Thursday, May 18, 2023

Knock Knock, Who is it?


Who is it?

Better be something important!

What the hell!

It is time, jimmy.

They are knocking at your door.

The Swat team have arrived,

The FBI and IRS 

Are out there as well, 

In fact everyone came 

It is your Birthday!

They thought they would pay 

You a surprise visit today!

Surprise, it is Saturday.

May 20th,

Except there is no birth certificate 

For you on file, 

Because it is not your birthday

But simply a number on your

Fake ID.

Guess what?

It was noticed!

You don't have a real identification card.

Nor does your wife Teresa Maria,

Nor her two sons

The Barron boys.

In fact, you entire life

Has been a lie.

And today when you turn

Not 63 but already 66

They have decided to come 

Knocking on your door!

How are you?

Is it a good day for you?

It would be nice if you

Were not hanging out

Between your open robe

But that is how you always had it

On your own fathers show,

Captain Kangaroo!

The little waterspout song

Finished with you showing 

How it rains down from you....

Your father was never amused

Made sure he was the longest lasting kids show.

Unlike poor Mr. Trump

Who is being faced 

With which door to go through

Like Martha Stewart before him

He is being accused of normalcy

At least for New York city

You know Jimmy

If you had pulled any of those 

Fantasy things you once did

You would be shot!

They don't take kindly to kids

Anymore, the more messed up

The more likely to put them down.

You always stayed at the Hilton.

While you pretended to be poor.

Then you would get caught

Shoplifting or something.

Have to sit in the big room 

Waiting for the guys with badges

To figure it out and

Then you would sell anyone

And everyone out

Including your own mother.

You killed her did you not?

She died of a massive heart failure.

You have been busy selling everything 

Else you can form the smallest 

Doll to the largest piece of furniture

Not charging a whole lot

But then you already made a killing

On all of those secrets of yours

Then there are those bank accounts 

You conveniently captured

Make sure not big mafia boss

Has them nor a small time 


Who would walk down  the street

In broad daylight with a gun?

Shot a grandma and her daughter

Both of whom are older than yourself.

If one did not know any better

One might think you were behind

Thes mass shootings, somehow

From the mental ward

That even you own father 

Though you deserved.

Well Trump is being faced 

With a choice of what door to choose

As if he is on a game show.

Should he go for the prison door?

Or the Oval office door,

Or just the one where he retires

To a nice island somewhere

There is no extradition to America

And all because he was smarter

Then you Jimmy.

You were never going to make it

In Hollywood nor Washington

Only you did not know that.

All those crazy ideas of how to get noticed

Kidnappings, High jackings

Plain robberies at the gas station

On the local museum

Not to mention all those 

Cigarette sales 

They are doing nowadays.

They claim they are getting them

From Mexico by the carton

And then selling them at half price

No Federal taxes nor state ones

Either are being paid.

It is still illegal

And requires jail time.

After all they got Capone 

On tax evasion 

And Martha on stock fraud

You are a fraud. 

From the day you were born 

In December of 1956

To the day you are going to die

And it will be before this next year

Will it not?

You were one of those in the 70s

Never growing to grow old

Not over 17 at all

Which is why you assumed 

A second identification

So you would not be an adult

And then you had to be of legal age

Then a married man

Even though as a teenager

You married so many times

They just stopped pronouncing.

Man And Wife.

Then a papa 

Even though you hate kids

Oh, Horrors you had to go to work

Did not last a month at a desk job

Not that you ever did work more than 

a month at anything.

Decided to collect some else disability

And old age and then their pensions

You have not stopped defrauding 

The American government

As a German born bastard

In those days

He us military thought

They owned the right to be stationed

There in their fare land

Of the Nazis and killers of the innocent

That little escapade

But a lot of women went to Berlin

To have their baby

Not born in America

Now they simply run down to Texas

As that is not America either

Farmington New Mexico 

Is the home town of Demi Moore

And you moved there a few years ago

For no reason at all

You are listed as having a second home.

Instead of the stolen one

In Chula Vista

4266 Del Sol ct 

Sounds grand the dream home

Of someone to finally get his kids

But in the end, he lost

His eyesight 

His job and career

His wife and daughter

As well as his kids

You took those away

And still harasses them

Aunt Suzie has been caught

Having lunch with them

Telling them what not to do

And then you were caught hiring

Her daughter Janet 

Who is so stupid she thinks

God performed a miracle

A small six year old child

Gave birth to her!

You keep explaining that at five

Your performed a miracle

And had sperm as well as

To sire a beautiful child

Whom you have molested 

Her entire life,

Not to be a victim

I am told is to get over it

And yet there you were today

Insisting on me not having 

Medical treatment for my diagnosed

Disease instead of yours

Diabetes, you think you are Indian

IF you are treated for this sugar sickness

It is not so and I am not going to be told

About my blood work

While yet one more wife of yours

Whitehorse is supposed to administer

To me your repercussions.

You got old Jimmy

You allowed yourself to be called


Now you are over the age

Of no return

You cant go back to your youth
Nor correct the wrongs 

Instead you keep on raiding and robbing

It is getting tiresome to see the family

Jewels on display at some junk shop

Instead of on Christies as they 

Were not improvised those

Immigrants who came from Saint Petersburg

And Copenhagen to Canada

And California seeking their inheritance.

Finding others who were also not sure

Of why their family homes were 

No longer theirs 

The sad stories of the West

Conquering sand and stone

To get here was on thing

But then to put down roots

To build homes and railways

All have been torn up by you

And your kind.

You do know that an earthquake

Is predicted for San Diego

All those towers of glass 

Are going to com crashing down.

There you are smartly

Just below the danger line

Unless that Tijuana river

You once played in comes crashing 

In on your area with a huge tsunami

Might happen yet you know.

But come Saturday 

By your own reckoning 

You will be old enough

To collect old age Social security

Even though you never worked

More than a day at anything

Nor a month at any job

But have been having a grand time

Waiting for your retirement

To some island in the sun?

Or some m mountain one can get 

Or are you still demanding? 

To be given the chair?

You already had the executioners chair

In Arizona which failed.

You did not survive 

But it failed to function.

The Oval office is occupied

No matter how much you 

Crucify Trump 

Nor make Biden sweat

And as for the coronation chair

Which Charles just was coronated upon

I am surprised you did not steal it!

Maybe that stone from Scotland

Can become a backyard trophy for you.

They are coming Jimmy

To knock on your door

It wont be crows seeking your soul

Or will it?

Happy Birthday

Bid boy now that he is over

Thirty and Sixty!

As for Trogneux's

What good does it do to beat

A chocolatier up over someone 

Else politics.

This shop has been there for six generations

Established after a woman gave birth

To a son whose father is unknown

Got a shop out of it but no birth certificate.

Some people do know how to get the job done.

Well, Mrs. Macron has a long history

But a short surname, wonder if she is a Bourbon!

One never does know when a parent is not listed

Unlike you Jimmy

We all know who you daddy was,

Captain Kangaroo who was once a clown...

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