Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Living life precariously...


25 years
Since the last strong one
That would be the twentieth century

Aftershocks and tsunami's
What in the world
Were they thinking?

Building on top
Of a restless dragon
Everyone knows

He must turn over
Run fast and hide

No, no
The hills came raining down
And the ocean leapt up

What the hell!
Those old buildings 
Are still standing firm

Having already 
Riden this ride before
But those new guys

Don't know what to do
Waving back and forth
In the wind until

They simply tilt
Like a windmill
Over on to one side.

Poor old dragon
Had to stretch
Way up there

Got stuck
Five aftershocks
All over 5,0

Could have knocked down
An entire town 
In old merry England

These new places
Are such a bother
Don't know why

He moved here.
He misses the smell
Of the old Britain

Got chased away 
By some kid named

Be gone
To the other side of the world
Nothing to do over here.

No damsels in distress
No kings to eat
Nothing to burn down

Guess he will roll over
And go back to sleep
Feel that water lapping

At his toes....
Those people have no idea
It was no fault of thier own

Just living on the wrong island
Now their homes are in peril
At least it is not a city

Full of glass structures
And nothing else.
I live in such a community

Where even a marker building
With that historic emblem
Is just plucked off 

By some Mexican 
Who cant read the language
And don't care either.

They keep tearing down
Those firm buildings
Which have already 

Been given permission
And on a double fault line
Have survived

This tiny city 
Was once a beautiful sight
To all those 

Who bothered 
Going any further than
Los Angeles

The original big port
Than that tiny village
Got the train 

And highways
While we were happy
To see the ocean

And smell the breeze
Tsunamis and typhons
Are not unknown

But everyone is new
And don't understand
Just build big glass buildings

Don't worry 
There is nothing
To worry about

Except that circle
Of volcanos 
Just behind them

The ones that get 
Snow sometimes
Because they are so high

While down at the beach
During low tide
The water reveals

What lies beneath
Lots of rocks 
And lava flow

One can see the marks
That the Indians left behind
They used the volcanic rock

To bore holes into
For their meal preparations
Living perilously close

To water that might
One day rise up
And swallow them

Which is what probably 
Did happen
We know they were here

That nasty San Andreas
Line runs straight down

From the north
To our bay
And then there is 

The other one
From the south
Baja was once 

Not attached 
But now it sticks out
Like a finger

Due to the upthrust
Of the earths core
They don't believe 

In dragons over here
But turtle's
Large ones that move

Around from time to time
Which is why some old maps
Show a different coastline

On the opposite side
Of the big pond
Called the Pacific

Only old maps
In other places such
As Asia or Russia

Show the difference 
This area has altered
Hmm, wonder if all that

Noise of those builders
May have woken
Something else

Lying much deeper?
Well, at least those
Taiwanese are prepared

For anything 
Even Godzilla 
Dropping by

These people 
Don't even know 
What to do unless

It is the comic con
Or the Padres game
They just mill around

Disturbing the substance
Below their feet
And the area is the old

Marina where there are
Still ships laying beneath
The asphalt

Oh, I hear him
The big bad boy
Stomping his way

Jimmy cant stand it
Which is why he lives 
In a fantasy world

Where he controls 
Women and takes thier money
Some of us have had 

Too much 
Of other peoples 

At our misery
When we do nothing
But wait for the mail

To deliver us out of hell
Instead, we keep hearing 
About our precarious life

Amongst those who 
Don't care how many die
Another one was pulled out

This last week
Lost count of the slow
Dying neighbors

Who have nothing to do
But hang around out front
Waiting for the big one 

To score and spend
Someone else money
Maybe a piece of 

Space debris 
Will fall on them
Sleep dragons

For some of us
And walk carefully...


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