Sunday, April 7, 2024

3 hours=1.326 G and 30 MM gone in seconds


Good thing
I am not superstitious
Just suspicious

Who took three hours
To make up their mind
About which number set

To go with?
It is supposed to be live
But those little balls

Took three hours
To give up 
The fourth largest

Heist in history
One and one third billion
Was the pot

And although 
Some of us
Were just doing

An April fools day
Joke on myself
Who would not 

Buy a ticket 
When there was 
A billion dollars?

I got seven dollars
And but a second ticket

Then my cat and I stayed up1
11.59 ET 
Was the time for the draw

Midnight came and went
On the East coast
Who got all shook up

Over a little 4.8 earthquake
Couldn't make up their minds
Someone in Portland 

Got designated
Wonder why they 
Did not just let 

The pot roll over
To the next draw

Four dollars
For my wait
By the way.

As for that heist
In Los Angles
It took just seconds

For them to get
Thirty million dollars
From the storage center

Just like in the film
Wrath of a man
Just recently released

Where they hit 
The main storage center
Of those armored cars

That go around 
Collecting money
But don't have time

To stop and deposit
It at the bank!
This one was played

Out for real
At 4.30 in the morning
They get a service call

As to why 
Thier is plyboard
On the side of the wall

No alarms
No chit chat
Just gone in seconds

With no one knowing
Who or where
Not even the FBI

A week later
Can tell you 
What happened.

And they are good
At getting their man
Perhaps I should send

Them to Jimmys place
In Chula Vista?
It is jimmies 

Type of heist
He likes to do his
Work without any

He uses drugs
To make sure

No one knows
That he has been there
Oh, Jimmy 

Did you spend 
The weekend in LA?
And on Easter?

Jimmy is the kind
Of guy who gets 
Caught taking the donations

From the church platter
Which is why 
Some religions

Spank him before
He enters and not
After they find out

They have been robbed.
Who would take
The Easter weekend

All those stores

And all they got
Was 30 million?
If I were you guys

I would double check
All your guys
Backyards, backdoors

Basements, deposit drawers
And anything not nailed down
And Demi do you know

Where your dolls are?
There are houses that disappear
And houses that go empty

Even though the owner
Is unaware of anything
Wrong on their end.

There are going to be 
A few people 
Besides myself 

Coming back 
After the Pandemic
To find out 

That they have been robbed.
I cry every time 
I get on a bus

And go through
An old neighborhood.
I did everything I could

But no one
Would stop the girls
From jabbing me with needles

Now they have no place 
To go either
I found my mothers

Favorite artist
Still with the gallery labels
Attached to the back

Just sitting there
Too pricey for me
Now that I have 

Had all my businesses
Taken away from  me
The art gallery

The doll exhibit
I have been working
Just not allowed, 

Not allowed.
I do hope there 
Is no more problems

With Jimmies
Little game
I have already won

You know those 
Lottery things.
Anna Fucgusting

Showed up
While they were taking
The picture

And one more time
Inserted herself
Into the frame

Giving people
The impression
She was the owner

Of the check to the pot
Which is why she
Keeps showing up

And jabbing me
With a needle
She actually told

Authorities that
I gave myself
A bruise

Just by punching
A pillow
I must have a kidney condition

Any real nurse 
Would know that
Bruises show up

On people with
Kidney conditions
Then again

They only practice
Not study medicine.

There are some things
Such as destroying

Someone else's dreams
Leaving anyone without
Any hope to dream

Is not a crime of passion
But cold calculation
Of denying the right

Of a human being
All because they have
A personal opinion about nothing.

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