Wednesday, May 3, 2023

May day, may day...


In the old days, 

They would have burnt down Moscow

As it was built of wood not stone

As they prepare for their May Day

Celebrations which include a great amount of people

Watching their military might

Drones were sent over the Kremlin itself.

In America we have huge balloons

Drifting by as if they are clouds.

They have not gotten to fly

Over the White House

Which has been burnt down 

A by the British as it is made of wood.

In other areas of Europe 

May day means ancient traditions

Emerging with pagan origins

And children running around 

With flowers in their hair

While the adults sit back 

And enjoy themselves and freedom

Even during the Soviet system 

The community would come together. 

For a dance and a drink or two

In Mexico they are getting ready

To celebrate Cinco de Mayo

The day the Mexicans claim to have 

Defeated the French at the village of Puebla

Meanwhile the only known royal residence

Of Chapultepec Forest which included a castle

Was overtaken and they executed Emperor Maximilian.

They nearest relative of Bonaparte Napoleon

While the French President sold to President Jefferson

The Louisiana Purchase

The land from the Mississippi river

To the West coast 

Which left those in California 

Who were not Spanish speaking?

Up in arms as to what to do.

First they were independent

Then under the umbrella of the French

Then they got sold out

Even though Lewis and Clark

Did not come into Baja or Alto

California which would later 

Rebel under Spanish and Mexico rule

The land grants were French

Which replaced the earlier ones

From various countries who had landed 

On a foreign continent without

A visible nation including Russia

The Frenchie's were under threat

Neuville Franc 

Is one name Ensenda once had posted

But on the eve of the fifth

They came out to the area 

And strung up any landowner

Who claimed to be from France

They would later be executed themselves

In 1862 it was questionable who was the authority

While later several waves of individuals 

Claimed the area for themselves 

Including a Civil War hero 

Named Walker who did make a stand

Before he had to go into exile 

As well because the locals

Are not really Mexicans but rogues

A collection of thieves and robbers

And rapists as well as murders

Have continuously showed up claiming

Something of no value except 

Its location to the water 

Including the most recent Molina

Who is working with the Sandoval's

To rip out everything they can from

The old community similar

To what Zorro would have lived

And fought against.

There is nothing but drug dealers

And human traffickers 

In the old sanctuary due to people

Such as Teresa Rojas 

And her son Juan Barron 

Just because she claims to be married 

James Wheat who is really Robert Keshan.

Nothing but trouble 

In their efforts to destroy America

Even now they are getting ready 

To surge the border without papers.

If one did not know better

We would think Jimmy was behind

The Drones and the Ballons

No one is claiming them

Therefore, they must be the third party

Interferers who just want two parties 

To kill each other in order 

To have the void filled by themselves

Did I mention I was attacked by a shark

While walking on the beach?

They have killed so many people

Out there that are not only are the souls

Rising from the dead 

Preventing people from getting back to town

Or walking through the old house 

Which was moved or torn down

On his last night  before a mob 

Of criminals arrive after hearing

About the so called defeat of Pueblo

Which might have been staged

Or just misreported once they 

Had the keys to the munitions 

A new bred of shark 

Has been reported by the authorities

A small dolphin size with a shark fin

That is what I recall spotting

And wondering why my stick 

Had been attacked while crossing 

A small spot near the rocks

Which suddenly had a wave surge

Up to my hips instead of my ankles

And a nudge and pull

What the hell?

I had to climb over the rocks 

In order to get back to the old horses stables

Which were made over to living quarters

My family did inherit and arrive before 1900

To find marks on my wooden stick

And my ankle had a deep cut

It would be later I would talk

To the official government 

Authorities which dealt 

With all things marina 

As a cruise ship port

They were interested that there were

Half a dozen drunk men 

Who went down in two or three feeet 

Of water and drowning 

Despite the family sitting 

On the beach watching them

Over a three week span

I was the only who thought 

It odd!

Their wives cried and 

Probably sued the property

But what if they small shark

Was waiting and grabbing anything

It could including unstable men 

Hey Jimmy, this would be a good weekend

To visit the place you were not born

But stoled by making a woman suffer

 A complete mental breakdown

All she had was athis one place

So far out no one else wanted it.

Make sure you stand in the water

Up to your hips while drinking a beer

Or sleep in the old rooms were you

Were so envious you could not stop

Staying at Hiltons while waiting

Your turn to turn in a family

Who are not communists nor criminals.

There is a cemetery out there 

Were the church once stood

Before it was stolen as well

Saint Cecilias is now a theater

I would not be surprised 

That this is not the first attempt

On this man you married 

Your own wife to a life of hell

Six husbands that I  know

Ludmilla has had including you

And Gary Calvi a jackass

Who had sex with his own brothers wife

In front of a busload of witnesses

Sleep well on the fifth of may

At your stolen property

But don't go to the Coronation

Because you might not come back

Happy May Day everyone!

Assassinate Putin, Really mother 

Can he think of any better way 

Of starting Armageddon?

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Three times loser

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