Thursday, April 25, 2024

There it is again

I have this dream
It is there again
I must get up

Must get up
My brothers 
Need my help

Where are my parents?
Again, and again
There is danger!

Fire was the favorite
Foil of them
They kept after

Us so much of the time
We would end up
In strange types

Of habitat
I would even awake

In the right place
And the wrong people
Such as Long island

I swear that was
Our family home
But he is telling

The authorities
It is his family home
Another time 

When jimmy may  have
Attempted to murder me
Does anyone know

Why i woke up on a beach?
With my throat 
Very, very sore?

As if I was strangled 
Just imagining it

Go home 
And get over it.
Except all my homes

Are gone.
We had five generations
Alive at one time

There were many friends
As well who visited
What happened?

Jimmy happened
And Candy
And Lisa the weasel

As well as Suzie
Telling the boys
We were not really

Family and did not 
Deserve anything

Thick smoke
Can you smell it?

Which one of you
Did it this time?

Oh it is that new guy
Juan Barron
Well, this time

It can be seen 
From space
They are calling it

Modern television

Have no idea
How to respond
To local things

They are just things
Not really important
Unless the get free tickets

They get so much more 
Money than before
That they are too far above

The rest of the world
Whereas before
Only a few made it

But still sat there
The world around them

Not like now.
All you who still

Have memories
Despite all the drugs
We are all being 

Given now
There is a fire
On the pier

Where we once 
Played and planned
Our lives 

Without the Kate's M
Of this world
Or the Demis 

What ever 

To Oceanside
Wasn't that one 
Of those places 

We often dreamed
Of returning to as 
A family?

Too bad, too bad
It is all burnt down
Just like the bridge

In London town
All gone!
Up in smoke

Just like our lives
That our parents
Sacrificed their own lives....


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