Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Which one?

Do you know
Who this is?
Which one do you

Think is Kate?
They are not the same

One of them is named
Amber Marie
And is now dead.

A hunt is on in
For a 39 year old

Police officer
Who has killed
His ex-wife and his girlfriend

All over a one year old
Boy to be his alone.
Custody battles 

Are hard to endure
When on is on either

I was one of those 
Children who had the police
After her if she was in the wrong

And yet it was not my parents
Who were at odds.

There were many 
Women who kept saying
I was their daughter

I was one half of a set
Of identical girls
One of whom died

I still have the same
Problem with the same women
And the police don't know 

What to do about it.
And there were times
When the very person

One is trained to believe
Is a safe person
Is not at all.

In this case 
The man is accused
Of raping another teenager

After she got drunk
With her girlfriend
Never believe that your

Friends or family
Will be able to protect
One during a situation

Where alcohol or drugs
Have been used.
No one is safe

When there is a bad person
Present in the case of 
Duane K 

Who is a convicted 
Child offender
And yet just has to ask

And everyone gives 
Him the information
About my whereabouts

And his wife Joey
Just thinks I am at fault
When in fact 

I am going to send
Her to prison
If her husband

Ever succeeds in his quest.
As for being the parent
Of an abducted one

My parents often
Had their children
Taken for no reason

Except the same families
From Germany
Have spent three generations

Seeking and devouring 
Our family for no reason
Known except they just

Wont go away
Nor stop causing issues
And the police

Are just a bit 
About whom to believe

My little brothers 
Were taken so many times
They began to call 

Jimmy daddy
Jimmy is not that older
Than us

And has court orders
Against him for showing up
And yet I know even this place

Will not tell me
That he has been here
And yet I know he has

Another needle mark
He wont allow me to know
Because he will go to prison

If he gets caught
Instead the place 
I pay rent to is also

Going behind my back
In order to have a white male
Have his way with a woman

As for those other kids
I did adopt a single girl
From Kiev 

She was named 
Amber Marie
A pretty little thing

I have been finding
The clothes and dolls
I bought for her at the

Goodwill were they were 
Thrown away after my homes
Were taken away from me.

I am not homeless
But a victim of abuse
Where liars show up

Such as Ruth Nauman
And falsely claim 
To be related

Only to get the keys
And then ruin my life
And why do they do it?

For no reasonable reason
They just do it
Because it is easy

Because they are from
An area of the world
Where anything left out

Such as a computer 
On your own bed
Which Grace thought

Was meant for her to take
Or a hidden item
Inside a locked box

Just has to be taken
Just because
This is the way they 

Were raised.
Siblings and godsons
Had no option

Of being taken
Once I was jabbed
With a drug

Causing memory loss
She cant remember
Her promise

No promise
Causes the death
Of someone nor

The unhaminty
Of tearing down old houses
Just to make sure

Why me?
Why my family?
Why has it not been stopped?

Because Jimmy
Is mentally ill
And thought to be a killer

By his own psychologists
Now dead
With no one to replace him.

Fear and desire
Makes people 
Not forget

But not return
To a dangerous situation
My adopted girl

Was alive 
A few years ago
Having been raised

Tijuana style
By Jimmy and his Mexican wife
Who thinks her job

Is to steal everything
She can from me
Including an innocent child

Who had lost her family
In a long ago war
Now forgotten

While the rage a new one
And some even complain
They cant send packages

Without there being a delay
I did not know they had
Such freedom of movement

To sell off items
While their President
Has his handout for donations

They seem to have plenty
Of things to sell.
Double check the location

Of the seller when one buys
Online even at Amazon.
While i have no way of asking

For the one child 
I did agree to raise
Because there are so many

Who have taken advantage
Of the system
One woman my age

Complaining of the same
Rare things that I have
Expecting me to hand

Over my money to her
For no reason at all
Except it is wrong.

I have often claimed
That Kate was adopted
I was there when she was born

To the school TA
Mrs. Arnold
Always hired pregnant girls

Because she and her husband
Were Mormons 
And Christians

She was a school teacher
And he was a cop
I had heard  the baby

Had gone missing
On a trip to London
Which is why I have

Complained when she shows up
Now she is a royal
With all the privleges

And my mother spent
More than twenty years
With Brain Cancer

The only one in the family
Her misery knew no bounds
I could not put her anywhere

Nor pay for her to be taken care of
Without finding her out on the streets
While I was supposed to be working

The same thing with my father
Who became seriously ill
And lost his sight

No one cared
No one was safe enough
I have nothing against 

Cops in particular
But there are times
When they scare one

When one knows 
That they are innocent
And yet look up 

And see the face
Of an antagonist
The liars who get away with it

What to do when 
An unknown man
Throws you out of your own 

Only to realize
He is the son of someone

You do know
And he is calling you names
What should the cops do?

Believe the man
Always believe the man
Unless the woman has any 

Evidence of innocence
Not guilty is not good enough
It is just the way it is...

Well, Kate has a look
A twin or daughter?

Poor girl is dead
Because someone else
Had a boy child

Same thing happened
To my grandmother
Who was convinced

She needed to marry
Someone else 
And Jack was just fine

As a returning war hero
Who found his whole life
Turned upside down

Because some fancy pants
Had stepped in while 
He was gone to war

Got his way
Even with a marriage license
He had constant girlfriends

When grandma
Feel off the top of the apartment
When she was hanging up

The laundry 
She had a miscarriage
Instead of telling his wife

That he had lied to her
In order to get her to marry him
And that their child was dead

He substituted one from his girlfriend
Poor Judy never knew
She was not really a daughter

While she has done things
As well including not coming
To her own sisters funeral

Even though living in the same town
And her daughter Julie
Has done everything 

Jimmy has told her to do.
He is not related to us!
He claims to be my spouse

Even though we have never
Been married and there is no
License but he wont leave it alone.

He is also claiming to be
The father of my child
Even though I cant have babies

Also wont allow me to have
Medical treatment for my tumors
I have half a dozen of them

Spread across my front torso
From my thyroid downwards
I keep getting different information

Or the doctors disappaear
The last female one 
Literally was going down

The back stairs
That I was using coming up
Didn't know I would be there

Waited an hour
Only to see her walk into
Another room down the hallway

The one before her
Canceled the surgery
She insisted I had to have

Because the one before that
Claimed that the preferred treatment
Did not exist in San Diego

The one before that 
Botched the little bit
Radiology she was giving to me

Woke up to a strange man
In my room going through
My purse

And a girl in the next bed
Who looked just like
Maria Shriver

Who was eating my food
Off of my table!
Her well dressed husband

Asked her if she had enough?
Just wanted to get even 
With me and made a point

Of being in the same 
Hospital room as me?
Did she just walk in

And take an empty bed?
Strange things happen
To innocent people

What are you going
To do Kate?
With a look alike

Now dead?
Pray for yourself?
I cant help you

Since I am still 
Dealing with people
Who are confused .....


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