Monday, May 15, 2023

Dear Governor Gavin,


There was a time when California.

Was not Spanish speaking.

In fact originally it was French

And other languages

Making it one of the true explorers


Most of the early explorers 

Did not make it to the Pacific.

They usually gave up around the Louisiana

The Conquistadors did not even bother.

With this northern tip of the land

They were interested in the middle area 

Where the rich pyramids and people

Were located and not no man's land

The West coast had a lot of history.

Many stories of lost ships

And arrival by the Asians

There is a Japanese Queen 

Found on the Catalina islands

While other enclaves of different

Communities were not unknown

In fact there was a map 

Of old Russia which included

Alaska and the entire California coast

When did we become the unwanted?

All these people who are migrants

And then those Ukrainians 

Ran straight for our border

We even have those from the Middle east

Who arrive at the border and don't know 

They are not in New York or something.

What to do with all of these strangers?

Spain was not the original owners 

Anad the Republic of California 

Included Baja as well as Alto.

In fact there were a few uprisings.

Included by a Walker from the Civil war

Who took custody of Baja

There might even be a map

Where the Republic of Texas 

Includes a swath of land

All the way to the coast

Why do wee not include

Our southern land as part of our culture?

There was a time when it was not Spanish

But multilingual

Tijuana - Aunt janes ranch

Ha! that is not what it was called

It was the end of the line for those

Traveling by road instead of boat

They could not navigate the mountains.

Between the city of angels

And beautiful bay of San Deigo

In fact, Spain did not even claim

This section until the outlaws

Began to build missions

The Franciscans got in trouble

They were outsed from Mexico city

Nor were they allowed to go back to Spain

The reverse occurred they went north

The French guy Napoleon sold

To Jefferson the entire French land

Excluding Canada which still is unsure

Where they are except this guy in Toronto

Says they are part of England

They dont know how to tell him

They are not but like Ireland, ...

Anyways it was assumed the purchase

OFffifteen million dollars

Went from Louisiana in the south

North to the border of Canada 

And all points West

Lewis and Clark

traveled to Saint Louis 

And then westward

Following streams and Sacajawea

Who was a captured slave girl

She just wanted to go home

She lead them to her people 

Skirting those crazy Russians

And forgetting the south 

Where those others tribes 

Were not as friendly to her people

While one of them went back home

With her son in order to give him a proper

Princes education and he did make it to Europe

Her daughter and her disappeared 

It is possible the French canada family

Took at least one of them home

As their black sheep kept on going

Marrying many women until he finelay

Had to acknowledge his own line

They had many good people come out of them

Including Alec Tribet the gameshow host

But we are talking about Yosemite

And the other one who got lost

On his walk through the rest 

Of the territory which was not explored

That is becasue there were already

Those who came by boat

It is still an issue 

How many of the early 

Settlers and homesteaders

Were given the impression 

That they were the owners of the land

But some guy named Pancho Villa

Rose up and claimed all of the land

His and not his non amigos

I have a solution for the current border

Situation, we don't we just annex

The rest of our land as it is attached.

But not to the mainland Mexico

Pleases ask President Biden

To annex Baja as part of Alto 

As it  has always been in reality

Half of California believe they own 

The right to speak spanish

Instead of english or french

Lets just take back what is ours

Your family are also like mine

Early Californian's and I imagine

You have in your possession

Papers or maps of your families

Arrival in the West which

Indicated that you were part 

Of a larger section 

Which included Baja 

As my family had paperwork

In French and Russian 

But not Spanish

We had to go to Court in Mexico city

Only to have this Ferrel Sandoval 

Couple demand finders' keepers

Do all Mexican men believe 

They own anything the put their foot on?

There are a number of others

In Washington DC who also 

Were under the impression 

That thier families also owned

The right to the property provided

In the past, but later taken over 

By Mexico after they lost to the America

Somehow by winning  the battle of the 

Mexican American war

America ceded a huge section to Mexico

Really the border was never part of Spain

It has always been up to those who live 

In the area and is now called a border

Why dont we move the border south

Then many will have to go to Texas

Or learn English and pay taxes 

To the internal revenue service

There are many Germans who think

That taxes are not required.

They just walk in and take over places

Owned by Americans

And they don't plan to give them back.

Even in the next world or new system

It is theres to keep no matter who takes over

Lets annex our own land to the south

Making it impossible to have a border problem

As it will no longer be there for them to cross

And all those old land grants can be acknowledged

There used to be a train all the way to Cabo San Lucas

Which should be an English speaking city

As only migrants or Mexican mafia

Speak Spanish!

After all Zelensky

Has done this with his neighbors

He not only wont acknowledge

That the Dontesk people are differnt

They are actually Welsh immigrants

From before the Soviet system

When both Ireland and Wales

We're not getting anything from the British King

Only to be swallowed into the Soviets 

As so many of the satellite nations 

Between Berlin and Moscow were 

Now asked to speak Russian

Having been forced to see their 

Western or far East land 

Disappear to all those wagon trains.

Zelensky has even claimed to annex

The Crimea and the port of Sebastopol

He has gotten away with it

Why dont we just tell them to go back

To Mexico or Texas 

That all of Baja now has to

Speak English as they are Calfornians

Both north and south

That little finger wants to belong

To its owner not someone else

Please consider California 

In its full state capacity

And no longer Mexico territory

Hey Joe!

We have a proposition for you

We want to be a whole state again.

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Three times loser

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