Tuesday, October 31, 2023

And then there is all hollows eve


He was being very careful
His father always said 
He was careless

Could not get anything right
Which is why he was sent
To that place 

Where they make men out of you
By tying you down
And giving you drugs

And then forcing you 
To do it their way
While using electric charges

He hated his father
All because he wanted
To play with the little girl

He did not know it was wrong
To jump on top of a child
She was pretty 

Wasn't she?
He was not going to get
Any girl any other way

Pick them when they are young
Well, he found one he wanted
She was introduced to the Queen

Even his dad had to do what
She told him to do.
And as for that woman

He says is his mother
Somone needs glasses!
His eyes are all weird

They say he has albinism
What does that men
No focal point in his eyes

Like little red rat eyes. 
Anyways he lied to some men
In order to get into their van

And learn how to make
Others suffer for his crimes
Convicted killer

Criminally insane
He made sure the family
Went trick or treating

They were Christians
Most people did not go out
Begging for candy

But she had taken him in the south
Where they don't believe in god
God? Who was he?

Carefully he picked up
The Gillete razor blade
And slid it into the apple

He had learned just where
To make the incision
Apples were good food

They were sure to pick them
Over cheap candy
All the kids had to be out

She was the first to notice
That the apple was funny
She had lost her teeth

And could not munch down
But she had tenderly nibbled
Only to have her lip cut

She screamed out loud
And then got quiet
It was him, jimmy

He had put razor blades 
In the apples
She knew she had seen him

In the neighborhood
Which is why she was being careful
She had to find the others

He was the other run
Siting on the sidewalk
With his hand carefully

Shoved inside
He had bitten down
And he knew there was

A razor blade stuck
Into his tongue
She found him 

And carried him down 
To the corner 
Where the police where 

Just waiting for trouble
She showed him her apple
Then pointed at her brother

His hand was forced out
And then the cop cried
They were lucky with that one

The cops were screaming
At everyone to go home
Sirens were blazing

When the mother got home
She knew her kids 
Would not be outside

But they were not inside
The were gone 
Scratching at the door

Brought the younger one
With blood over her
Pink ballerina outfit

She had her younger brother
In her hands
Trying to drag him backwards

He had gotten frustrated 
With her when she would not 
Bite down for him

To eat the apple
So he took it from her
And slit his tongue

A frightened sister
Wanted to know where 
The other one was

They often hid from her
She was so bossy
Only being an adult

When her father was not
Around because 
Her mother had brain 

Cancer growing more 
Childish each day
The grandparents did not 

Know what to do
But there it was a tongue
In her hands

She screamed into the phone
Then carried the boy 
Into the car 

Driving crazily down 
The street to the hospital
Where the cops were waiting

Another one they said
Straight into surgery
Apparently someone 

Was giving out apples
With razors in them
Betty A dressed as a witch

Was still walking around
When she found out 
What jimmy had done

To her basket of apples
She dematerialized
Not going back to prison

Was she not her.
He was satisfied 
They had both been taken

Into the hospital
One of them lost his tongue
The other one  just cut

They would both have
To be cared for by the 

While the two girls
Who missed the experience
Would be his to own.

Four kids
Two girls
His to own 

For life
His father had told 
Them that he was insane

They don't know
What happened
But he was going

To rape their girls
He had court orders
But somehow the kid

Kept getting away
He had gotten so crazy
They had to use adult measures

On his son 
Which he was sure would 
Not happen again

He heard about the razors
And knew what to do
He picked up the phone

And called the mother
Who said she would take 
Him to Europe with her

Six weeks later
A week before 

On his birthday
He got even with them
Arranging for a little accident...

Got one of them!
Now the other one
Was going to be his

While the boys 
Were one more time
Sent away

When would it end?
No one knew
Know they don't care

It has been so long ago
When a whole group
Of them spent 

Halloween in the hospital
Getting stitches 
And not able to eat the candy...

Who cares about jimmy
Let him have what he wants
They will never be

Princes nor princesses
It had all started
At Disneyland 

Where some one got 
The idea they would
Be real royals 

If only they did 
What the kid said
His father was that show...

Sunday, October 29, 2023

The Pale Horse rides


Have you ever stood next

To someone who is your enemy

Have you wondered

Who is your friend

Or sibling 

Or spouse

According to Agatha Christies

Pale horse 

Trust no one.

Where would we be

Without another shooting

They are so common


A bowling alley

A local mall

Then there are the sudden


That cause one to pause

A well known actor

Who had alcohol problems

Turned his life around

Went back to work

Then slide into his own

Backyard hot tub!

His passing is being

Noticed by those fans

Of a famous person

But it was his mother

Whom I recall 

More than his short career

She was a Canadian journalist

Who was hired to be the 

Press Secretary of the Prime Minister

Pierre Trudeau

The father of the current PM

A female press secretary

With the world at her fingers

Instead the PM and his wife

Separated as she did herself

And now Justin and his wife

Are no longer a couple

More tragedy are the lives lost

Being married to someone 

You hate is hard

But can be eliminated

It is those who stick 

To their vows 

Who have the most

Problems when others

Get in the way

My grandparents

Were in love 

Then the war

After Hazel fell off

The apartment complex

And lost her unborn child

In front of my child mother

Who was at that impressionable age

They could not live with each other

Divorced and regretted it

My parents were forced apart

Just so jimmy could have his way

He got rid of everyone 

And then did not want to do

Anything but make me disgusted

With his obvious lies

All his life 

He just wanted

His parents paid him

Money to keep him

Out of their lives

He was never poor

Nor did he have to live

Without family

He has at least three siblings

But choose to want to be

Born to a different woman

A woman with emotional problems

Associated with what goes wrong

When the wrong type come inside

Any group especially a religious one

My parents never got over

The divorce that was forced on them

I myself has a fiancée

Who promised he would 

Never abandon me

No matter where

I was or what i was doing

Or not doing

He would be there!

Instead others came in

Peter, Mark, Dan

Willie, Mario, Donald

The list goes on and on

Meanwhile those girls

Who got pregnant

Were allowed to put 

My name on their unwanted

Little bastards

There is not one actress

Who does not have a look alike

Working the same trade as them

But want to be the real little princess

Instead of  me not being 

Punished for something 

I did not do.

When will it end?

When they are all dead?

Our world is permantely


There are earthquakes

That go unnoticed

Turkey and Afghanistan

No longer allow American journalist

Meanwhile we keep have shootings

And another war broke out

First Ukraine and now Israel

What is going to stop them

The Pale rider

Is having a really good day

He is the horse 

Who rides behind the others

The apocalypse rides

Many movies there are

About this theme

But it is true

We are all faced 

With deaths and no satisfaction.

My diagnosis is in

Gues what I have?


Vitamin D deficiency

All the symptoms i have

Can be attributed to this 

Necessary vitamin

Found in fortified bread

And milk

Celiac Disease 

Is also one of my diagnosis

Buying the more expensive stuff

And yet I was denied the right to salads

Or anything at all at supper time

Those places one goes 

When there is no other place

Piza and pasta

Every night

No food again

I suffered

And yet did not loose weight

Nor I am going to be told

I am a bad person

And have diabetes

But my mental is freed

No more mental issues

I do have allergies

And I do need to eat

A dietician is probably

Going to be the next step

What I need is my thyroid

Treated for the pre known condition

As well as the newer Uterine tumor

Condition I have developed

Instead Jimmy is not going

To allow me to have my way

With my medical conditions

That is what happened to my mother

Whom I don't hate

But never got along with

Not even as a small child

She frightened me

With her crazy ideas

Then i was bored with her

Constant denial of reality

Always adopting those 

Who wanted her dead

And telling children

That a five year old

Gave birth to them

And they actually 

Believe the impossible

When is Trump

Going to be told

They just did not want him

To be President?

His vice president

Has now dropped out

What about those 

Grandchildren royals

When the war was over

Those royals were grateful

For those who stood by them

And protected them

They kept hire promises

Until their children were born

Now that there are grandchildren

They have forgotten

All that kept them from freedom

Thiers will never make it 

With the new climate 

Of mutiny and coups

Did you know I have 

One of those long names

That does not fit on a 

Birth Certificate

I was also named after

The Queen of England

Call me Alex not Betty!

Friday, October 27, 2023

An empress has been born!


She might not be pretty
Nor Kate Middleton
But she is an empress

An Emperor Penguin
A female one 
Has been born in San Diego

Just 13 years have gone by
Since the last one
This does not happen 

Every day 
Nor is Kate ever going
To get William

To make her into an actual
Empress nor matter how much
Drugs her parents smuggle 

In on their airlines jobs.
Look at her!
Standing so proud 

And terrified
Tiny black head
And lavish silver garment

Right down to her toes.
Which can just be seen!
Ahh, this is astounding.

Really, I am a nature buff
Grew up in the wilds
My mother had a severe case

Of racism
Nature meant tossing me out
Every chance she got.

Now I cant even get down
To the old family homestead
Meanwhile I have someone 

Ghosting me.
Julia Roberts 
Whom everyone assumes

Is the most beautiful girl
But really she is just plain
With a lot of makeup

I cant even get my lab tests
Correct without interference
And here comes someone

With a different birthdate
No joke!
Her birthday appeared on my records

I have been hacked so many times
It is probably just jimmy
Having fun with  me

And being mean.
He cant tell the difference anyways
He has albinism eyes

His doctors were frustrated
With my mother until they
Realized she had dementia

Probably caused by jimmy
His eyes have no focal point
The doctors were perplexed

Until they realizes he has 
No PigmaliĂłn
This does not mean

He is a pig
But that his skin 
Has no color

He still wont eat pig.
Though he does have little
Pig eyes.

Anyways tonight 
Was the first game
Of the World Series

Anyone heard of it?
I  mean with all the news
Slanted towards Trump

And Trump
No one knows 
What is going on in the world

It took a bowling alley
Getting shot up
To close down the media

For a few days.
Now the guy has been
Found dead

Terrible to be a sharpshooter
To come home 
And find you are not needed 

May as well be dead
Miserable plight
To take others lives

Just to prove 
What he once was.
No one really knows

It is all assumption
Why did he do it/
With him dead 

It is the end of the matter
Except for the families
Who have to pick up hte pieces

And move on 
Without anyone knowing
A sad day in Maine

Who still believes
They ended up on the wrong side
Canadians you know

After Washington won the war
And Howe surrounded
There was still a group

Way up in Maine 
Still going at it.
Had to be told 

Enough is enough
It is over.
So is the first game

I caught it at the ninth inning
Great timing
Must be in a building

Of Footballers
Did not hear any radios
Bottom of the ninth

And tied
May as well move on

To the eleventh
And they did just that
They were walking 

The guys 
And even hitting them
All to make sure

They did not hit 
A homer
But one guy managed

To get it over the wall
Bottom of the eleventh
And a Texan 

With the name of 
Garcia is our hero
He is African Mexican American!

Well, well
My mother would be spitting
Up thorns about now

She always did hate roses
A rose garden is what i found 
If is still standing

After all of those fires.
Our driver came back
From a dram trip

With his mom to China
I told him it was a good thing
They had not gone to Jerusalem

Why is that/
They went to war overnight/
He went home and turned on

The news channels
Then did not show up
The next day for our shuttle run

Gaza is spending a miserable night
While Lewiston gets to breath
After stay at home orders

The weekend is upon us
It is trick or treat time
Anyone know if that

Tiny thing that keeps 
Popping up on my screen
Is true?

Has Putin had a heart attack?
Wish it was jimmy instead.
He deserves to die without hope.

What about it?
Is it a true story
Or wishful thinking?

Almost got kicked out
Because Jimmy once used
My tub for his drug making

Tub distilled methanol!
My tub is over thirty years old
And has rust spots.

Not my fault
Had two special inspections
Cleared me of mold

Cant have mold 
With all the apartments flooding
I just beath heavily

And now need a pulmonary doctor
What next?
I just want my diagnosed thyroid

To be treated 
And these unwanted tumors
Taken care of.

The day of the dead
Is upon us
And so is the 

Day after
All souls day
When they rise again

Or so it says 
In the Bible
My dear little sister

Yes, I will be there
God willing
Spoiled one who did not 

Have to endure more
Than five years on this earth
Miss my father as always

And if her real sons
Can ever forgive her
She might get a second chance

With them.
Not me.
Now about that story...

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

What about the other guy?


Have you thought about 

The other guy?

How does he feel about it?

When in Rome it is best

To do as the Romans

Or so they say

But what if it is wrong

What if the other guy

Is in fact not right

Knowing when to stay

And when to run is 

Never an easy task

Some do it better 

Than others.

One must feel sorry

For the first guy

In history to go through

Fifteen rounds of votes

To get his seat 

Only to loose it 

For acknowledging the other side

Best to the new guy

Another first for America

Three weeks without a speaker

The leader of the pack

Must be present in order

To conduct business

And pick a fight

With the big guy.

We almost had 

A Tudor elected 

To the third chair

Instead we got a guy

Born in Shreveport

A Russian town from 

Way back

Whose family line

Include the names

Cash as in Johnny Cash

And Boogaert 

As in Humphrey Bogart

Both bad boys

Who kept the line

And made others 

Respect them 

A fireman's son

Who is the better

A fireman or a police man?

I'm from a Forestry fire fighters

We always sigh when it starts

Entire acres on fire

But watching those single homes

Is never easy 

Nor is a building going up

My siblings and I 

Survived a number of close calls

Fires are not our friends.

Will someone go by

And arrest Jimmy

For me?


I might have to make him


There was this girl 

In school who said

She was my best friend

She was supposed to be 


But had already had a child

And got married afterwards

She made my life hell

In a school whose mascot

Was the Blue Devils

I went to live with my father

The Red Devils

Were their mascot

And they meet on the field 

I always wanted to make

Cathy disappear

I just could not figure out

What to do with her body

I would sit in class

With her at my side

Again and dream

About how to get rid of her

A few times I missed

The Questions from the instructors

But it was just such a strong desire

To be rid of her for good.

I have that same feeling

For jimmy who has outlived

His usefulness

For all those who still use

Him for themselves.

All the harm in the world

Women who want other women

To suffer for no reason

Except for being born.

No one believes a six year old

Gave birth to a baby

But there you are

A dozen surfaced

The same year 

My sister died

Cruel and vindictive

Wish Isreal had not been

Abandoned by the Crusaders

Nor the current ones had not

Thought of life 

Outside the box

Some neighbors always 

Have it in for you.

As for the other guy

He just wants to kill

His enemy and wants

Everyone to do what he wants

Without questioning the true motives.

Sadly there are children

Who will never grow up

Nor parents who will ever

Get a chance to see 

Thier own succeed

Due to an early death.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Whats that!


Does anyone know?
Who Lindberg was famous for?
Landing in France

Instead of Ireland
He was supposed to fly
Across the Atlantic

To the nearest land mass
Went right past.
Found a farmer. 

Who did not speak,
Still managed to get a ticket parade.

Unlike his father
Who had stones thrown
At him.

He was an elected
Member of congress
A dirty politician.

Who Knew?
A hero's dad
Now France has had 

To close their airports
Due to threats of violence.
What else can happen

To the next Olympic site
As for congress
They threw out an old lady.

For a young man
From Los Angeles
Only to hang him

Over the impending
Shutdown of the government
He crossed the lines

Only to then almost elect
A democrat instead
And he would make.

The perfect bookend
For Kamala during
The President's state of the union

Jeffries family are Brooklynites.
They come from Rappanahook
Very expensive and old money

Presumably as former servants
light complected hakeem
Is actually a descendant.

Of a man that Broadway
Has decided to honor.
King henry viii

Many mistresses
This one is a Blount wife.
A royal in their midst

But the wrong party.            
Must be a Republican
Poor Nancy

And a Baltimore
Almost as royal

Those people had power.
Half a dozen different guys
Want to be speaker.

But when is the budget,
Going to be passed
Remember the prince.

Has to be both independent.
Of the king
But also working for him

Who is up to the job
Another hurricane has hit.

Baja California
Cabo got lucky again.
While Ensenada 

Has still not informed. 
Me of the damage
They forget who the will.

Inheritor by law
While they don't have a bill
Of sale

Not jimmy.
But little jack
Grandpa Jacks favorite

Was designated.
By a real will
Not those chosen by Carole

Gail Gadot 
Jennifer Gardner

Can look at their own
When it goes up in flames

By the way academy
I withdraw my membership.
I no longer want to be.

Part of the actors guild
I got nothing but bitches.
Dumped on my doorstep.

I have not given birth.
To any of them
They can all go to the mental ward.

I have tumors.
In my uterus
Can't get pregnant.

Not since I was pre-adolescence.
I have had relatives die.
From uterine cancer

One of them
Cassandra Waite
Better known as

Mrs. pierce Brosnan
Please leave me alone. 
And get us a speaker!

Friday, October 20, 2023

The many faces of the moon


How many?

Just one, actually.

It is just an expression

Not to be taken 

Too seriously

Some people 

Are incapable of 

Doing simple arithmetic

Much less more comprehensive

Thought process

Of understanding conversation

All they want is their way

They don't care 

What others say

Nor do they attempt

To even get the message

No more eavesdropping

Nor spying on my computer

One more time

While I was at my families

Old Ymca swim pool.  . 

I got erroneously 

Assessed by some baby

My behavior has nothing

To do with my life

Except someone has a needle

Which does not come with a court order

But Ashley want to be the one

To jabbed it into me

Just because I refuse 

To acknowledge giving birth

To her or her friend Hestor

Nor her enemy Najma

Or any of the others

Being made to stay awake

Til midnight by one side

Only to have the other side

Demand I be given a sedative

To keep me asleep

While they go through

My personal belongings

That they cant possibly want

Just to prevent me from 

Having anything at all.

I tell you a secret

I have a degree 

In body bags

On my way towards

My dream of becoming 

An Archaeologist

Long before Harrison Ford

And when I was quite young

In fact I had several relatives

Who are not unknown

To be qualified scientist

Instead of nursery school

Lecturer telling us dirty stories

All those years working

In laboratories having passed

My college Biology

Before i took it in high school

Where they would not acknowledge

Any of the court orders

Just because some girls

Wanted to play with my 

Now dumb mother

Who has lost her brains

But was still alive

Do you know

I went to a highschool

Where they were the 

Blue Devils

And did everything 

They could to destroy me

Because I was not a white


Instead the KKK

I ran into the upper whites

Who have not line to 

Plymouth colony

But are instead Berliners

Poor things who cant

Understand how they 

Got taken over by that

Horrible race

The Russians

I also went to a high school

Whose mascot

Are the Red Devils

Thats right

I was a lucky girl

They even battled 

Each other as often

As they could 

In games such as basketball

Meanwhile I was expected

To be the sharpest

And smartest girl

On campus

Music and dance

Without stupid Cathy miller

Going around hitting me on the head

Just so her real girlfriend

Harris could have fun

With me at her fathers



ATT and the FBI

That is what Cathy 

And her girlfriend

Had custody of and they used

Them both for what?

I ended up going 

To a dozen different 

High schools

And graduated from

Half a dozen of them

Only to finish my degree

In Psychology not arts

I have not a masters

In psychology 

Allowing me to wear 

Cowboys boots

In a town that does not know

Who Wyat Earp 

Was nor what Tombstone 

Means to the average joe

He was the sherriff 

Here in this county

And his jail 

Has been replicated

At the State Park

I am a qualified


Not a medical doctor

To perform surgeries

Nor diagnosis diseases

But the one on every 

Humanitarian trip

Which I went on a lot of them

Got the job of the black garbage bags

In a state of emergency

They use garbage bags

Body bags are better

Because the zip

But still have to go in the back

Of the truck or cargo plane

I wanted to explore old sites

See ancient ruins

Run  my fingers through 

Fine artifacts

Instead i did grave duty

I prefer my bodies

With just the bones


And not fresh kills

All those days

And I am given a degree

In Forensic Archeaology

Instead of Fine arts

I got a degree in Art History

The difference

Is night and day

Like the face of the moon

Only one side is turned towards us

We only get the one side

But everyone has different

Ideas of the world

The far side of the moon

Was circumvented

By the astronauts

On their ill fated trip

Until just recently

When India landed

After Russia crashed

But the Space station

Now owned by China

Sees a lot of the universe

And they gave us 

A photo of the earth

While it was in an eclipse

Notice the black blob

There on the west coast

All that darkness 

No wonders the ancients

Used to call it the end of the world

The Mayans and Aztecs

Were great astronmers

And had the whole world 

Mapped out but destroyed

By those conquistadors

Who came to devastate 

A already known society

The Arabs were not unknown

To travel great distances

But all of their books

Were also taken by fire

At Carthage

And in the isle of Kell

Most of the known world

Vanished into darkness

With the end of the Roman empire

The Nazis attempted to resurrect 

These old things

Wtih thier investigations

But too many people

Want power over others

And caused utter chaos

Such as those needles

I have not been diagnosed

With mental illness

And I have seen professionals

It is the county workers

Who cant spell their own 

Names nor their patients

Who get it wrong

Jim likes to say he is a doctor

He stooled his psychologists

Note pad

And began signing his name

The name he choose

To all the perscriptions

For the girls 

Who were too crazy

To stay at home

And are now major


Because the one thing 

They are good at 

Is lying about everything

Such as Julia Roberts

Apparently someone is playing

That old joke

That I look like 

A movie star

They dont mean I was once

Qualified to get on stage

And perform Shakespeare

At the park in summertime

But that i resemble

Julia Roberts

Or Demi Moore

Who have been dogging

My steps since

High school

They were the stupid ones

Who saw a rising star

Who was going to be 

An archaeologist

Not an emergency room

Medical personal

Get straight A's

And qualify

For those other

School things

Which are kept 

From people

Such as Jimmy

And Cathy

As well as Candace

Just another day

At the race tracks

They got to be rich

While I was not poor

Just defrauded 

All the time

And swindled 

By my very own

I still have not given birth

To anything at all

And now have evidence

Of all those years

When i was not allowed

To do anything

Just because

Jimmy did not want me 

To have anything

He wanted to be in 

The Macys day parade

Where he could get 

Custody of hte mircrophone

And tell people to be mean

To a sweet little girl

Who was my sister that day

Who then died a week before


Shortly after the 

Thanksgiving parade

Along with the driver

And her one year old daughter

Who was named Biden

They only talk about

The first wife and the auto accident

Not what occurred

Nor do they provide

The information that it was believed

She was being pursued

By Jimmy at the time

Which is why she was on a back road

Instead of the highway

Now he is faced with 

A decision about Israel

America must support 

The Holy land

And its various religions

While the freedom of the world

Has been lost

To terrorists such as Jimmy

And his friends

In the Middle East

Where he went in order

To get even with a native American 

Family who do have ties

To Plymouth and Jamestown

But are not the Kennedys

Those people have had

Enough tragedies

But did not have 

Al Capone 

Move in next door

My grandmother was on the radio

The glamourous days

Of news reporting 

She even transferred over

To television

Interviewing Harry Truman

On his decision to support

The new Israel 

Before retiring due to her 

Age of 39 plus

Only to have her new home

Built in Florida 

Where her old parents

Could have the sun

To be invaded by the FBI

Who is your neighbor?

All those questions

And innocent but not seen

As not guilty

Some district attorneys

Don't view the whole scene

And wonder who is bringing charges

Because they are determined

To make someone pay

For something they cant understand

Immigrants are often lied to about

Thier property and their taxes

But then the squatters turn out

Not to be telling the truth either

Poor old man

Telling the truth

And no one know believes him

Wanting to discuss his outfit

As if he was wearing pajamas

Who do you have to replace him?

Who was there when Golda

Was Prime Minister

You young ones do know

Who Golda was?

You cant even get

A speaker of the house

All your jarring and gabbing

And no one is going to get

Satisfied with the role

Of the stand in 

In case the President

Should die in his sleep

And the Vice president

Gets into an accident

On the way to the White House

The Speaker then has to stand in

And do his best to lead the country

Out of complete shutdown

While the electors 

Get someone to replace him

The role of the Prince

Is to do the will of the King

But be independent himself

In case he has to become King

And then be his own man

While the second is the Queen

Always in danger

Of being taken out

Does exactly what the King

Wants in order to show

A unified face

Not a divided one

As for the little princess

There are always those

Who want the limelight

But don't know what to do

When they do get it

Except get in the way

They come in different

Sizes, shapes and genders

They are the showstoppers

And the ones who get all the press

Well, the moon passed over the sun

Putting the earth into darkness

And we survived once more

It is the hurricane and cyclones

Threatening our shores

Which might collapse

Would someone please tell

Suzie P and Gary C

To give back the keys

Of those houses they slipped into

In order to keep control

Over a family who were simply

In the way of others?

Or that is right some of those 

Places have been torn down

Some have been remodeled

All without the couple 

Paying for their stay 

Nor the electricity bills

Just left a bunch of garbage

For others to clean up.

Just put jimmy on a plane

To nowhere, will you!

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Who wants to be a princess?


Taken today at Coronado
Famous for that movie
With Marilyn Monroe

Same beach 
Different characters
There is always a sand castle

Built fresh everyday
But that blue is pacific 
Ocean looking westward

The Cabrillo monument 
Is the land mass
With the corridor

Leading into the bay
Where all the navy ships
Are safely tucked away

Here on the surf 
All at the mercy 
Of the nature at work

But if one looks 
Closely forgive me
For not having a mega 

On my phone
Are men running around
They were training 

On the beach
Where several movies
Have been  made

And Polo was played
By former King Windsor
And Clark Gable

Are military men
Working out in the sand
And carrying boats

Into the surf
And then attempting to row
Against the tide

While a military ship
Sits off to the west
What are they doing?

Gettig ready for a war
On our own surf and turf?
Or planning an emergency landing

Somewhere else?
All of them

Who else would 
Get selected to be 

And gawked at 
By the most expensive
Clients on the strip?

Except for an old navy
Family member 
Who has seen it all

Or thought she had
Until today
One of those long days

When all I want is my life
Back where I don't have
To threaten to kill

Those squatters
Down there on the
French Jardin

Or wonder why
The boys no longer
Call home

Where all those 
Needle marks came from
And why  this new doctor

Is yelling at me 
That I am a Diabetic
When in fact 

I already proved 
It was not  my blood work
It got mixed up

With someone 
Whose birthday 
Is Oct 28 68

Oh that's right
Julia Roberts

Who is sugary sweet
People always tell me
That I am too sweet

No it is more like
A seething feline
Just waiting to strike

Anyways this little
Princess apparently
Goes to the same lab

As I do and got 
Her dates mixed up
I do hope she is not getting

A prescription 
For a thyroid disease
Someday the doctor

Is going to tell me
I have a heart condition
Anyways I did not get 

My walk on the beach
And it was an anniversary
Did you know 

There was a little boy
Born on this day?
His mother might

Even have dressed him
As a girl in order
To disguise him

And keep him from
Being discovered
And killed.

His name was Jesus
And mine is Jehovah

Everyone knows
That Christ died
On Nisan 14 

And was raised 3 days later
On the 18th
He was supposed to be

According to almost
All traditions
33 1/2 years old

Six months backwards
Brings us to the later 
Part of October

Which is also the same 
Date as the deluge
Late October

Of course everyone
Uses a modern calendar
October 31 

For Halloween
When the demons 
And the spirits

Come out to mourn 
Their dead
As well as Christmas

Being set in December
Instead to accommodate
The modern Romans

Designs on keeping 
The people in order
The end of harvest

Meant celebrations
And we did just have
A Jewish holiday

Where upon their
Neighbors brought 
Upon them carnage

Well, we will never know
Will we the exact 
Day and hour?

All speculation 
To some but not to others
Anyone else have a special

Connection to this date?
I have an anniversary
Only I know about

And celebrate 
By communing with the ocean
Need some roses, anyone?

Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...