Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Just another gate crasher...


A 19 year old man

Not old enough to drink alcohol

Barely old enough to vote

Got on a plane without problems

To fly to Washington DC

Only to rent a U-Haul truck

He then drove it to the White House

And began to ram the barrier with it.

There is a better way to get a tour

Of the White House

Just across the street is the National Park

Office where one used to sign up 

Then those people came to town

The line was around the corner

And it is a big corner

All those Africans wanted to see

Where the Man was living 

With his wife and two daughters

They also all had letters in the pocket

They had to be verified before they could

Stand in line for the tour.

Then all those toilets had to be replaced.

Not saying anything about the ethnic issue

But the days of arriving to sign up for a tour

On the same day are long gone.

But the ones they let in with background checks

Still were not able to cause an issue

With the missus

Still had to redecorate afterwards

Mame Eisenhower sewed her own curtains

Which she hung in the family section

But now everything is taken care of

We are not going to pay our bills 

This year nor next

Overspending due to the Coronavirus 

And then that other unmentionable thing

Could not resist showing up at the G-7

In Japan for another handout

What is he going to do if he should win?

Take over the entire country of Russia?

Well, this guy did not sign up for the tour

Nor did he get a background check

He rented an aluminum sided truck

To drive himself to the Whitehouse

He apparently was going to move 

The Bidens out of the house

Allowing them to take their belongings 

With them which is more than Jimmy has done

He has been throwing things away at Goodwill

Selling them on Ebay 

And tearing houses down 

Just so I wont have anything at all

To go home to if they ever kill him.

This guy was evicting the President 

It seems because he decided it was his time

Hate to tell him,

But one has to be at least 35 years old

To run for election

But as most young people

He had no clue what the constitution

Says about anything 

If he has even heard of it.

Most schools teachers have been told

Not to argue with the students

They might pick up a gun

And shot them and the others

So the education is worse 

Than before and the emotional age

Is not even equivalent

What did he think?

He was going to knock on the door

Or just let himself in?

Did he assume they don't lock their doors?

As there is always someone present?

What were the security supposed to do

Without even a letterhead document

In hand?

Lay down on the job?

Anyways his barrier bashing

Resulted in little results

Arrested for damage to the fence line

And no attempt on the President

How many time did Jimmy

Walk in and sit down at the supper table?

Decide to live inside the walls

Stealing food from the kitchen

Or just begin to introduce himself

As the owner of the piece of real estate?

Does no one else recall when Jimmy

Did this or that 

That he keeps on being allowed to sit down

Or shake hands or something else

Is everyone as beyond shock

As I am and wondering

When will it end?

By the way,

Mr. Biden 

I would not lock up my stuff 

In a storage center

Jimmy just allows himself 

To walk in and remove 

All of the contents of those places

As well as bank vaults drawers

He does not understand

That he has to be the owner 

Of the contents of those drawers

All those bank robberies 

He attempted to accomplish

He now just lets himself 

Own them without pulling out a gun

And the staff prefers his new way

They simply hand over anything 

He asks for without asking 

Anything at all of him nor the authorities

I would not surrender my keys

To your desk nor your closet

He enjoys wearing other peoples

Clothes as well as removing

The furniture from a house

Not occupied 

Like your weekend retreat

Or retirement home

Or even those little hunting cabins

It was his birthday Saturday

Last year a bunch of girls

Got to go out to lunch with him

They all wanted me to see them

Dressed up from their tea

Without knowing that he wont be back

He never goes back for a girl

After giving her a reward

A single meal

After a decade of deceit 

Is his payment 

While the girls get angry 

This year I was avoiding him

Only to have a bus strike

Force me into a route

I would not have taken

And there on the trolley 

Was a young man who resembled him

Looking as a homeless man

He always had bank accounts

And never was allowed to be broke 

By his real parents

But he would pull that stunt

For people to get angry 

At my parents for not taking care of him

When they had court orders

They would go to prison 

If they interfered in someone else child

As it was he got his way

Caused my parents to divorce

And then set about having them in trouble

If it was  not one thing it was another.

All because he wanted to be President

Of what?

His dream world includes

Him just being allowed to have his way

Without caring about what happens to anyone

Once upon a time 

There was a man considered so bad

He was called Franco

He took over Spain for himself

Kicked the King out of his land

Then abducted the grandson

Who had to be raised under threat

Communism and exile

He went along with everything

But married himself a Princess

From Greece

Which almost got him killed

He lived poorly 

Having to request a larger place

For his pregnant wife

Then her father and brother

Were put into exile

She had no place to go home.

Even now her brother 

The last King of Greece

Was buried in a commoners

Funeral with no sign from teh government

Meanwhile, they visited California

Just in case they neede to run away

From his ever increasing domination

Then one day he suddenly died

The Prince of Spain had been promised 

A young girl was given the microphone

As no one else wanted to be the announcer

Franco is dead!

The Prince has become King

Carlos of Spain

And his family no longer had to worry

About being killed and murdered

By thier own guards.

They had done it right 

And now they could go home

A young boy named Philip

Became a Prince that day

While all the others he played with

Were no longer friendly towards him

He is now the King of Spain

With another prostitute by his side

Jimmy decided if he could not force

Them to make him the Prince

He would make the decision 

Whom the Princes married

Not one single marriage 

Has not been arranged by Jimmy

Including Mehgan and Harry

He is not going to stop

I have no place to call home

Because he wont stop threatening

Everyone who has allowed him

To walk in and sit down.

The girls are not satisfied 

With the White house nor 

Buckingham Palace

They want whet  he promises

Which he prommisise to all of them

In thier herion addiction

They cant see him for what he really is

A barrier basher

Who has no plans for them

After he gets them to betray their parents.

Watch out!

It is your own kids

He has trained like stupid dogs to do his dead's.

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