Thursday, April 18, 2024

Have you ever wondered

Have you ever


If it might be 


That is causing

The whole world

To collapse?

Not that the

Center of the world

Is based on your life.

It is not about you

You know!

How often

I heard that

And yet...


On the public transport

Since I kept being

Car jacked

Or had grand theft auto


Right in front 

Of my eyes

Thats my car!


From inside the bus

Was a full grown man

Eating out of a takeout box

And wearing 

Absolutely nothing at all!

Does he think 

He is on that show

N and A?

Don't know why 

They are making it 

In the first place

But this guy looked


His form and his face

Were normal

With no signs

Of homelessness

Nor mental illness


He had no clothes on.

Another thing 

There are people

Who dont know

How to obey a court order

They just keep 

Following you around

And showing up

On the same bus

Even though 

They clearly don't need

To take the bus.

Such as the Thomas's....

Went to far

Jimmy did when he was young

His parents would show up

And keep him from

Fulfilling his destiny

Now he is just having

Tantrums everywhere

The Medici is no more.

The expensive steakhouse

Downtown in the classic


Which still has old buildings

Has shut down

There is no one that I know

Who did not want a steak 

I mean big fancy famous rich ones

No more...

Another house got it on the hill

What are they going to do

With all those tall empty buildings?

Life is different


No more nice guy

And no more normalcy

Hookah lounges

Where there was once

A nice ethnic restaurant

What next?

Drive thoughs?

Oh those have 

Gone out of business

As well as the street vendor

Did you know they have

Closed down 

Fifth street

In San Diego?


No cars 

Just walkers

To bad there are 

So many empty

Buildings ....

Times are changing

No more stopping on the corner

No more loitering

While standing in line

Or waiting for a place

To open up for business

And by the way

What was open yesterday

Might not be today....

What would it have 

Been like to have 

A ticket 

For the Titanic

And have missed 

Its sailing....

I found one of those

A first class ticket

In an old drawer

And no one in the family

Could tell me the story

Not since 1929

Does that group 

Know anything

Except to claim to be


When they are not

Especially the current ones

They stand there and stare

And dont look like

Any of the family photos

To bad for me

Who cant get back

What has been stolen

And I am supposed

To understand 

That this is my life now

When there is no reason

For it except some misinformed

Government employee

Who cant access the paper copy

Of those court orders

Or titles or anything else

On thier phone

And I did work on that

Project of the mobile

Silly me 

For thinking it would

Make a better world....

Anyways the story 

Is that grandpa Moses

Went to Paris

With his inheritance

With his wife and kids

Discovered Opera

And the auto race car

It was 1889

He spent the rest 

Of his life 

Designing a better racecar

As most of those early ones

Were meant for speed

And not convenience

He went on tour

In 1910 

To all the major 

Countries including 

Switzerland and Norway

They wanted a horseless carriage

But not a donkey cart

Ford and his model T

Altered the way it was

Meant to be

A rich mans toy

Not a poor mans

Home on wheels

The Story 

Is that Moses 

Whose dad

Had just died

A civil war veteran

Who had served his time

In California

At Alcatraz

And residing in Sausalito

He had a new wife

His southern wife had died

He had remarried

A younger pretty woman

Whose family were from 


Jenny had class!

And they were enjoying

The finer things 

When their train 


She was thrown from it

He was told she had died

But really she was just

In a nursing hospital

With amnesia in Geneva

Spent seven years 

Waiting for his return

Which he did 

Find her finally

With a small child

Which was his 

And my grandfather

But he had also


Could not write this

No one would believe it

The short of it is

He missed his ship

Because of all the paperwork

From the trained disaster

And filing for his dead wife

And then he got an invitation

To Sweden

Where he meet his next wife

But he missed his trip

On the Titanic

Had first class tickets

Which did not cost

The 35 dollars

For third class

But 4300 dollarsplus

Down the drain


Those first-class ones

Know what do you

Think their story 

Would have been

If he had made it

With his pregnant wife?

Moses and Gweneviere

On the deck

Not wanting to be separated

Would they have been

Like the Woolworths

Who created the system

Of franchise stores?

Or would they have been

The romantic couple

Of him pushing her up

On top of a door 

While he clung to the edge?

Probably just stayed in bed


A simple mistake

Sitting in his drawer

The first class ticket

To a doomed ship

While his own family

Troubles were not pretty

1927 racing model

He had just finished 

His masterpiece.

Which sat in the Smithsonian

Until Jimmy needed to recycle it for pennies....

Passing away

Before the Great Depression

Would alter his career

And knowing he had a son

But not knowing

That his career 

Would involve the "atom"

Including a Noble peace prize

In Sweden....


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