Friday, April 12, 2024

I'm feeling a little bit betrayed...


His name is

His mother 
Is the Judy
Who showed up

Every where we went
And then she dumped
Her kids on us

Was where we were
When my father

Was a university instructor
They use to call them 

My mother always
Imagined she would

Look like the girl
In the add if she
Got my father 

To do something
Such as put in 
A skylight

Or sauna
Just like the girl
In the picture

The problem 
Is she used to be
The young child

In those adds
Once upon a time
Now the problem

Is that Brent
Has decided he is 
My fathers real son

And has gone around
Tearing down houses
And putting up 

Skylights in old buildings
Basically destroying 
My world of historic things

Left over from four 
Separate families
Coming to California

And then allowing 
The children to marry
Merging everything into me!

Anyways if I could
Close my eyes
And go back

To that year
Just after my father
Had passed away

With help from Brent
Who always shows up
And does things he should not

And think about throwing
Myself to the wolves
I would tell the media

That it was not the 
Yogart guy
But the Dominoes delivery 

One named Brent
Did you know Brent
They now have these

Driver less robots
Who go through 
Traffic lights

Without killing
Little old ladies
And stop at the 

Right house
Delivering their specialty
Without hanging around

For an extra tip?
And they don't get lost

Arriving in Los Angeles
Instead of Sacramento!
If the DA thought

About looking up 
Deliveries to that 
Address they would find

A number of phone calls
From me to the police
You see George S

I once lived in that same
Location and was repeatedly
Home invaded

Just a bunch of kids
Doing no harm
Until they bring out

They knifes!
I have been stabbed 
In the back

By Tara and Janet
In the chest
By Cathy and Lisa

My face?
It is called 
Skin grafts!

Do I have to tell 
You how many times
I have been attacked

Something Peter J
Knew as he as a cousin
Often stayed in the same

Places as myself.
Anyways Brent
And Dan

Are both criminals
Not real Mafia
Not even attempting

To be the real thing
They are just bad boys
On their own

After all their mothers
Once played with guns
When they were little

While their mother 
Held a gun to my mothers
Head they would 

Run around
And distract everyone
Else from knowing 

It was just some stupid
Broad with her panties
Twisted up .....

Did I mention
The KKK?
Yes that is right

This group
Have granddaddy's
In that Knights clan

They are rough
Little bitches
That run around

Running their own scams
And stealing and raping
As well as leaving 

Christians with no way out
If one tattles on these people
They will have you 

Just on their say so.
They don't take no

From any woman
Not even their own mamma
Which is why they have 

No idea why the backs
Of their heads
Are being melted

From a distance...
Control the woman
And one gets the whole world

Brent is more of a yogurt
Shop guy with his smiles
And so nice expressions

With a knife in his white socks
And your wallet in his pants pocket
Don't mess with me

He is dangerous
Living in Sacramento
He was always running lights

In Los Angeles
Where I sometimes worked
When in fact I was supposed

To be iin San Diego.
My grandfather died
Sitting at my kitchen table

Waiting and wondering
Why I was there and
Not somewhere else

He was still waiting
When I walked in from 
Doing another cooking show

My culinary certificates
Got me jobs 

Cooking for old people
And the military
All those precooked packages

Came out of my kitchen
While I was showing 
55 plus how to cook.

Brent probably has 
A speeding ticket

Although now I know
Juan Barron has those
In Riverside

While his family lives
In Chula Vista
Where do you thinks

These kids do at night?
Delivering pizzas
Not really

Just as Peter B
Had an afternoon
Paper route

Not really
He spent those hot afternoons
Sitting in a house

With air-conditioning
And eating out of my 
Grandfathers' lauder

Leaving him broke
Peters bright red hair
Along with Taras dark red

Could be seen 
Outside the flames
As I screamed 

And hit my father
With a blanket 
From my trunk

I finally just wrapped 
Him up in it
And put him in the trunk

While i speed to the nearest
Emergency room
With the cops following me

They helped carry him inside
Once I opened my trunk 
For them to see my burned father

It was not Los Angeles 
But Ensenada
Those kids do get around

And if Tara was there
Brent was there
Now Juan has learned 

From him as well
Having those experiences
Again of locking

My self in at night
But knowing I have not
Been there all night.

Pizza delivery
Is for those with guts
No fooling around 

Carry a big knife
If not a gun
Show up uninvited

Where ever you are
Don't always notice
The difference

Between one blond
And another at night
Living in  the same place

Brent, Brent 
What have you done?
I have a number 

Of relatives ready
To finger you 
When they arise

In the resurrection
As for others
Wonder what they are thinking....

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