Sunday, May 14, 2023

She is coming to us,


The newest commissioned Destroyer

USS Lenah Higbee 

Is coming to San Deigo

Not a warship 

Nor a flight deck 

But the one with the really big guns

After the demise of Richard 

Which caught on fire 

While in dock and just a few yards

From downtown San Diego

They are getting a brand new 

Upgrade with the latest's technology

And huge gun power

No need for Tome Cruise to land on this one

She can take care of herself.

Newly commissioned on the East side 

She is traveling to the West.

To set up shop where she is needed.

Those pesky Asians might attempt

To creep across the Pacific again

But really she is at a good place

To disappear into the night

And pop up anywhere she is needed

Included off Europe 

Her guns can out do most 

Of the older ones 

And she is named after a woman!

Lets hope she does not get 

Court martialed for something

Stupid such as associating with the wrong type

And did I mention 

I walked past another dead body

Last week while I was trying to get

To the Marina where the ferry

Is located I walkead past a man

Laying on the ground near the train station

He had two bicycle cops standing over him

They waited till I got past

But I looked back anyways

They lifted his hand in the air

And his head fell back on to the ground

Just fell asleep on the sidewalk

And never awoke again

There have been so many of them

Not all of them from the Pandemic

But it is a life and death matter

To be forced outside 

Where the elements are never nice 

How are the new arrivals

Going to fare?

I hear they have new accommodations

As the old ones are already full to capacity

They even shut down the Golden Hall

Temporary cot shelter

There are so many people 

Coming from outside and to a place

That does not have enough resources

It looks pretty but it is not the same

Place as my youth 

When there were real neighborhoods

Not fly over cul de sacs

With no grocery stores

Nor libraries or police stations

Every neighborhood had its own group

Who knew the community and policed it

Even the librarians knew if you were at the wrong

Place as your family were looking

For you at another one

They have been shut down as well.

Where are they going to go 

And how are they going to get out of here?

I understand a group of them 

Were bussed to the airport

I cant even go to the airport

Without reason

Everyone is suspicious, nowadays

What are they going to do out there?

Set up tents on the runways?

The Mayor was supposed to speak

At the local POW WOW

As an Alaskan and other descendant

He at least has a connection

I was too ill to attend again

I used to be part of the community

But they don't want real Indians

Anymore, they prefer them blond and blue eyes

Such as Suzanna and Jimmy or Candance

They need us old timers

But want to look good for the public

They dont even wear authentic customs

But those silly things one can by at the dollar store

Where have all the Indians gone?

I was told to go back to England

On the boat I arrived on by an African

The Africans forget how they arrived

Only that they are here to stay

And they don't want us to get in their way.

They are the real Americans.

We can just get lost.

I stood in shock for a moment

And then slowly told the female

That my people had not come by boat

She was angry at me for talking back

How did we get here then by plane?

No dear, we were already here 

When the British arrived

And the Germans 

Who brought their friends with them.

I am not racist nor discriminatory

But I do hate the german mind set

Of assuming they are superior

Even though they have lost almost every war

They have engaged in 

Including hte ones with Africa

They thought they would take it over

Anda run it as a business

Instead they got into too much trouble

Had to have help to get out

The Natives were restless

And preferred things they way they were

Instead they deported the groups

They did not like to America

Where the German or ultra white

Landowners made preemptive strikes

On them through rape and torture

They were wrong of course

And the rest of us have been 

Paying the cost of the new arrivals

We are not needed nor wanted

Even by our own people

I am still waiting for the clinic

To acknowledge me as a patient

Instead of a mentally ill man

Who cant figure out he is neither

A doctor nor priest

Jimmy is going to get 

Into over his head

And then that will be his end.

This is what I have always been told.

I am still waiting but no holding my breath.

Those christians who want thier way

No government or authorities

Have to explain where all the dead bodies

Are going to be taken care of

Because they cant remain on the street

Nor buried in the back yards.

They just want to have their way

But never think of how to get it done

Causing so much trouble and over what

Nothing but stupidity

Such as taking someone else medicine

And then explaining they are insane

Lisa never will be forgiven 

And her family the Gordons

Have been warned off 

But they don't want to listen.

100-year anniversary at Liberty Station

Which was taken over for the military barracks

After it was also a deposit zone

For those who arrived by wagon train 

Only to have no place to go

They could not go home 

For the most part

There were a lot of murders along

The way from Saint Louis

The starting point of many of them.

No where to go and no way back.

The met the Pacific ocean

And can go no further.

But to hell, as so many of them

Are going to die anyways.

Those shoulder rubbers 

Dont understand it is not a race

Between themselves and somone else

But a race against time and the devil.

Where in the end only a third will survive.

Bless the new lady arrival

Into a port of Navy men.

Where  my relatives have already been

I had one grandpa spend two wars

Fighting in the Pacific 

But another ones grandfather

Arrive for the Civil war

Not a slave state

The Union deployed 

Men to protect the state

During the uprising on the east.

My great -great grandfather

Learned about canons on the bluffs 

Here in San Diego 

But finished his time

As the Post Master of the Presidio

In San Francisco

A lifer, retiring in 1900!

Others had arrived even before 

The Gold rush of 1849

Only to be told they were also 

Unwanted and unneeded.

First arrivals are not the best 

To be descendants 

As most of Natives will tell 

If asked politely 

I say to the white folk

Time to push off 

Why don't you paddle back wards

And leave us alone now that 

We have to share with the Africans

Who don't realize what continent

They are on because it looks

The same as on the news...

Even the Queen of England

Arrived by boat back in 1980's.

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Three times loser

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