Friday, April 19, 2024

How many times


She just sat there

Watching her mother

Do it again and again

Her father and mother

Had been lovers

Who were meant 

For each other

And no one else

Especially children

They had half a dozen

We kept giving them

Half a dozen eggs

Or a sixpack of soda

For special treats

To explain to them

How we felt

But it was no use

They would get 

Pregnant one more


Were they looking

For the perfect

Image of themselves

Or just couldn't make up

Thier mind about


It usually meant

At least one of us

Had to make room

For the new child

I mean disappear

Then they got too old

For the game

And began the other game

Of getting rid 

Of each other

Sitting there watching her

Play with Demi Moore

As her perfect image

Of herself 

Was nauseating

But then he had been

The ultimate example

Of a guy in an office

Began to wear

Western wear

And hang out

With indescribable ones

They often ended up

Doing things

That made a difference

While her group

Made their way in the dark

To what ever means

Available to survive

That was part of the problem

They could not survive

Without each other

They had grown up

Together in different 


Neither functioned 

Well without the other

She often just took

A walk as the oldest

And only surviving

Female of the group

She cried to see the boys

Scattered around the world

Was very protective

But could never get away

From mean Betty A

Retarded from birth

And not going to change

How often I attempted

To murder her 

In order to have a life

She just wont let go

And now goes behind 

My back in order

To have her way

What kind of people

Are these anyways?

Wont allow an individual

To have his way

With sports

Or awards

Must sit there 

And watch others

Steal the show

Or have some one 

Make a big fuss over it

While she just wanted

To be left alone

But no if she had one

Of them with her

For even the shortest

Amount of time

Candace or her daughter Weasel

Would show up 

Ruining it for everyone

The Zionist were a better

Group of Bible students

Than what they call themselves

It would be better for an organization

To actually do what they claim

Instead of having a bunch

Of wanna bees

Sit in judgment

When in fact

All they want is for their wallet

To get fatter.

Take the Jaillets

For instance

One of most horrible

Couples to exist

While Betty J

Went into a mental institute

Instead of the high school

She speaks of for she was not

Allowed out again

Until she was 24

And all over her little brother

Whom she later caused

To have an accident

On his motorcycle

Norman claims to have

Gone to the Army for two years

But there is no evidence

Of this only his say so

Which is not worth much

At all in the long run.

They kept stealing

Other peoples keys

And taking advantage

Of their homes 

While they were gone

And then would avail

Themselves of their food storage

Gas and other commodities

As well as the bank account

Then they moved into a bigger world

Where they kept the houses

And introduced themselves

As real people

Instead of the imaginary ones

They are to others

Margarets keys went missing

I knew it was them

And then they took the trip

To Maine as if they were from there

Or their daughter Nadine

Just had to go to Italy

And my mother was missing

Her correspondence

That side of the family

Are Mormon!

Would not do anything 

I asked about my mothers health

Instead they wanted me

To be locked up 

In order to keep me from 

Knowing that they were 

Still pretending to be my parents

Reaping the benefits

Without providing me with anything

And then when she died

Pulled out thier pockets

And said they could not offer

Any support not even emotional

Would not even allow me to have

A place to stay

In fact I went to plug in my phone

And was electrocuted

Passed out face down

On the floor with that funny feeling

It was going to be awhile

Before I knew who I was 

To anyone at all

Happened before and alwasy

Around Norman the electrician

By the way folks

In that county

If he worked on your place

Check for bugs

You know listening devices

Not trustworthy

Anyways every time 

I run away from these

Types of people

I run into jimmy

And his happy gang 

Of thieves

Such as Rodrequez

Where I have the one

Thing he wants

A boy child

Whether it is a little brother

Or a godson or a stepson

It is his to own and destroy

So employs these others

Betty and Katrina

Showed up when i was given

Permission and the impression

That i had my world back

Ended up hanging off

Sunset cliffs in one instance

Committed to a homeless situation

In another because they don't 

Want me to enjoy anything

But could not take care of even

A funeral service for my mother

Too much for them to handle

Did not even attend

But then she was the liar

And themselves the sweet arts

How many times

Can one person

Go through the routine

Of having to watch

Others take advantage

Of the constant strain

Of some wanting to show

Humanity towards an individual

But these non christians

Just cant handle the idea

Or the concept that they

Wont benefit.

When is their religion

Going to put a stop

To it for good?

Not just send in another

Scam artists or rapists?

Where are my boys?

Or do they not have

Anyway of communicating

With the government their own displeasure?

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