Saturday, May 13, 2023

Dear Grandpa Jack,


When you rise in the dawn
After Armageddon
Or in the near future

As so many of our religions promised
A place and time when god will make things right
The resurrection is the anticipated outcome 

Of mans inability 
To do anything right
Or allow others to live a life

If I am not there to greet you
I make you my executor 
Of my last will 

As a lawyer you are qualified
And you will know more than others
What befell us in those days

Leading up to the great day of 
Jehovah's wrath and wage.
Do not bother looking for Jimmy

In the end he went to far
They all ganged up and got him
He will not be found nor remembered

Except fo the crimes he committed
He made all those agreements
And promise's 

Which he refused to keep
He went around robbing everyone
He tore down their warehouses

And homes destroying 
The community and the dreams
Of all the others who just wanted

Us out of the way 
So they could enjoy 
Our wealth.

He sent out al their goods
To the charity boutiques
The ones he did not sell on Ebay

He left nothing for anyone else
To enjoy nor look forward
Nor even give to their own grandchildren

We are all old know
That we have survived the worlds Pandemic
But there is no place for us to go

He has taken over all of the homes
Even of those who thought
They were out of his control

He made it clear he was not going 
To give in because he did not get to have
His way with me in the end.

He says in the future when
He was going to be whole
He is going to rape me

And then kill me
And then he will give them 
Thier stuff but he lied

It is all gone.
Nothing left for them to collect.
He took it all

Not leaving half for any of them.
So they found a way together
Imagine destroying everyone else drams

And thinking he was going to get away with it.
Hopefully you will find your wife waiting for you
As she always did do in those early days.

And perhaps when they find a cure
For brain cancer 
Your only daughter as well.

My father will not be so lucky
He has had too many girls claim 
To be his one and only

And there is my sister waiting 
for him to love  her again.
I will be coming along as well.

If they managed to get me 
When I was promised no harm
Would come to me 

The wickedness of those people
Who claimed a religion 
But only wanted to be teh ones left over

So they could be the world dictators
Have all meet their maker
If a few should surface

Make sure you understtand
They are only there to get what 
Is left over from all of their robberies.

You must find a way 
Of making it right
As I had it all sewn up 

To make sure no one got anything
Until I was given permission 
To distribute to those who were

The ones who owned the belonings
While the old ranch
Was put back to proper shape

That old witch never did give up
Lying about her possession
I'm afraid I might have killed 

Her myself in the end
Just to get her to stop yelling 
IN my face about her stuff.

Anyways you should be happy
To know where to go and
What to look for 

As the happy jimmy 
Left a wide trail to follow.
Even his own family 

Could not stop him.
He killed his real mother Camille
Having taken all of her money

Then gave away her precious 
Long fur coat 
It ended up a floor throw 

Or something after that fiasco
Her jewelry did not even  make it
To the pawn shop

I found the one pair
She was wearing  in her photo
With his father after they thought 

It safe to be together
My father was an elected mayor
And had oppurtunities

Of becoming a Senator 
Or something
Instead when he turned 18

In 1975 ,
He made sure his mothers husband
Got elected Mayor of DC

He sent his mothers daughter
To university for himself
She became a professor of African studies

Wrote several books
Published don on Josephine Baker
Which discussed her as a spy 

During the war in Europe
Did you or Hazel come across her 
In those days?

Anyways she made her out as a hero
Instead of a prostitute
As Jimmy makes all of his women

He has such small Muslim views
OF women in general.
Even Candace caught 

The fever once he burned down her house
She has all those dreams of being royal
And never does get invited 

Once Charles becomes King
Even missed the Coronation.
The Washingtons in DC

Became powerful 
And they were affluent
Jimmy was anever broke nor poor

Or he would have known 
Not to take the last possessions 
of others out of where they were stored

Poor Jules has no idea
How much hatred everyone 
Has for this boy 

Who should not have been born
Even his father was exasperated
And died suddenly as well.

The end of Captain Kangaroo!
What wonders will never cease.
A celeibrities  kid

And a rich mother 
Involved in politics
He could have had it all

If he had done right
Instead he hired Candace
To annoy us and threaten us about 

Religion when she is not religious
But straight from the devil
If I should be forgotten by god

In the end as the world seems 
To have forgotten who they are
You are to make sure there is no more

OF Candace nor her sisters
Nor her nieces and nephews.
Pure wickedness is all they were.

You might be able to enjoy aomethings
As I went after those tearing down 
And destroying everything

Just to have an earthquake
Come along and bring down 
Thier glass towers!

The world sees a powerful man
Such as Walter
But forgets his daughter

Who has done much for her own
While my father had so many kids
He could not juggle work 

And your daughter 
Going into labor one more time.
Bless all of you who are there 

To read this as it is for your eyes only.
Not Jimmy nor Candy.
The Washingtons have been forgotten

The Obamas replaced them in the hearts
But they were not able to curb him either
Until the day they came home

To find their garage had been robbed
As well, he left a note
In the middle of the empty house

Which said nothing at all.
Just like him, nothing.
Be well and recall I fought to the end.

I might still be alive
Just not able to get to you 
But the law will be established

There will be no anarchy
Look around and be wise
For we all want you to be our hero!

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