation

Who believes her anorexia 

Or is it straight heroin abuse

In any ways, she should not be the mother

Of those children at all.

No one would have allowed 

Except for the fact of defiance

Towards the crown itself

Being worn by a woman

And one not married to a Scot

Instead of a Greek!

There was no German there either

But a few faithful to the true cause

Of not Communism or socialism

As is practiced in both England

And America who just don't want

The good old days to end

All those social workers 

Do is eliminate the qualified

From real jobs 

While enlisting obvious 

Inept ones for the jobs 

No good Christian would hold

Meanwhile, the future late

Diane Feinstien made her debut

As a very ill woman who 

Should have been given

The privilege to do tele visits

Still cant get a doctor to look me in the eye

She is a doll at any age.

And not a dumb one either

Only the other old man

Stayed in power Putin

Who allowed his peopel

To remember something that was great

The end of the antisemitism of Europe

And the end of starvation of the city 

While the rural workers threw out 

The best resources because they were

Too good to be used by anyone.

It is a shame that a nation. 

Is being allowed to be slave owners

In this day and age

While one wonders why

The Africans are asking California

A non slave state to give them repreations

Whereas the Natives are still wondering

Why their little diamond stones 

We're not good enough for Manhattan

But instead, are still covering the cost

Of the others who show no respect

Just one tank 

Zelensky has been sent hundreds

Of those things and does not want them

He wants planes to fly 

As if he is Maverick or Cruise

Instead of a puppet

He is jack in the box

Who might get his head shot off

By his own men

When it is all done

I want my five million


Just for stepping into a dressing room.

His word against hers.

I have been there a number 

Of times with Jimmy alone

He stooled my panties out of my bag

While I was having a female exam.

Women have no choice 

The men might not know

When a woman visits a doctor

It is almost automatic.

Please take those things off

They want the right to pelvic inspections.

I don't have any sexually transmitted diseases.

I have been tested for all of them.

Still have tumors though

And still don't have my thyroid fixed

No one wants a woman who is not active

But they do want people to be kept

From the freedom of independence

Bless you Diane, go get them.

Just one tank 

To take on the whole world

Home to modern image of freedom

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