Saturday, May 20, 2023

Someones garage got raided!


Look at that!

One of the biggest bibles

And the oldest as well.

Wonder who lost it first?

It has been with the Sasson

For awhile after he found it...

Anyways, it went up for auction

In New York city,

Gloves off too!

Would you buy anything 

If the propetier did not wear 

Proper PPO?

Really, the guy is standing there

In the middle of one of the hardest hit cities

Showing off an antique with no white gloves!

It is supposed to be a codex sewn together.

From the year 900 A D

That is 900 years after Christ lived and died

But except for the Dead Sea Scrolls

There are few examples of anything

As the Romans and the Moors

Enjoyed a good bonfire.

Especially if it was made of reading material.

Even Hitler joined their happiness.

In his book burning antics

The Bible was not printed by Guttenberg.

Was not printed until 1450 AD

This is a handwritten document

And it went for just over 

Thirty-eight million US dollars!

Bought by a former Ambassador.

For the Tel Aviv Museum.

Must make a trip to Israel

Used to go there all the time

When I was little 

Until all that fighting began

It was a holiday trip 

Almost everyone made when I was of age

I can even recall my grandmother Hazel

Driving through the traffic

That did not last long,

Her ability to drive

Jimmy put an end to that quick enough.

Women are not allowed....

Must have Hysterectomy's,,,,

Cant be allowed to spend their own money

Nor choose food at grocery stores

Unless it is meant for his mouth

He even walked in once 

When I was having lunch at a buffet

With his wife and kids

Sat down on top of my lap

He is a big guy by the way

And directed my fork 

With food to his lips

And ate my food while staring at me

With those horrible eyes of his

I wonder what color his where 

When he was born?

He is an albino but he might have had

Brown eyes. 

Those baby blues of his just don't 

Sit right with me when he uses them.

I was born with blue ones

But had them stolen out of my head

These are borrowed until judgement day

And they are not the color I was born 

Anyways, elsewhere in the news.

Zelensky is getting to have his way

He now gets to have his little fighter planes

I still think he is dressing like Fidel Castro

And does not have the right to present himself

To World leaders in his khakis

It is not the MASH show where no one has anything else

Even my father threw away his Korean clothes

He has made the rounds of the European 

Court countries after I challenged him to come out

It was thought he was scared his family 

Would be taken hostage or something.

They are never with him 

One never does know in these days 

Of Coups and overthrows

But now he has gone to the desert

To shame those guys with oil to sell

About his difficulties

In not having a standing army

When he threatened to take the Crimea

As part of his own territory

And then he is off to Japan

Wonder who is paying for the gas?

Of his wonder jet

Or is Wonder Woman doing the flying

In her invisible jet?

G7 is dealing with the aftermath

Of the Nuclear bomb descending on them

But what does he have to offer?

The Soviets were not quite done

When the Ukrainians decided to withdraw

From the Federation of Russia

There are still warehouses of the damn things

Hanging around their garages

Most of the old boys who know 

How to work the things are dead

Such as my grandfather Ralph

Not jimmy's by the way

He always steals everything 

For  himself 

Must have all the glory

And none of the shame

Wants to be the wonder boy

His own dad was not good enough

One of the first millionaires

In Hollywood but hey

He was not a war hero.

Actually they say there are pictures

Of Captain Kangaroo in Japan 

Upon the surrender of the country

Due to this little bomb

Maybe he pocketed some things

Because his son Junior

Seems to have the goods 

On everyone 

Wants to be the one to tell all

If threatened he goes on a tirade

Calls everyone he has on his speed dial

About his troubles and how much

He is going to destroy their world

If they don't surrender to his wishes.

Now Zelensky is going to confront

These guys and cry about his plight

Why did he not think first

Before inserting his foot into mouth?

Why do they insist on treating

Putin as if he is Jimmy?

He is not stupid.

He went to Law school

At eighteen and then KGB school

He probably even has the equivalent. 

Of  a high school diploma

I used to have at least three of those

My mother kept insisting I had not passed

While Jimmy never got past the sixth grade

He did show up as a twenty year old

At the same high school

As Rebecca Debunay

And a few other notables

But he was not a completer of any task

Could not spell was his expression

The ABC's of algebra

Were too much for him to handle

A plus B equal C

I got it the first time through

Then had to repeat for the next four years

As my mother was relentless in her approach

To making me suffer for someone else

Also got a special award

At that crazy high school

For math and science

Only to have to sit through

A number of dumb classes 

With that twenty-five-year-old 

That Candace had hired 

Named Cathy from Germany

Who could not pass anything at all

But would take my work

Erases my name and scribble 

Hers on top 

And then the school board 

Believed her instead of me

Because she was pure white

And poor to boot

While I was lightly tanned

And Indian from a family

On the East coast

Who could afford to send

Thier kids to College 

Instead of roaming around with a shopping cart

Those Millers did not know what they were

To the rest of the kids

For one thing everyone knows

That in the old Holy Roman Empire

Of Charlemagne's

That the Germans put a man 

On the end of their names 

Like Jackman instead of er

AS in Miller

So they were from the French side

Of the divisions of Europe

But they were frauds anyways

Cathy was not French at all 

Nor a Miller but something else

A family took many to have her 

In their house to torment

The girl whose family were not white

Nore Nazi

She actually got an allowance 

Equal at the time to a full month

Of welfare or minimum wage at the time

While she ran araound in the same clothes

Everyday and pretended she did not have 

Anything to eat either.

While my grandfathers garage

Was raided by others who sat and ate

But did not acknowledge his request

To keep my mother from playing

Out her fantasy one more time

This is where they stopped running

Her parents from whatever pursued 

Them and their only child

She was completely crazy by this time

She did not complete high school

But got her one semester at Vasseur

An all-female college

Jimmy does not have a high school diploma

Nor a birth certificate or even a drivers license

Does not deter him from having his way

He has been robbing and raiding

Everyones garage and storehouses

He now has the goods on everyone

Mayb Tom Cruise can show the guys 

How to fly in the Ukraine.

He is a world class movie star

While Harrison Ford got a special

Award for his Indiana Jones  movies

On the Nazis and stolen loot

He was an air force guy 

During the Viet Nam war

Flew a few times himself

So was the Zodiac Killer

By the way, the have ID'd him

Now as a Gary Post

Former Air force 

Current house painter

His family are old east coast money

The kind that can trace themselves

To royalty without being a king themselves

He and his siblings are all dead now

But I recall his mother who was also

A Robinson being influential

I remember this guy hanging around

The same places as my father and his friends

Killings in Oceanside and Ocean Beach

It was usually couples he got close 

Maybe he had a morality clause 

But there were other hap hazard things

A rifle being used on a couple walking 

As if he was a sniper 

Taking out the enemy

Or another military guy 

Found face down on the picnic blanket

With multiple stab wounds in his back

That only a skilled military personal

Could have administered.

Maybe California was dealing 

With a rogue special arms guy

Who went undetected for some reason

Or at the time he could not be brought in for questioning

Due to the influence of the military

California is the sunny state 

Of movie stars

As well as heavily in military bases.

It was the Zodiac stories and letters

Avery brought forward in his quest 

For a Pulitzer that caught the interest

Of the public. 

He had a multi newspaper career

Before landing in San Francisco 

From Hawaii with a college degree

He should have had some knowledge

Of the military from his life in Hawaii

But he missed all the clues

And went for the Berkeley university 

Nut house personality

Wonder who wrote those letters

A guy pretending to be someone else

Or a guy pretending to receive them?

Ruffalo portrayed the wrong suspect

In the most recent movie on the subject

Thsi guy fit the nut bill

As did Jimmy by the way

He kept popping up everywhere we went

And the authorities were not happy

They even suggested he could be a serial killer

He was a little young for those killings

But they wanted us out of the way

All through the sixties

There were killings of this guy

And then 1970 was the end.

Did he run out of victims? 

On his hit list

Or drugs from his days in the air force?

My father had a sibling surface

He was raised by his  uncle

Because his mother had died 

When he was born 

But after she was exposed 

To the laboratory where her husband worked

On the Manhattan project

She had a prior marriage.

And son that disappeared.

This guy shows up in his high school

And is his exact double!

Albert was his name

He did the usual things.

Ended up in San Francisco with a wife

And a job but then was shot dead

In 1970.

Meanwhile the house painter

Traveled the same circuit 

As others and painted homes

Maybe even the Pelosoi's?

He was good at getting into peoples 

Homes or hearts 

Without them noticing he was a killer

His DNA matched on one of the stamps

Wonder of wonders.

Mr. Nice Guy 

Who is always around

Never causing trouble.

Now about Zelensky

Are we really going to allow him

To send his planes to Moscow?

This is more than enough.

Someone needs to stop this war.

A twin is in jail over there

His brother says there is nothing he can do.

My sister died when we were little

She was always getting into trouble.

Which is why I sat as a teenager?

Frustrated at all the things going wrong

I had to get her out of things

Only to have myself in a perplexing situation

Kept getting drugged or prevented.

From proper medical care

Making me appear to not know

What I was doing but I did pass 

Those old tests proving I was sane

Just not able to keep others from taking advantage

Of my mother's dementia and developing brain cancer

What a different world if she had been sane?

Wonder if there. would have been a difference.

If Kathy had been executed for her multiple attempts

At murder?

I always wanted her to be arrested 

In Red Sqaure as a terrorist

As that is what she was really

An insane individual who wanted. 

Her way so much, she was willing to kill for it.

About Zelensky, is he really running the country.

Or is it running him?

No one knows when their end is coming.

But is ridiculous to consider.

That Russia is going to go down.

Europe is already getting the drift

Of his war as his munitions 

Go up in flames.

Maybe a fire extinguisher 

Would be a better present. 

For him.

Oh, Holy Yahweh!


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