Friday, May 5, 2023

The bluest eyes

It was just one of those nights
My neighbor was having a bad night
Turns out her six month old kitten had babies

In her bed while she was sleeping
She asked me for food money 
I gave her a twenty and she promised me a kitten

When she brought them out 
They had the bluest eyes
Which one do you want?

Either they were so adorable
One purred and went to sleep
The other one kept hopping on me

And yelling at me
Take me, Take me
She had one excuse after another

Finally I told her I would rescue her
Please hand over the little princess
It hates me and wont stop trying to get out

It also does not have blue eyes!
All the kittens look the same
But one of them does not have those eyes.

I was born with blue eyes
And then they changed 
I also had surgery on them 

Before I was three
Learned to read by sitting 
On my fathers lap

At three years from the after care.
Jimmy said it was not fair
He was 5 years older

And not related to me 
But it has been a  life long battle
He has to have me repeat everything

Until he is satisfied he has got it
just a matter of remembering
Which he does not do very well.

It was following me down the street
It swooped down on top of my head
I forget what was important that day

But i was on my way to speak 
to someone important
Jimmy had a drone

He was attacking me with it
As i was trying to get to the rigt door
By the time i got one block

He had me on the ground
I could hear them talking
Where  is she?

When will she be here?
I was that close as Candy
Shoved me into her trunk

Again I was visiting the old ranch
When it arrived the mini drone
Every time it sat there outside

Watching me while sending shivers
To the ladies who thought
They could get away with it again

Noy yet
But soon
I will go down

With the legal authorities
Or I will simply set the place on fire

It is my inheritance
Not theirs 
They never paid the taxes

Nor di they have a bill of sale
Just loud screaming
When they get told to get off

This time there will be no misunderstanding.
And Jesus Molina will be going 
To prison for his crimes

They Mexicans have been executing
Any who get in their way
This time they will pay for their

We want our place back
With no girls claiming

I am their mother
I will just feed them
To the sharks

No more Amy Anor Julia S
Gone with no evidence
Jimmy is gong to have 

To remember I don't like him
Get off my couch
Get out of my room

My baby princess  former mamma
Is going to have some explaining
About those blue eyes!

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