Monday, April 15, 2024

Its all about religion


What is life

Without god?

Or gods...


Is a year like no other

To a young man

Jimmy is still

Only 17

Stuck in stupidly

Henry the vii

Of England

Was not unusual

He killed his daddy

Freed the whore

Of the tower

And married her

Catherine of Aragon

His Queen!

Also five years older than him.

Sadly for England

Who were overrun

By the Romans

In the fist century

Of the new Anno Domini

They had no way out

They had already

Been through the Vikings

And the Saxons

And the Barbarians

As well as those Asians

Everyone found their tiny

Island just prime for plucking

Celts were originally 

From France

And England has waged war

Against France ever since

Having fled themselves

Only to be conquered

By these marauders

From the south.

Anyway it is religion

That leads the people

Romans were careful

To incorporate

The ancient beliefs

Into the new roman rule

However, even Ceaser

Had to withdraw from 

This isle of the sea

He had worse things

Than Thor and Odin


They had been an afflition

Egypt and Babylon

Kept trying to get rid

Of these Abrahamists

They were rich and resourceful

Now they had bred

A new thing


What was Rome to do?

This one did not mix well

They set the Lions 

On them but sadly

The big cats

Thought they did not 

Taste good enough.

Rome was in an uproar

Then Constantine's 

Mother went to investigate

And converted to Christianity

What was a man to do?

On his death bed

He allowed his mother 

To own the nations new religion

He built the Hagai Sophia

To begin the new place

Of worship

Athens decline had begun

Eventually the schism of the 6th century

Would led the Christians

To Rome to establish

The Vatican

And the Catholic church

In England this was bad news

By the year 1000

Everyone north had to succomb

Even the Barbarians

And the Northmen

Gave in to a centralized religion

England built great cathedrals

During the 11th century

All over England

Than they had all sorts 

Of trouble

With William the Conqueror

From France 

Coming and taking over everything

Hence the post 1066 

Buildings and change

Of the landscape of England

He even took over the Windsor castle

Already being built

For himself!

Rome made war 

With France and whoever...

What was a man to do?

His choice of a wife

Was in fact not worth it

She had girl after girl

That died except one

Mary of Scotland

Would eventually

Get to be a Catholic ruler

But first she had to endure

Her father wanting a boy!

His mistress have him

A boy named Henry

Who could have become King

But then those Lords 

Well, he was getting tired

No longer a brash 17 year old

But a handsome man 

In his thirties

He had women fainting

At the sight of him

He took over

Greenwhich village

Which has become

The line of mark

The observatory 

Has become the timeline

Everything West

Goes forward

And East backwards

A great hunting lodge

On the western side

Of the isle

Where no on would

Say anything

Until he got caught

With his wives 

Chamber lady Mary

Who also gave him 

A male child

Lord Thomas Bolyen

Was in politics

And not one to be 

Argued with at all.

He educated his daughters

In France for gods sake.

Anyways things just could 

Not remain the same

Catherine was now 

Forty years old.

Too old to reproduce

Anything at all.

He begged and petitioned

But the Pope 

Would hear nothing of it.

No divorce!

No putting her in the tower


He was stuck

With his decision

At a young age

Unlike some of his

Forbears who had 

To get married 

At 14 or 15

In order to provide

And heir

He had chosen his fathers

Non favorite

And then been stuck

It was not his fault

He was obvious 

Able to father babies.

Then he meet Anne

Anne Boleyn

She was 25

To his 34

She was bright 

And educated

And unwed

Half a dozen girls

In the same family

Of intellectuals

God he had to have her...

Then there was this matter

Of the papacy

Demanding they would 

Dominate the nations

To their demise

Not like the days

The Emperor of the Holy Roman

Had him on the run

Fled to France

In order to get away 

From Charlemagne

And his descendants.

Not anymore

Eventually the Huguenots

Would have to flee France

The Reformation was upon them

The Fifteenth century

And his four Thomas's

He made a bold decision

Which was not as brash

As before but made upon

The concrete knowledge

Of his people


Anne refused Henry

Henry got rid of Catherine

To the tower she went

And he also got rid

Of religion

After secretly being married

And making sure his bed

Would be well cared for

He demolished the Catholic ties

He made himself 

The man main of the new religion

Named after himself,

No, it is the 

Church of England

Wiser at 34 he knew

To name it after his 

Country people


Named after England

The isle of ingles

The new religion

Came into being.

All because Anne

Had said no to him.

Really he just wanted

To do it anyways.

Just like Jimmy

He just wanted his way

No longer a puppet

Of Rome

He was his own man.

A thousand days later

Anne would be beheaded

While her young 

Daughter Elizabeth

Watched and Henry

Was out hunting

With his new mistress

At Greenwich

Six wives 

He had for himself

None of them

Were his favorite

He was just a guy

With a throne

And needed a son

Not a woman

Jimmy has no sons

Even Teresa his wife

Says her sons 

Are mine...

Henry was not a bad guy

Just a good king

The Anglicans

Had been operating

In England since

The Seventh century's

He was smart enough

To give the people

What they wanted

Thier own religion

His son James

Would try the same thing

The King James Bible

Was his answer

Attempting to bring

The people back towards

The Catholic church

He failed

The printing press

Was a success

His book for the masses

Was actually accepted

He was not.

They did not want

To obey a man

Named the Pope

But wanted their own 


One they could control

While the allowed

A King to rule over them

Give the people

What they want

And be happy.

Henry had six wives

All of whom 

He killed when 

He tired of them.

He tried with the first

To just divorce

But as long as they were

Alive he had nothing

But trouble

Those damn religious people

He needed a widow

Not a divorce'

So he had them killed

One by one

He only got one legal

Son and lots of girls

He needed an heir.

Poor little Anne

She was just his device

He might have enjoyed

Her company

But did not last long.

After that first daughter

He was now approaching

Forty an age

Not favoarable

Many did not survive

And he had to have a son

So, he did what he had to do.

Gave the people

Thier own religion

Then he was allowed to be his own man...

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