Thursday, May 18, 2023

Dear Mr. Truman


It appears there is no comparison

Between the Hiroshima bomb above

And the bombing of Dresden below

They were both part of war

Dresden endured over four years

Of constant planes dropping bombs

Upon the citizens of the German city

While only one bomb was dropped over Japan

What were they supposed to do after 

Germany collapsed 

And Italy was no more a threat?

Spend another decade attempting 

To find a way to convince the invincible?

No one want to apologize.

But I do want to say I am sorry.

I know you were not the original

Of the concept of the bomb

Only provided the details after the death

Of Roosevelt who had spent

Half a decade chained to the desk

In the Oval office 

It was developed in a laboratory 

In East Tennessee

And then experimented with in Arizona

Those two places kept their mouths

Shut but not their hearts

It was the culmination of the science

Available having conquered

The Math but not the results

Environmentally of the results

What to do with this thing?

Most would not have had it developed

Nor dropped at all.

I am sorry Japan for your loss

It was not designed for your small island

But for a much larger target

Berlin Germany

They spent so much time 

Killing everything they could 

In order to have world domination

And without any means of supporting 

Themselves except by stealing from 

Thier betters even though a different religion

As it should have been 

Berlin should have been lost 

As well as all of those who helped

Turn in the Jewish population

As well as others who were

Not going to stop with the European

Empire but were planning 

To even take their own Axis

Powers of Japan as they 

Also sought China 

In thier ideas of world control

After all they went up against

Moscow and thought they could

Have the entire continent

They would not have stopped

Going against Japan

Just because they supported them

They wanted it all 

And thought they could get away with it

After all there would be no one to tell

After it was done and over

Instead they had too many rats

Internally and got caught up 

In the overall development

Of countries not accustomed 

To have themselves made into slaves

Your country was never meant

To be the target at all.

They were ready to go forward

With their little bomb

When two things happened

One they won at D day 

On the beaches of Normandy

And they had a bomb to drop

And no place to drop it.

If you had only known 

Your men would have given themselves

Willingly in order to stop this from occuring

Would they have not?

They would have laid down tier arms 

IF they had known of what one city

Would endure?

Or they would have gone and laid down 

Themselves on teh ground to protect

They inhabitants of the city

If they had known what was going to happen

No, no one really knows

What is the turn of a war

Of the moment of indecision 

That causes an entire country

To lose their way

But your country was just convenient

To get rid of something they had 

Taken a decade to develop

Stealing at times

Scientists from Europe

In order to be teh only ones

To have it and then not want it

They wanted to get rid of it

Just as Jimmy has been getting

Rid of everything he can

Of someone else property

He only wants them not to be remembered.

Nor spoken of comfortably

Instead he wants them to be hated

Not to be remembered at all

He believes if he can erase.

Thier memories

Their lives then he can have

What he wants

World domination.

They say that Dresden residents

Did to themselves in order 

To gain sympathy for themselves

Kind of like all the tomfools

Going on in Ukraine 

Instead of being a grand old

Community that finally got 

Thier freedom from the Soviets

Who had stolen the country 

From the only people 

To make it work as a country

Then they turned themselves

Into a TikTok celebrities

How many of those early 

Scenes were staged?

It is a sad thing to tell 

You Mr. President

But you might have done them a favor

Everyone wants to go Japan

And almost wants to hurt them

It is sad those who died 

But sadder those who were saved

And dont know they were in the way

Of the relentless operation of peace.

I will say I am sorry 

As a granddaughter of one who 

Worked on teh Manhatten project

Only to reject it at its end

He ran off to join the army 

In the final six months

Fighting in North Africa

Finally getting his freedom

From his own studies 

He had lost his wife 

And son in the early days

Never to recover the newness 

Of making something for peace.

But for destruction 

Just as Kiev is no more 


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