Saturday, April 20, 2024

The Other Woman

Jimmy, Jimmy
What are we to do with you?
Your father introduced you

On his show
The Captain Kangaroo show
As his biological son

And he gave you his name
Robert James Keeshan Junior
Which you refuse to use

Your sisters have also 
Been on his show
Both of them.

You have two beautiful
Girls who are your real relatives
Why do you keep after my family?

Mr. Roberts
Bobbie jr.

What ever you call yourself
You are a Bullocks
Just like Sandra Bullocks

Who now inhabits
One or more of my families

When are you going 
To stop giving away 
My possessions?

Did you take something
From me recently?
I noticed it is missing

Why do you play
With little girls dolls?
And their purses?

You just cant leave them alone
How many years did you  spend
Inside mental wards?

It was not enough
And I am tired of this life
You just want me to be too old

To enjoy anything at all.
I want it to end
With your beautiful Teresa

Going to prison
And her son getting it
In Mexico 

For all the harm he has done me.
There is another old house
Being torn down

What harm have they done?
Just that they existed 

Before you were born?
Both of your sisters
Are older than you

Benita the pretty one
Was already going to school
When you came out

And her mother was given
A shock of an albino.

She took good care of you
When you were little
How much harm have you 

Given to her?
She is now a professor
Having been allowed to have

Her  career
While you showed up
At the hospital

Where I was lecturing 
And not causing you harm
Except you keep saying

That I am your daughter
How can you believe this
Is going to be believed

You complain
When I slip up

Instead of calling
You a bastard
You are not my spouse

But your spouse
Is going to suffer 
The consequences of your thriftiness

Spoiled from birth
Your other one
The daughter of a celebrity

She looks like her father
Just as you appear as your
Real mother 

With your slanted eyes
And generous lips
She has his eyes

And is just as blond
As you are still
She has had a life

Some would be envious
Does she even know of you?
She should 

I noticed her mother
Died on my birthday
My thirtieth one.

It has been a long time 
For me not to be free.
Once and for all

Why me?
The other women
Are not aware

Are they of you 
Controlling their lives?
They are not even aware

Are they of their medical appointments
And bank accounts
Being yours

All yours.
You could be twins
With the one sister

What does she do
The famous one?
Nothing at all.

Do they even know
Of each other 
They must know

Or the FBI
Is not doing their job
Very well....Hmm....


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