Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Heads up


6.6 earthquake
7.4 one in 

Minor in comparison.
95 billion

Dollars in Foreign aid
No wonders they are
Fighting on the floor.

Who thinks
Can keep on giving

Out handouts?
How much is 
Ukraine at now?

Another 60
No problem

Got 14 for its
Fight for freedom

And minors trapped
With no way out

Views towards
The other side
Of the world

Who are we again?

We have so much
Money from all those
Rags to riches

For the head of the new

Homeland Security
Which was meant 
To be temporary.

And another 
Speaker in danger
Of loosing his job.

Anyone miss
Oh and we have

To rebuild 
Her bridge
In Baltimore!

When is it going
To end?
Cut the costs

Of all those 
Extra nonessentials
Such as 

The Space Station
Come on
It is debunked.

We no longer
Have the support
Of Russia

Or China
Who else can afford
This grand castle

In the sky.
You know 
It could be more

As a Penal colony

England got rid
Of its overburdened

By sending convicts
To America
And Australia

Why not get rid
Of a few of those 
Really bad guys.

It could even be
Self supporting
Those guys given

A chance to take
Care of themselves
Will be more than

Willing to do the chores
After all 
No one else will care.

And if they decide
To crash land
On earth

We can just shoot 
Them down!
Hey Jimmy

You always want
To be management
And you like 

A uniform
He was one of the 
First male nurses

Without any training
Just showed up
Wearing those things

Claiming he was there
To change your sheets
And remove your wallet

At the same time.
He likes being 

The security man
Just send him up
There and he will get

To sit back
And tell the other guys
What to do.

And if they don't like him....
Please don't cut out
The National Parks

After all that is all
The Obamas 
Could afford 

After their first
Trip to that spa...
Where they dropped

The towels anyways
And some guy with a camera
Got a good shot

Of the first ladies
Only seen on the West Coast

Where her daughters
Are now living
Throw out all those

Rag mags
Cant let the girls
Find out

What mom did
Or they might make
Me their mom.

How many more of them?
We do need border patrols

And city police
And, and...
My where are we going

To get more funds?
Thats it lets tax the masses....

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