Saturday, May 20, 2023

Victorious Woman- Boudica Queen of the Iceni tribe


She crept on him quietly

And put the sword to his throat

He sighed deeply inside

He knew she would come no matter

What had happened on the field

She was a fine warrior

In fact, many wondered 

Where she had gotten the skills

She so marvelously displayed

The wife of Prastugus

King of the Iceni tribe.

I, Claudius of Rome 

Had made eleven kings surrender to him

In his invasion of the Celtic islands

Now called Great Britain

He may have installed a dummy king

On his death his will which he did have

Left half his kingdom to the Roman Emperor

The other half he left to his daughters

His wife does not appear to have received 

Any inheritance but was known her death

To be wealthy with gold emblems

And other items which adorned her burial

No on seems to know where she came

Only that she was respected 

And accepted as their queen

She lead them into battle 

Against the Romans. 

Once they had come for her daughters

They are said to have raped them

As children before they could bare a child

It is also noted that the King might

Have thought they would be married off 

To the sons or nephews of the Romans

Instead of defiled as worthless

Since their main value would have been

Marriage to someone who would then

Take control of the area.

As it was one of them did marry

The descendant of Nero of Rome,

Cymbeline who married. 

The daughter of Tiberius

Had a son who merged them together

As the King may have meant to occur.

But his wife was robbed and left with raped girls

She went to battle for them 

Enjoying the misery of the Romans.

Who had not known to take them 

Away from her nor use them in that fashion

That the King left them half of his kingdom.

Is of note as it is noteworthy to believe

His kingdom was worth that much

To the Romans .

But they wanted it all not half

Therefore he may have made a promise

And provided it through his daughters marriages.

Which were not originally accepted

What the Romans thought was going to happen

With this type of warfare is unknown.

But she made it through to their side

Killing ruthlessly everyone she could

She may not have wanted them to be removed,

To Rome itself nor was going to  have them

Go unrevenged. 

As for herself one only wonders

Did they also take her or leave her 

Childless and too old to reproduce,

She most likely was no more than thirty

As most married young enough 

Around 14 or so when she began

To show she was a woman.

Her training must have come from somewhere

Else as he seems to have been proud of her

She quickly took on the role of warrior.

As Queen she did not have to lead them

But she did making it clear who was in charge

Unlike many of the modern world leaders.

Who are too busy shaking hands

I Claudius, did conquer,

The Brits 

May not have been true

To have installed a king

To rule over the others. 

Was not unknown

Then to take credit for the area

To come under the control of one king.

Not eleven of them

She must have been quite striking

The woman warrior

Notice that her name is not known

It is not Boudica 

That is her title 

The Victorious woman

Which means that she did win 

Her battle against the Romans

They may have begun to bargain

For control of the areas.

Instead of moving everyone

Which they also did in order 

To subvert their natural 

Enemies into submission 

They might have also set up emissary's

To control the area for them.

This story of the fiery breathing 

Woman Queen who fought valiantly

But then was buried in a field 

For her followers to through silver coins 

Unlike Christ who was betrayed by Judas

For thirty pieces of silver 

And then buried in a paupers grave

After his suicide from his own horror.

It is known that she appears to have 

Recieved the respect of the Romans

But not allowed to remain in power

It is her death that reveals the truth.

While she had gotten far in her endeavors

The Romans were not going to allow

Her to be victorious.

They must have made a deal with her

As her own husband may also have done.

In order for at least one daughter to marry.

And remain as Queen in Britian 

She would appear to have conceded. 

To the Romans to allow her on heir

To rule in her stead.

She might have had to perform

A miracle with a mans head as evidence.

Of her own powers and a sign of her victory

She might have concealed her departure.

By dying in the public's eye

Having a massive funeral 

With all of her rich gold and jewels

On display while she lay there

Barely breathing to be coverd over

Perhaps by her own daughter

Then after they were drunk

In their misery of grief

Brought forth out of the shallow grave

To receive the hand of her youngest daughter.

And lead to the cliffs of the island

Where she was met with a ship 

Which would then carry her off 

To another world. 

Perhaps the one now called America

The man she had crept upon, 

Had already seen his comrades head

Put on display for all to see

There were many who were sent 

And then spread the word throughout the Celts.

Not only of the powerful woman 

But of her victories.

She would have had to allow them to know

What she was capable as well as prove it in the field

This man knew of her abilities

Not unlike Judith her followed her footsteps

She went for their heads.

How many of them she might 

Have collected, as there had previously 

Been eleven kings.

No one will ever know.

She is called the Victorious woman

And she demonstrated that night

She was capable and willing 

To take another head for her trophy wall.

As it was he was waiting with an agreement

Rome would send Centurions.

If she did not relent

They would burn and destroy

All that was left of their Celtic isles.

If she relented he would allow her to live

And set up her daughter as the new Queen

While personally escorting her 

And her other daughter to another land.

Where they would not be heard of again.

There are also stories in America.

Of strong women who were called Queens

Or warriors.

There was the great city of Cahokia.

Which was larger than Londinium.

And perhaps could have equaled. 

The old Roman city.

It would have been beautiful to her

But then sudden destruction came upon it

They say the Romans did not make it 

To the other side of the Atlantic.

But then there as no land they did not conquer

The left behind China and India.

Perhaps also with emissary's

But she had been promised a life

She must have had one 

Which is there in thier stories

If one looks for it in the correct place.

Her daughter would have been allowed

To also find a mate to make her an equal

As her father had left her in his will.

The great victorious woman

With no name nor origins

Made it through life at a new place

With her gold diadem

Upon her head.

While a man served her for sparing his life.

Some stories are never fully investigated

Her pictures images show her red haired

And full of fury as we wish to remember. 

Not as a crumpled old woman

The last Queens of England

Have been allowed to go to long.

It is not that we want them to die,

But to receive the rest and respect they deserve.

The Dead Queens Moore might have her body yet.

Returned to the burial after she did die.

And not worn out from falling victim 

To young men's dreams of making

Themselves Kings without conquering.

While the young crazy Kates have no place at all,

Having never done anything to provide them the right to rule.


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