Monday, April 22, 2024

Four Weddings and no funerals

I was once of those people
Who did not know anyone
But everyone crossed my path

And then Jimmy occurred
Everything is his, his, his
But before that...

I lived with grandpa
While sister resided
With our parents

And we traveled
Around the world
Which i did not mind

But I got lost a lot
Actually, he was the one
Who forgot how to get home

Which is why grandma
Divorced him and then regretted it
He was innocent but that is another story

This one is about a special friend
Who is not mine but does not know it
I first encountered

Ludmilla at this playground
On Adams street 
In Brooklyn 

When kids still went 
To the slide or wheel
She always took the swing

And that is our lot in life
She always took what
She wanted 

Such as the airlines
My grandfather was a pilot
From the war years

But she became an airline stewardess
Before I could apply for a license
She was really only 14

But got her way
And no one noticed
But the airline pilots

Meanwhile I was working
At escorting people 
Along the Natchez trail

Or sweating it out
At Yosemite
As an Indian 

I was assigned jobs
At those federal parks
I must have worked

Them all before I was 18
And  those unvisited museum's
At the mall

Was once a bad word
For students and teachers

Anyways the first wedding
Was to an airline guy named Nicholas
In the hanger 

With our Ludmilla
So enamored of him
It did not last the summer

By which time 
I had advanced to the Forestry jobs
Eventually I would do the jump

Into the fire with a shovel
Which i landed on and broke my ankle
Why I was then assigned

Desk work at the customs
Eck! I had to look
At peoples passports

And decide if they were
Worth the effort to let in
People are much more

Polite now adays
Why was I given 
A boost one day

Landed in Baja 
At this resort 
With Jimmy getting married

He just wanted me to see him
Do it, get married
To someone else 

Good riddance
My sister had just died
And I was not interested

In romance or a wedding
By the ocean with flowers
In her hair

Hey did you not just
Get wed in an airline hanger?

Oh great 
Jimmy was 12 years old
Had to get special permission

Turns out they were both
15 and not able to stay home
She was fleeing an abusive

He wanted her to cook and clean
Instead of shop all the time....

Wait until she saw what 
Jimmy wants from a woman
Basically to be a mama

For him as he is nonfunctional
She became so disappointed 
With her jimmy

But still produced a baby
Which was not his of course
He never owns up to anything

His real daddy showed up
And had a few words 
In court over paternity

She disappeared
Only to reappear
In a court house

Pleading with the judge
He was horrible 
To deal with and he kept

Her locked up inside
She wanted me to produce
Evidence for her to get 

A divorce
I was reticent about it all
Just kept swinging my legs

And jerking my head
From side to side
My mother would call her

Her favorite daughter in law
Just as Vice President Al Gore
And this guy named Putin

Came along 
I was sure I did not want
To be there any longer

Got caught in a car
With them both
He told me I did not speak

To anyone 
No, nope, not at all
Did not want to be there

Gary Calvi
Is one of those guys
Who cant take  a no

I had already crawled out
Of a window
And there he was standing

Next to her expecting
Me to be happy for them
I was actually

Especially while they were 
Holding their baby
Which had black hair

A not black skin
Did I mention that she
Was also on Hollywood squares?

With Jimmy Walker
Whom she would not stop
Flirting with?

He says he has had 
Alot of girlfriends
But is not the father

Of anything
Not even little miss dynamite
She calls herself Richelle

And says that Barack Obama 
Is her daddy
Please help me god!

Third marriage in 
A justice of the peace
Must be a charm

I disappeared as fast
As I could in
San Francisco ...

I would later have
To meet her on the other side
Of the customs 

She enjoyed walking
Past me for some reason
Every time she had a different guy

I don't know what happened
To Gary except he shows up
All the time with a different girl

Lisa is his steady
Candys little bastard
Born to her when I was just six

Great pairing 
Like vinegar and hot sauce
Gary being the jalapeƱo

That just cant win
Lisa never says Yes!
It was an outdoor event

And she had to grow 
Her hair to show below
Her hat!

Still did not look
Like Lady Di
Whom sadly she was out 

Of town the night
She died in Paris
Always suspicious

When certain people
Are out of town
Such as Jimmy 

When Nicole went down
Never mind
We were talking about

Who still shows up
Around my family

Missed the funerals
Of all of them
But insists she has been

Given an inheritance
Really don't want to talk
About it but yes

I was there the day
She wed Vladimir
And so was Nicholas

I had gotten my license
At the age of 7 
Which is allowed in small planes

And was not unknown
To those guys from the first war
As a family member

Helicopters is what 
I graduated to because
I did not want to be a top gun

Military training was not
My cup of tea
Instead I ended flying 

Around those oil rigs
That were set on fire
And needed dousing...

There she stood 
With her new victim
And he was good enough

Looking for me to notice
Not pleasing to Nicholas
Who put a pillow

Under my top
She was also wearing a dress
That had hung in my closet

Wonder who gave it to her
I believe my sister 
Had picked it out

Not my style but...
And wait a minute
Wasn't there a wedding

On a boat off of Mexico?
Hey she had another one
But wont admit it.

Found out afterwards
Much, much later
That there was a kid

Who looks like the other guy
Some airline stewardess's
Jimmy enjoyed taking

Her hostage on all those 
Trips to Israel
We went there so often

We had our own apartment
Which was one of the first 
To fall in this last exercise

Recognized it as it went down....
He really did not deserve it
But the minister would not hear

Our objections in the back
The happy couple
Were so good looking

They made the papers
But they did not getting
A marriage license

Nicholas made sure of it
He already had one
And was not parting with his

Too bad for this new guy
Named Vladimir
Who walked away

With a limo waiting
And more flowers for her
I had lost the pillow by then

Another couple was getting
Married and the girlfriend
Was objecting, took it right out....

One of little brothers
Showed up just as they walked by
The Minister was a little worried

At how fast my nonbaby
Had grown up
Thus he agreed not to provide

A legal license
I wonder if the guy
Ever found out about it?

I notice the baby
She gave him was not his
She just has a way about her

Gets rid of them as fast 
As she has them
I had a lot of fun

Every time the government
Shut down
And was assigned

One more time
To the customs detail
The East coast was more

Special than the west
All those guys she would
Walk by with 

And then he would come 
I would be forced
To detain him

And question him just 
A little
Which i why I also had

The honor of waiting
At the Deputy Mayors office
For my pass to go to the Hermitage

Which was under remodeling
I finally got my book
Completed and they even published it

It is all about the Vatican's
Art history....
Never finished my studies

Of those Russian icons
I started with at the Timken
Just could not get inside

For some reason
Which is why I had an apartment
In Paris which was still mine

Until the new century
Somehow everything 
Went wrong and I am still

Trying to found out
Anyways Ludmilla
Was in the habit of dropping by

My place until just recently
When Jimmy decided I was not allowed
To reside inside any place

He has even had me removed
From this location a number of times
And he has been tearing down

All the old places
One hundred-year-old houses
In California of fresh virgin

Redwood forests
With little metal signs 
Attached to them 

Indicating that they are
Historical buildings
Backhoes have just been 

Running right through them
Not able to read English
Most of the workers

Doesn't matter anyways
My whole world has been
Turned up side down

And she goes and gets 
Another one
Number six I believe

And no older than
Her first child
Well, she has that way

Ever hear of Doris Roberts
Attached herself to the 
Remington Steele series

Could not breathe 
Without her around
And then Everyone 

Loves Raymond
Got her way despite
Not being skinny ever...

Married to itlaians
Has one acknowledged son
And one daughter who looks

And acts like her...
Got herself a problem
Had her house 

At least it is still 

Not an empty lot
With grass and weeds
Unless there is one of those

Glass things 
Ready to fall down....
Not arrested 

But then she never
Does anything to get
Arrested for

But lost her residence
Jimmy must be happy

Unless he is hiding
Cause I am not going
To stand for it anymore

Just got a little bit 
Good  for Macron

Do like those 
French guys
Used to visit

Jacques when he
Was President
But I have not

Even been able to go
To a Funeral 
Of any of my former

Family friends
Or collegues
Does anyone remember

Cookie and I 
Sitting there reviewing

The news of the nation
Probably don't even have
My picture on the wall

I don't want my picture
In the news...

Just want my life back
Without another daughter
I did not give birth 

Explaining to someone
Something she should not know
Just because Jimmy 

Likes to enjoy himself
At other peoples expense
Maybe I can now have my life?


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