Monday, May 1, 2023

What ever happened?


They were murdered!

They never had a chance

They were the Royal Britain's.

Heirs to Edward IV

And the charming Elizabeth Woodville.

King Edward V aged 12 

And his brother aged 9

Prince of Wales

And heir apparent.

Instead, Richard III 

Too over after they were sent 

To the Tower for their protection

Just before the Coronation

Thier fate has never been solved.

But King Richard was killed

In battle just three years later.

Not much of a Biography

To rise to power over 

Ones younger nephews

Too frail to do anything.

But lie there in the dark 

And wait for their rescue.

To then go to the Coronation

Himself to allow the Crown.

To be on his much more mature

Head only to loose it in battle

Less than three years.

Not even a full President term

Of four years.

Wonders never cease to amaze

Which is why the American system

Is so full of rules to disallow.

Such a thing from occurring

Although i do  believe there was 

At least one President who died 

Shortly afterwards and his successor

Had to rise to the occasion

And allow himself to become 

President instead not that he got reelected.

Now I am not saying anything against

Kamala Harris

I am sure she has no desire to sneak

Into Jills chamber and smother

Her rival for the Oval Office.

Not that I am sure Jimmy did do just that

To a number of my relatives.

My mother would tell this story

Behind my back that I am not supposed

To be aware of 

That I killed her grandmother 

In order to inherit that piece of property

That she kept trying to get rid 

She did not want the working ranch

Even though it bordered a navigable waterways

Because she wanted to live in Europe

She kept trying to swamp it out

Her grandmother decided to put in trust

So no one could sell it or get rid of it.

I was the unlikely child whose name

Went down on the only will.

Everyone has told us we don't own it

They keep coming up with reasons

But it was in the family 150 years ago.

All those stories 

Just like the little princes

Sent to the tower to keep

Them from being killed

Only to be murdered.

And here comes Prince Charles

Now the King of England

Only his coronation awaits

Which is this weekend.

They have not had a Coronation 

In seventy years

Just as when Queen Victoria died

They don't seem to know what to do

With themselves but follow

Through with protocol

Because of crazy Kate

Rise to shame 

There is a growing concern. 

Over the Monarchy at all

Why do they need it 

If all they are going to do

Is bring in prostitutes

To give birth to the next heir?

Really they could hire out a charwoman

Or something if all they needed was flesh

And blood and not actual true

Lineage of something of value.

Would someone please put 

A star of David on young George!

At least let the public know what they have

A Jewish heiress whose family 

Got their money illegally

And just in time to provide

A bastard to the royal throne.

Poor young Jewish boy

Does not know what he is in for.

I have not received my invitation

Probably lost in the mail

Or in someone's else's  purse

Oh Well, I do not wish

Charles any ill will

After all he did wait till 

His mother died of old age

Not proceeding ahead of her

When she became to frail and ill.

Pomp and all that 

His duties are to get out of the way

Of the rest of them.

Especially the Goldman's gold digger.

He even waited for his true love.

One never does know about these things.

Now Jimmy killed off 

My mothers other greatgrandmother

Froze her to death on the doorstep

In the middle of winter

Refused to open the door to her 

He also stooled her body 

While it was being delivered 

To Utah for burial

She was the wrong girl

The Browns of Pennsylvania

Were Canadian and ended up on the wrong

Side of the border after that Revolution.

They were merchants 

Decided to move West 

Were there was a need for them

Got caught up in the Latter Day Saints

But allowed some of theirs to wander

She did hold the purse strings

Just not the title to that piece of land

Which jimmy is now having cleared

For a Hilton with sharks at their doorstep

Who brought in sharks?

It became a cruise ship port

Instead of a sleep fishing village

The first major stop along Baja

From San Diego and the border

The other towns are just small 

Where o where did grandma go?

They say he hid her in a barn

Where he could take people

By for a viewing 

Locking her up even in death

Keeping her from a descent burial.

Then the other one lives 

Just a little bit longer

Until Jimmy turns 18

And him not even a member of the family

He keeps saying he is my husband

But has never gotten married to me

Nor brought me roses.

Instead he keeps playing with me

Trying to determine if I have had intercourse

With anyone at all 

Then I got to old for a baby

He just wants me to have his baby!

He does not like children

Nor is he willing to be murdered

By his own as you know his real child would.

Instead beautiful. faithful,

GG began to suffer from various things

All caused by Jimmy

Meanwhile, Candace decided

When she was no more than six or seven

That she was going to capture

This quaint beachside non resort

Town of working people from the old country

I don't know when the Spanish speakers moved in

If they knew it was French Napoleon 

That gave out his signed document.

Anyways candy never does learn

But did develop a habit of drugging

People she wanted out of thw ay

She has been arrested a number of times

Then the arresting officer

Supposedly shot himself.

Suicide it was ruled 

He was also LDS. 

As is Candace families religion?

At least on her mothers side.

It is a toss up which one of them

Got to her, the pillow or the pills.

But she was murdered in order

To keep her from finalizing 

Anything at all.

Yet she had at least one son

And two daughters her outlived her.

Why they were not taken into account

But there have been too many deaths

Over this property 

And no one is going to steal it

Not Amy Adams nor Michelle Rodriques

Just because they have falsy 

Slandered a girl not old enough

To gve birth but they are too stupid.

One of them is also Mormon

While the other Jehovah Witness

Wonder who their mothre is in league

That they should insist on taking money

To raise a child they did not want

Only to have the child not be Christian 

But ruthless in their resolve 

To destroy a child life and ruin her family.

No one is going to make it into a spa retreat

It will become a family memorial

If nothing else and to the real ones.

Not the frauds who think if they rub

Your thumb or shoulder

They can have what ever they want.

Which is not a piece of land

Which once produced 

Necessary fruits and nuts

For a community that dd not know

How much mass white flour

Products would litter the jungles 

Of the American forests.

Long live the royals

Who are the real ones

And not the frauds 

Who don't care about their religion

Nor their relatives

But just want to be the rich bastards 

Who ruined it for the rest

How many more of them 

Do you have Jimmy?

You are still not going to be

Crowned King of England

Nor made President of any country!

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