Monday, April 8, 2024

Promises, promises...


I was promised

The last eclipse

That I would be

Sitting on the beach

In Baja 

While Mazatlan

Went into total


So what happened?

I was told I would

Have to wait

Seven years

And then

I would have it all


I would not have 

To worry anymore

If I just went back

To San Diego

And left it alone

I am not even sure

If the places 

Is still standing


I go I can see

Juan and Brent

Have been busy

At work

Tearing down

All the work

Of my forebears

They are the 


Father and son

Have no respect

For those little

English things

That say it is a 

Historic protected


Just some dumb

Old houses....

Who wont leave

It alone?

I was promised 

It would all be


And it is.

I have no life

To go back to.

My hard earned

Anchor job

Has been taken over

By an unqualified


Who wont even


That it is wrong

For her to be 

Standing there...

Watching it on


The total eclipse

I first saw

When I was so little

And then the 72

One in Maine

When people

Wanted to drop by

And my mother

Who had been taken

Everywhere as a child

Stood there dumbly

As stupid Suzie

Had taught her

Suzie keeps standing 

Forward as if she 

Has the right

Instead of my 

Beautiful mother

Who became stupider

Each day that went by

As her brain cancer

Got worse 

All because an eight 

Year old named 

Betty A

Just wanted 

To hold onto 

Her belly

Demanding she

Was going to devour

The embryo

Everyone wanted

To steal something

That is no more special

Than it came to a woman

Whose family have seen

No respect at all

From all of these

Horrible humans

Who have German grandfathers

Who were not doing

Anything at all

For them to demand

The right to have 

Something just because

Thier family did nothing

Spilling the lemonade

Onto the ground

In complete shock

As the sun went black

My mother just wanted

To be abnormal

The diva

Stealing the show

All the time.

Four minutes

Of totality

Is what we are getting

Today while waiting

For the bus

I noticed the sky

Was subjected

To the authority

Of something else

If I did not know

Better I would think...

Yes, it was the eclipse

I was told Texas

Not Mazatlan

California got 

A measure of nature

Overcoming the modern

World even loosing

Our cable connection

What would it have

Meant for anyone

To have kept 

Thier promise

Not even my uncle 

John our missionary

Came to keep

His word

But simply drove by

As he refused to believe

I had done nothing



But refuse

To worship 

Satan or the Devil

As Dan F does

Clearly obvious

As he proudly

Wears the shoes

He stoled

From a man

Who was thought

To be to rich 

To miss them

But that was not

The issue

They were his to wear

His to buy

25 thousand dollars

Was the bill my

Grandfather Jack got

Just because Dan

Was six foot six 


What happened?

I have no will inheritance

Handed over to me

By the authorities

Nor a job or career

As even Social security

Is playing the game

That I have no work history

Nor any hope

That my life 

Will now get better

As everyone worked

Against us during

The Pandemic

Those who did not loose

Thier houses over 


Have instead been taking

Advantage of those

Who cant be heard

How much ruffing

Did I need to get

To this place

Where I know

I have sat and spoken

To people 

But they did not choose

To allow me to know

That they had made 

The effort 

Because they are under

The influence thier own

Family and associates

Who only want to give

The Impression that they

Have complied

But have no desire

To acutally fulfill

Any promises nor wills....

Darkness proceeds

Over them

Til their cries 

Are heard by god

Who has not been idle

But promises a footstool 

For his sons feet

Not my mothers

Nor anyone elses....

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