Sunday, May 7, 2023

I want to get away


Princess George and I 

Are getting acquainted

She has stopped yelling for her mama

But is now exploring how much my skin

Can be bitten and scratched

Named after the new King 

Charles Philip George

She is a pretty Russian blue girl

With beige eyes and very sharp talons

We will be going in for a beauty treatment

Clipping her down to proper size

But what else is one to do 

The Day after the Coronation

It has been seventy years

Since the last one and no one knows

What to do if not invited to the damn thing.

We, my new kitten and I are in smaller quarters

I had to run out yesterday for a larger box

Then the one provided as her energy

Is quite extraordinary in her burying habits

A turkey roaster was found 

It takes up space but less clean up

My how mighty those little paws are

When not wanting me to know what 

She has left behind in there 

Alas, I can smell and hear

We decided to review

The contents of my suitcases

Four in all but not enough space

There were some things I had forgotten

And some things I regret not buying

Too  much to do and not enough time 

I need another place as my neighbors

Are driving me crazy

I brought out the mice 

Small catnip ones

They spent half the day

Being told what to do 

With sharp teeth !

My it has been awhile

Since I had one of these tiny ones

The last one did nothing but yell

Even after I rescued him from 

The rescue cat haven

He was taken in by police

As one more time those kids

Showed up while I was doing laundry

Cant even wash my clothes

Nor by new ones without the JW's

Squad showing up as they make the rules

That no one else lives by but they enforce

Anyways he went to a nice home

With a guy who  used to live down the street

Before they tore down a hundred year old house

All those grandparents so proud of their lives

All to go to these immigrants who just want

To build some god ugly thing to charge money

All they understand besides robbing

Is raping the environment

They will get friendly then take 

What they want only to sell it

Thats all they know is how

To destroy and then charge someone else.

Still waiting for the SWAT team 

To show up here inside

All these people know is to cause

Alarms to go off without reason

While I am dealing with the news

Of a myectomy in order to care

For my female needs 

My new one has had a bath 

And a herbal flee treatment

All she does is run to me 

So she can sit on my belly 

And scratch!

I want out of here

So bad it is hard not to think

About yelling all day long.

Where am I to go?

I have no way of getting back my families

Old places that have been cut down

Nor can I return to a drug infested

Location without back up

I am coming back guys

But with someone like Arnold

To sit there and smile with his sunglasses

I am not going to tolerate much more

I saw the prettiest thing gliding by

A two story paddle house

I am not sure what it was doing

In California but it was a sight to see

I also lived in New Orleans for a while

Those boats are a dream

Did I mention that Cinco de Mayo

Is when they walked in and shot the French guy?

Some fight they say they had 

Everyone dresses up and dances

But it is the Independence day

Where they did something 

Not in May where they put 

Up a smoke screen in order

To take over the place without

Any attempt just like

That crew in Ensenada

No bill of sale

Just a tall tale

Of lies and deceit

In order to charge innocent ones

Of their life savings

In some cases people

Used to come from far away

In order to see the ocean

We could not even replace

A heater or water thing

Without it being removed

They did not like our roses

Nor our telephones nor even the Wi-Fi

They want to charge them for everything

Then they want to be allowed to keep

Anything and everything of yours

But never give anything of their own

When will it end?

A boat on the water might be the answer

Pretty mansion I saw floating 

Could be made over into a private residence

The promise there will never be another Noah's flood

Just might be worth the cost

Of moving around all the time

Instead of staying put listening 

To the same old thing

I miss my families homes

And their things they bought for themselves

Greedy selfish Christians

Who want to control your life

Such as crazy Kate

 When are they going to lock her up?

Or does she see a doctor everyday

For her neurosis?


Everything went off without a hitch

Except for the rain.

That did get Charles a little upset

And then there was Kate

She just had to show up 

Does she ever eat?

How many more surgeries does she need?

Even Diana Rigg

Did not look that good at 40!

Poor Louie needs a nap

And George has trouble 

Swallowing his tongue

While Charlotte appears frightened

Of her mothers disapproval

She thinks she is getting away 

With a little bit of flirtation

And happiness but the frown 

Has come to a solid face

Of contrition

One day it will be revealed

That she had to endure

Endless spankings or something.

Bless Williams heart

Diana made the mistake of being

Everything to him and then died

He has no one to turn 

He made a big show for his pa

But what else is he to do

In the past, princes used

To be given a chance at a life

Before marrying a Jewish prostitute

Who just wants to screw everyone

He might make it to the throne

But it would be better if he did 

It as a widow or something

No one else to talk 

Is normal for those raised rich

They are only provided skills.

To get through life does not enjoy it.

I just want to get away 

From all these cruel people

But they have not stopped asking

Question they don't deserve answers

And then they are plotting to take my few

Items away from me again.

They carried me out of my own 

Places sometimes while encouraging. 

A man that I might be available.

All my stuff stacked outside

Then not allowed to have any of it.

Even my groceries were taken away

By Janet P just because I did not have

Milk in my nipples when I was six years old

And she was born to a girl down the street

She is too stupid to believe it was the 16

Year old girl with the same first name.

About names who was Mage?

Out of nowhere came number 8

Around the bend could be seen a jumble

Expecting a Japanese horse to clear 

The fields instead a Venezuelan

Trained and jockeyed one sprang

Forward into the Kentucky derby winners circle

Mage? Are you sure it is not Wage!

1.3 million dollars is the purse prize.

Hey, Candace tell your niece to keep.

Her hands off my purse!

It does not have that much money

But I need every cent of it.

Too stupid to know when to shut up.

Still devising ways to fleece me

As a proper Christian attends the flocks

All for them and none for anyone else

As Jimmy used to say and laugh

No one took him seriously.

But me of course

I am going to have your aunts house.

Searched top to bottom

And then any vacation homes

It happened to the Bidens 

Where Candace just wanted to stand

Out side their gate and offer her magazines

She forgets to tell them they are not free

She has needles to gain access to their inner thoughts

And then will be back when they are not at home

To take anything and everything of her hearts desire

I just want to get away from here and her!


Still alive the day after they began

To string up the French land owners

God save the King from expiring ....

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