Sunday, April 14, 2024

And alot rejected


Missing children

Rarely go home

And sometimes

They are recognized.

But still have no way

Of calling home.

I was one of those

Milk carton kids

In fact I believe

I was one of the first

While my mothers 

Face graced the Gerber can

Mine showed up on

A Milk carton

I dont drink milk

Lactose intolerance

It makes me vomit

But there it was

Everywhere I went

I was pointed at

Sometimes laughed at

What was going on?

Someone actually 

Came up to me

And showed me the picture

Martin was not pleased

She had kidnapped me

From Ocean beach

An eighteen year old

Lost in America

Just needed a paycheck

Her husband and her

Kept me hostage

While they racked

In the royalties

Of all those commercials ...

This was after my family

Had once been a family

Of four children

And grandparents

Then one fateful night

We were driving

Through the outskirts

Of Reno

Looking at a new subdivision

My father was going to be hired

By the military this time

He was a commuter geek

And Korean war hero

He kept going from job

To job because of my mothers

Illness and her insisting

On having babies

When she did not like kids

The sun was just coming up

There was a woman sitting

In a station wagon 

Just like ours

With a baby she was playing 

Later we would know

Them as Cathy B and Peter

There was an eiry sound

As a plane was overhead

With thier stairs lowered

Why are they flying with that down?

Then a parachute came into 

Picture it feel off to the side

But something had fallen

On top of us

We stopped to find out

What it was

Just a parachute

Which was pulled inside

While lights went on

To see if there was a body



The woman with the baby

Started starring at us

We had the same color car

Then it was all over

Dad had gotten back 

Inside the car

But had not noticed

That a man

Had also gotten 

In the back with us

My younger brother

Had his hands around

A stack of bills

Look at this dad

It feel out of the parachute

Can I keep it?

No said a voice 

From the back seat

He had a gun

Held on grandpa

Who was a WWII 

War hero and did not

Take kindly to guns.

You people are going

To drive me to your home

Where grandma and mom

Where with the new baby

I was in the back

At the signal 

I feel on top of his arm

Which made him yell out

Then grandpa and I 

Were out on the tarmac

So was he but he went 

Running towards 

The disappearing car

Dad was going to drive

Around and come back

For us after leading

The guy off into the woods

Meanwhile some men

Came along in a truck

They wanted to know

What we were doing

Out here in a restricted area

They put us in the truck

None of them had 

The correct foot attire

Not really military

So many of those old bunkers

Were left empty

And those angry young men

Who did not want to go to war

Would inhabit them

They put my grandfather 

Though the works

While I worked out

Whether or not 

They had bullets

When the needles came out

I went into action

I had already spied 

The way out

And had smoke bombs

Which i set off

While I dragged grandpa

Down the hallway

He had bad dreams 

From the war

When he parachuted

Into the wrong war zone

Not a good idea to allow him

To be questioned for long

We did get out

But the next group

Meant business

They had us in a mental ward

Crazy people running around

At nigh making up stories

About UFOs

Meanwhile when dad 

Could not find us 

He went for help

Presumably the second group

Misunderstood what he was saying

My mother and her mother

Went out looking for us as well

They meet Cathy and took her home

One big happy family

Sitting there when the man

Walked in and took the girl


My twin sister

Was not aware of what 

Had happened in the desert

But was not taken by the man

Until the rest of the loot

He wanted his stuff  back

He spent money on her

Spoiling her to the point

She got scared

Thanksgiving was gone

And now Christmas was coming

She wanted to go home

While we were sitting there

Explaining things to each other

He again walked in

She had given up the location

Of the family retreat

She quickly disappeared

While I came out of the bathroom

He never noticed the change

He told me he was my daddy now

He had told them my parents

That i was not going

To recognize him

I still did not know

Who he was as I had not seen

Any of the news at all.

My family put up a fight

But he was not alone

Some guy in a cowboy hat

Had them covered

He took over the mainhouse

Said he was going to make

It his office

When we came back

For easter this family

Said they had found it abandoned

And took over the property

Squatters have no idea

We never did know 

Who they were to the man

With the dark shades

But they keep coming back

Even though judges 

Have told them not to

Step foot on the property again

I guess they are still looking

For stolen loot

It would just be like 

My mother to pick up

A pillow case to find it

Held money.

She probably did not 

Even tell her parents

Where she put it is anyone's guess

My guess is that empty lot

Near Travis Airforce base

Where some guys on motorbikes

Were making some movie....

The local town of Rockville

Was taken over by some other guy

My parents had been having coffee

And having a discussion

He always headed for the nearest 

Military bases as a navy brat

If that car ran out of gas

It would have been there

That my mother would have been left

While Cathys family

Have never left us alone

And Lloyd has shown up

Everywhere we go

They have never thought

Of why that piece of property

Was offered to them

Non-believers who enter

A house of worship

In order to take over

Something that went down

And there was more than 

One man was involved

In a heist worth a million dollars

Today ...

Something my family

Were unaware as they

Were making preparations

For that Thanksgiving

By the next Christmas

It would be all over 

She was gone 

In an auto accident

One week before Christmas

My brothers were taken

Away because my mother

Could not act normal again

My father was never the same

And my grandparents 

Just were not themselves

Meanwhile Jimmy

Convinced my mother

That they had sat

In the desert 

And seen little greenmen

She would not believe

Anything I told her

But would listen 

To any of his silly stories

Those people arrived

And took over our property

Taking what was left

Of a family compound

Turned it into a public


Then lied and said

They had been there 

For fifty years

Somehow they are involved

With the whole thing

That went wrong

Was it it the guy

With the dark glasses

Or was it others taking 


In any event they have

Altered everything 

That had been planned out

Being rejected is not as hard

As it appears,,,

It is being left alone

By the others

Who or what did we run into?

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