Thursday, May 11, 2023

Is it really over?


Is it safe to come out?
Has it really gone away?
Maybe we should hide a little longer.

The day has come when it has been declared
No more emergency.
The Coronavirus we had not heard about

Is now considered done
But not actually over
It is just no longer an emergency situation.

Who remembers the day we were told
We had to stay at home and not go to work?
That we were just to sit there in our house?

I recall being quareentined because 
Of my asthma and testing negative.
They did it again and again.

Four quarentines and only two positives.
This after I was vaccinnated
And moved into the this place

Which is now called Hotel California
Not haven or home.
It all went wrong so quickly

After hugging a cot for so long
We were finally going to have a place
To stay with a real bed.

Instead the wrong ones were brought
In as all non profit charities
Must use the money they have

While they ask for more donations
It never goes to the right people
At the right time.

We have had shootings with guns
Knifings with blood on the wall
Suicides and multiple deaths.

It never ends the amount
Of sirens one hears outside
No one goes outside

Unless they are hooking
I am not hooking
But did for awhiel attempt

To be normal and show myself
But those groups for java
Are not worth it

Nor is conversation with ones 
Case worker.
I am supposed to have a housing navigator

Who will help me get housing
Instead they just want to question
One about spending habits 

And get in your face about 
Where one has been
In other words they are too noisy

They also don't have any place 
For you to go after here.
They even cause the problem 

Of not wanting you to stay 
IF one does not get along
How does on do that 

When they are selling drugs in the hallway
And overdosing across the hallway.
And then yelling at you 

When you are outside.
Then there are the conversations 
About your belongings.

They have friends, families
Or storage units.
I have nothing but a collection of boxes

I started with nothing
As I was removed from several
different places where I was the resident

They have shown up taking 
My food from me 
or my money from me.

then they want to know 
Where I shop for my clothes
Which are the boutiques 

Or the discount stores.
I have not the money 
Nor the time to get more expensive. 

Ones as I have been robbed
Repeatedly taken the more expensive items
Even car jacking 

I was once going out
With an old friend 
Whom I had not seen in a long while

I was meet with hatred
From Janet to Jim
Then Juan got in the limo

He came back after it started
Where was I?
Why was I not where he had left me?

They would not leave it alone.
They took over his car
While we were inside

He had a heart attack
Then he was removed.
I had been sitting waiting

For him to get ready 
To out to lunch 
Only to have the room service

Arrive in the person of Jim.
He is not allowed to be here.
But the needle was quick.

When I went for help
After we woke up from our 
Date rape drug

Janet was waiting
She actually believes
A six year old gave birth

Only a retard would believe that
And not even a woman with Dementia
Would be believed in such a case.

Janet is just plain stupid
And ugly and gross.
Then so is Suzie who raised her.

Never anything nice about them
They will all die at Armageddon.
And no one will recall them.

Not even Jehovah God.
They have false claims
But they have already been denied

They just don't listen to anyone.
How else would a girl like
Janet believe is good enough

To present anything about the bible
Much less make it believable
That she is going to kill me

If she does not get her way.
They have been back since it started
But Jimmy is hovering nearby

And then all those girls 
Who were told to never 
Do it again, did it again.

Introduced to the same tiresome
Who only want everything of yours.

Then the boys began 
To get rowdy
Not even one of them 

Can understand that I am 
Going to cut something off
If they don't get the message

Leave me alone.
I am miserable.
It has been a long rode.

I am doing much better
But it is still not a good idea
To sit down next to me 

Without knowing that they guy
Is going to be missing something
If they don't move out of my way.

Well they are gathering at the border
I have not been able to go back.
Suzanna followed me around

With a needle just to have fun
With herself but not get the message
Now she is just one of the group

Who have no place to go
She showed up all fancy
Then dumped her bag

On a handicap woman
Whom she thought she would treat
As a servant 

But instead her bag 
Was taken away
Which she blamed me

Because it was her responsibility
Not anyone else.
She has nothing to wear

But a black t shirt and pants.
She looks terrible.
Which is how Janet already 

On her way to looking
Like a clown
Just as the rest of the women

No one wants to talk
About surviving 
A horrible disease

Instead they want others
To get out of thier way
To not use their gym

Nor go to their store
And any of the other things
They sit and stare at one

Who has done nothing 
But worked hard her whole life 
Only to have it taken away

They have no intentions 
Of giving it back
Nor apologizing.

It is over!
All those selfish people
Want you out of their way.

You survived when they did not want
You to do anything but die.
Only Jimmy is not done.

Where did thay man go?
They have him hiding 
He will never surface

Until all of them are dead.
Here Candy, here Suzie
Here Janet, here Jimmy....

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