Sunday, May 28, 2023

The reverand cometh

 He had heard about the young boy

How many times did they have 

To be told of his obnoxious behavior?

He marched over to him

Plucked him up off the ground

And landed him bottom side up

On his lap

Whereupon he commenced

With his knowledge of hell

The boy was not 12 

Before he had deserved 

Such a performance of his authority

But he had withheld his decision

Upon her view of her babie

He was special and needed tenderness.

She had been prevented from marrying

Her heart throb while doing he duty

By attending university and marrying

A man in military uniform

But the baby they had was a girl

Then no more came along.

Eventually she found out about

The other woman whom he adored

No divorce was available to them

He came home a hero 

Went into politics

Getting elected Mayor of DC

While she grew distant to him

The other guy came along 

She gave in to him on a trip

Then she had to go off to Munich

Where she had her boy

Came out mulatto 

Just like her grandfather

Pale skin all over

And just the few signs 

On his face that he was of African

Descent a mutant from the old world

Her family were mixed between

The old Africa 

And the newer German

Her daughter was dark

And he was light

She hid it from her husband

Since he would not divorce her

Waited til her death to marry

The other woman named Mary

Benitta was a good girl

A beautiful woman

In her own way 

With her dark African skin

Now the boy was spoiled

By her in all she could 

But had to go home to dad

Where he had him in a foster 

Situation but he always wanted

More than they could offer

It was not money 

As they both had plenty of it

To offer him but he just

Wanted his way 

All the time 

Making up stories in his head

To cause problems for others

Accustomed to not having a nuclear 

Family where he belonged and owed

Allegiance, which he has none of.

The spanking was deserved

But not supposed to happen

Jimmies rules were that he never

Got punished for anything

So he kept on doing things

To make other miserable

Without ever having to pay for it.

He now had been spanked

By a black man 

Claiming to be a Reverend.

That was ******

No black man would be 

Accepted as a priest

He knew he was lying

He was going to make 

Him miserable and regret 

His thinking he could 

Lay a hand on him.

His death was not stopped.

He went after every man

In his family including

The ones who were not really

Making sure they knew 

He was not going to be punished.
He did not like people knowing

What  he was doing nor remembering

His bad days.

He used drugs and beatings

He captured her so many times

Always gets a spanking

For just being a good girl

All the time instead 

Of devicing ways of deceiving

Her own parents as he did

And made the others believe

That their parents were lying

Or not even theirs

He had created a whole

Fantasy world where he gets

His way and never gets told no

All he has to say

Is "he just wants his way"

And they know he cant be made

To understand anything else.

He should not have been

Allowed to grow up 

With other mental patients

Nor among the celebrity kids

He made sure they never

Got what they wanted

Which is why he was not 

Supposed to walk around

Acting as if he was a god

Or something else

Not important enough 

To allow the government

To do something

But he went after their kids as well.

Then his stupid father

Who cant see in the dark

What he has between the sheets

Goes and gets a special thing

The Catholic man 

Was honored with a Jesuits degree

How could he do that to him?

He had always been a clown 

In his eyes not a smart man

But instead he now is a man of god.

It did not take long

For him to get his way with him

His father died suddenly 

Of heart problems

Then he could finally got his 

Foster mother whom he called 

His  mother in law

Even though not married

To either of her two daughters.

No college!

No religious men!

No smart women!

Those were his rules 

And everyone else has to live by them

Or he does what he does to get even.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Burnt sunset dreams...

My sister always called them 

Burnt sunset dreams.

We would come home from a trip

And there it was one more time

Our home had been invaded

My grandmother and myself

Were born out there on the 

French soil of the West coast

Ranch of fruit and nut trees.

No matter what we did

Or where we went

Or why that witch

And her family would be there

With their human trafficking

A pimp and a prostitute

Is what the Farrel's were known

Arrested and deported

Only to walk once more into

A gated private property

To set up a public campgrounds

Even now the girls who are supposed

To be taught aeronatics at

The corner school which was once 

An international college 

Now has a butch of catholic

Sluts who go to the beach

And have sex with their companions

Causing the visitors and other

Residents a shock to see their uniforms

Not adhered to their bodies

Why has the gentle community

Of religious members

Of the same family for over 

A hundred years have to put

Up with this woman and her adopted girls

Who are not nice nor do they not encourage

Drugs nor murders on the property

Cleary they will have to be killed. 

Themselves in order to get rid of them.

Meanwhile this weekend 

Should be a family one 

Where we could all come together

As in the old days 

For a family memorial

Of all the ones who have died

For this country

Not for Germany 

Nor Mexico

Such as my father Terry

Who served in the Korean war

For five years, 

Only to be set on fire

By Jimmy whose real dad

Never served in the military

Just woke the kids up 

Every day with his show

Captain Kangaroo.

Then there was my grandfather

Jack who was a paratrooper

During WWII ,

He was found dead

At the kitchen table

In my apartment

Instead of one of his own homes

His own military pistol

Was used by whom?

The Police never did 

Figure it out in LA

Where Jimmies dad ruled supreme

Or my grandfather Ralph

Who worked on the Manhatten Project

And volunteered for North Africa

After his job was done 

When D-Day occurred 

He had no intention of dealing with 

The Pacific battles nor Japan

His brother-in-law 

Was there on his ship.

For both WW wars 

As a professional naval 

He suddenly drove his car

Backwards in Sausalito

When Jimmy needed a ride

And not even his kinfolk

Amos is buried at the 

National Memorial 

In the Bay Area,

While his brother in law

Had a massive heart attack

After he found out that the kid

Listed as the first conscientious objector.

In California when the draft

Was being considered by Carter.

Only to want to run around 

And control those Muslim guys

In the Iraq Desert Storm

This after he interfered in Iran

Practically causing the Iran situation

While I was in the office with the housekeeper

To get our papers in order at teh US Embassy

My uncle whom I was supposed to be living 

Got left behind as I was escorted out the back

My skin beige enough to pass

But not my whiter french uncle

Who was hide with one of the other guys

For the duration of the hostage thing

When they finally let them go

These guys were also pushed out 

Richard was one of the ones who understood

Poor Carter, Jimmy was not his friend

And he is laying in Hospice 

Having served himself in the war effort

Both my great-grandfathers

Also served in the Great War

One was a flying ace 

Stationed in Egypt 

And a Mormon 

Who managed to go home 

To his one wife or was she his second?

Anyways the other guys 

Offered themselves. 

Such as the one from Scandinavia

With experience but over forty.

His son did go in his stead

Buried at the Rosencranz

National memorial for WWI

And then there was that guy

Who got sent during the Civil War

To California who spent it 

At that fort in the middle 

Of the bay called Alcatraz

Then refusing to go home

Until he retired as the postmaster

Of the Presidio in San Francisco

Only to die shortly afterwards.

We have those who are buried

At Arlington National Memorial

As well as those who came 

Home quietly to finish

Thier life course 

Without the fanfare.

All the way back to the 

French and Indian wars

We have fought 

For this country

And never have any of them

Been given the real heroes 

Welcome home.

Not even the ones in the National Cemetaries

All have been robbed and raped

By the German cowards 

Who came not wanting to deal

With Russians

But also refusing to go home

Once their Wall came down.

They prefer to be the ones

Yelling the most about

Thier Social Secuity benefits

Being in danger by this 

Current adminstrations

Possible debt default crash

Causing the entire federal government

To come to a halt.

Enjoy this weekend 

It might be the last one

With money for a picnic 

At the Beach or the Park.

Just wait till they get that call,

To repay their loans

In full from someone

They might have made angry

Such as Russia

Whom do we owe money 



Burnt skies,

Possible nor morning sky...


Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Just another gate crasher...


A 19 year old man

Not old enough to drink alcohol

Barely old enough to vote

Got on a plane without problems

To fly to Washington DC

Only to rent a U-Haul truck

He then drove it to the White House

And began to ram the barrier with it.

There is a better way to get a tour

Of the White House

Just across the street is the National Park

Office where one used to sign up 

Then those people came to town

The line was around the corner

And it is a big corner

All those Africans wanted to see

Where the Man was living 

With his wife and two daughters

They also all had letters in the pocket

They had to be verified before they could

Stand in line for the tour.

Then all those toilets had to be replaced.

Not saying anything about the ethnic issue

But the days of arriving to sign up for a tour

On the same day are long gone.

But the ones they let in with background checks

Still were not able to cause an issue

With the missus

Still had to redecorate afterwards

Mame Eisenhower sewed her own curtains

Which she hung in the family section

But now everything is taken care of

We are not going to pay our bills 

This year nor next

Overspending due to the Coronavirus 

And then that other unmentionable thing

Could not resist showing up at the G-7

In Japan for another handout

What is he going to do if he should win?

Take over the entire country of Russia?

Well, this guy did not sign up for the tour

Nor did he get a background check

He rented an aluminum sided truck

To drive himself to the Whitehouse

He apparently was going to move 

The Bidens out of the house

Allowing them to take their belongings 

With them which is more than Jimmy has done

He has been throwing things away at Goodwill

Selling them on Ebay 

And tearing houses down 

Just so I wont have anything at all

To go home to if they ever kill him.

This guy was evicting the President 

It seems because he decided it was his time

Hate to tell him,

But one has to be at least 35 years old

To run for election

But as most young people

He had no clue what the constitution

Says about anything 

If he has even heard of it.

Most schools teachers have been told

Not to argue with the students

They might pick up a gun

And shot them and the others

So the education is worse 

Than before and the emotional age

Is not even equivalent

What did he think?

He was going to knock on the door

Or just let himself in?

Did he assume they don't lock their doors?

As there is always someone present?

What were the security supposed to do

Without even a letterhead document

In hand?

Lay down on the job?

Anyways his barrier bashing

Resulted in little results

Arrested for damage to the fence line

And no attempt on the President

How many time did Jimmy

Walk in and sit down at the supper table?

Decide to live inside the walls

Stealing food from the kitchen

Or just begin to introduce himself

As the owner of the piece of real estate?

Does no one else recall when Jimmy

Did this or that 

That he keeps on being allowed to sit down

Or shake hands or something else

Is everyone as beyond shock

As I am and wondering

When will it end?

By the way,

Mr. Biden 

I would not lock up my stuff 

In a storage center

Jimmy just allows himself 

To walk in and remove 

All of the contents of those places

As well as bank vaults drawers

He does not understand

That he has to be the owner 

Of the contents of those drawers

All those bank robberies 

He attempted to accomplish

He now just lets himself 

Own them without pulling out a gun

And the staff prefers his new way

They simply hand over anything 

He asks for without asking 

Anything at all of him nor the authorities

I would not surrender my keys

To your desk nor your closet

He enjoys wearing other peoples

Clothes as well as removing

The furniture from a house

Not occupied 

Like your weekend retreat

Or retirement home

Or even those little hunting cabins

It was his birthday Saturday

Last year a bunch of girls

Got to go out to lunch with him

They all wanted me to see them

Dressed up from their tea

Without knowing that he wont be back

He never goes back for a girl

After giving her a reward

A single meal

After a decade of deceit 

Is his payment 

While the girls get angry 

This year I was avoiding him

Only to have a bus strike

Force me into a route

I would not have taken

And there on the trolley 

Was a young man who resembled him

Looking as a homeless man

He always had bank accounts

And never was allowed to be broke 

By his real parents

But he would pull that stunt

For people to get angry 

At my parents for not taking care of him

When they had court orders

They would go to prison 

If they interfered in someone else child

As it was he got his way

Caused my parents to divorce

And then set about having them in trouble

If it was  not one thing it was another.

All because he wanted to be President

Of what?

His dream world includes

Him just being allowed to have his way

Without caring about what happens to anyone

Once upon a time 

There was a man considered so bad

He was called Franco

He took over Spain for himself

Kicked the King out of his land

Then abducted the grandson

Who had to be raised under threat

Communism and exile

He went along with everything

But married himself a Princess

From Greece

Which almost got him killed

He lived poorly 

Having to request a larger place

For his pregnant wife

Then her father and brother

Were put into exile

She had no place to go home.

Even now her brother 

The last King of Greece

Was buried in a commoners

Funeral with no sign from teh government

Meanwhile, they visited California

Just in case they neede to run away

From his ever increasing domination

Then one day he suddenly died

The Prince of Spain had been promised 

A young girl was given the microphone

As no one else wanted to be the announcer

Franco is dead!

The Prince has become King

Carlos of Spain

And his family no longer had to worry

About being killed and murdered

By thier own guards.

They had done it right 

And now they could go home

A young boy named Philip

Became a Prince that day

While all the others he played with

Were no longer friendly towards him

He is now the King of Spain

With another prostitute by his side

Jimmy decided if he could not force

Them to make him the Prince

He would make the decision 

Whom the Princes married

Not one single marriage 

Has not been arranged by Jimmy

Including Mehgan and Harry

He is not going to stop

I have no place to call home

Because he wont stop threatening

Everyone who has allowed him

To walk in and sit down.

The girls are not satisfied 

With the White house nor 

Buckingham Palace

They want whet  he promises

Which he prommisise to all of them

In thier herion addiction

They cant see him for what he really is

A barrier basher

Who has no plans for them

After he gets them to betray their parents.

Watch out!

It is your own kids

He has trained like stupid dogs to do his dead's.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Victorious Woman- Boudica Queen of the Iceni tribe


She crept on him quietly

And put the sword to his throat

He sighed deeply inside

He knew she would come no matter

What had happened on the field

She was a fine warrior

In fact, many wondered 

Where she had gotten the skills

She so marvelously displayed

The wife of Prastugus

King of the Iceni tribe.

I, Claudius of Rome 

Had made eleven kings surrender to him

In his invasion of the Celtic islands

Now called Great Britain

He may have installed a dummy king

On his death his will which he did have

Left half his kingdom to the Roman Emperor

The other half he left to his daughters

His wife does not appear to have received 

Any inheritance but was known her death

To be wealthy with gold emblems

And other items which adorned her burial

No on seems to know where she came

Only that she was respected 

And accepted as their queen

She lead them into battle 

Against the Romans. 

Once they had come for her daughters

They are said to have raped them

As children before they could bare a child

It is also noted that the King might

Have thought they would be married off 

To the sons or nephews of the Romans

Instead of defiled as worthless

Since their main value would have been

Marriage to someone who would then

Take control of the area.

As it was one of them did marry

The descendant of Nero of Rome,

Cymbeline who married. 

The daughter of Tiberius

Had a son who merged them together

As the King may have meant to occur.

But his wife was robbed and left with raped girls

She went to battle for them 

Enjoying the misery of the Romans.

Who had not known to take them 

Away from her nor use them in that fashion

That the King left them half of his kingdom.

Is of note as it is noteworthy to believe

His kingdom was worth that much

To the Romans .

But they wanted it all not half

Therefore he may have made a promise

And provided it through his daughters marriages.

Which were not originally accepted

What the Romans thought was going to happen

With this type of warfare is unknown.

But she made it through to their side

Killing ruthlessly everyone she could

She may not have wanted them to be removed,

To Rome itself nor was going to  have them

Go unrevenged. 

As for herself one only wonders

Did they also take her or leave her 

Childless and too old to reproduce,

She most likely was no more than thirty

As most married young enough 

Around 14 or so when she began

To show she was a woman.

Her training must have come from somewhere

Else as he seems to have been proud of her

She quickly took on the role of warrior.

As Queen she did not have to lead them

But she did making it clear who was in charge

Unlike many of the modern world leaders.

Who are too busy shaking hands

I Claudius, did conquer,

The Brits 

May not have been true

To have installed a king

To rule over the others. 

Was not unknown

Then to take credit for the area

To come under the control of one king.

Not eleven of them

She must have been quite striking

The woman warrior

Notice that her name is not known

It is not Boudica 

That is her title 

The Victorious woman

Which means that she did win 

Her battle against the Romans

They may have begun to bargain

For control of the areas.

Instead of moving everyone

Which they also did in order 

To subvert their natural 

Enemies into submission 

They might have also set up emissary's

To control the area for them.

This story of the fiery breathing 

Woman Queen who fought valiantly

But then was buried in a field 

For her followers to through silver coins 

Unlike Christ who was betrayed by Judas

For thirty pieces of silver 

And then buried in a paupers grave

After his suicide from his own horror.

It is known that she appears to have 

Recieved the respect of the Romans

But not allowed to remain in power

It is her death that reveals the truth.

While she had gotten far in her endeavors

The Romans were not going to allow

Her to be victorious.

They must have made a deal with her

As her own husband may also have done.

In order for at least one daughter to marry.

And remain as Queen in Britian 

She would appear to have conceded. 

To the Romans to allow her on heir

To rule in her stead.

She might have had to perform

A miracle with a mans head as evidence.

Of her own powers and a sign of her victory

She might have concealed her departure.

By dying in the public's eye

Having a massive funeral 

With all of her rich gold and jewels

On display while she lay there

Barely breathing to be coverd over

Perhaps by her own daughter

Then after they were drunk

In their misery of grief

Brought forth out of the shallow grave

To receive the hand of her youngest daughter.

And lead to the cliffs of the island

Where she was met with a ship 

Which would then carry her off 

To another world. 

Perhaps the one now called America

The man she had crept upon, 

Had already seen his comrades head

Put on display for all to see

There were many who were sent 

And then spread the word throughout the Celts.

Not only of the powerful woman 

But of her victories.

She would have had to allow them to know

What she was capable as well as prove it in the field

This man knew of her abilities

Not unlike Judith her followed her footsteps

She went for their heads.

How many of them she might 

Have collected, as there had previously 

Been eleven kings.

No one will ever know.

She is called the Victorious woman

And she demonstrated that night

She was capable and willing 

To take another head for her trophy wall.

As it was he was waiting with an agreement

Rome would send Centurions.

If she did not relent

They would burn and destroy

All that was left of their Celtic isles.

If she relented he would allow her to live

And set up her daughter as the new Queen

While personally escorting her 

And her other daughter to another land.

Where they would not be heard of again.

There are also stories in America.

Of strong women who were called Queens

Or warriors.

There was the great city of Cahokia.

Which was larger than Londinium.

And perhaps could have equaled. 

The old Roman city.

It would have been beautiful to her

But then sudden destruction came upon it

They say the Romans did not make it 

To the other side of the Atlantic.

But then there as no land they did not conquer

The left behind China and India.

Perhaps also with emissary's

But she had been promised a life

She must have had one 

Which is there in thier stories

If one looks for it in the correct place.

Her daughter would have been allowed

To also find a mate to make her an equal

As her father had left her in his will.

The great victorious woman

With no name nor origins

Made it through life at a new place

With her gold diadem

Upon her head.

While a man served her for sparing his life.

Some stories are never fully investigated

Her pictures images show her red haired

And full of fury as we wish to remember. 

Not as a crumpled old woman

The last Queens of England

Have been allowed to go to long.

It is not that we want them to die,

But to receive the rest and respect they deserve.

The Dead Queens Moore might have her body yet.

Returned to the burial after she did die.

And not worn out from falling victim 

To young men's dreams of making

Themselves Kings without conquering.

While the young crazy Kates have no place at all,

Having never done anything to provide them the right to rule.


Someones garage got raided!


Look at that!

One of the biggest bibles

And the oldest as well.

Wonder who lost it first?

It has been with the Sasson

For awhile after he found it...

Anyways, it went up for auction

In New York city,

Gloves off too!

Would you buy anything 

If the propetier did not wear 

Proper PPO?

Really, the guy is standing there

In the middle of one of the hardest hit cities

Showing off an antique with no white gloves!

It is supposed to be a codex sewn together.

From the year 900 A D

That is 900 years after Christ lived and died

But except for the Dead Sea Scrolls

There are few examples of anything

As the Romans and the Moors

Enjoyed a good bonfire.

Especially if it was made of reading material.

Even Hitler joined their happiness.

In his book burning antics

The Bible was not printed by Guttenberg.

Was not printed until 1450 AD

This is a handwritten document

And it went for just over 

Thirty-eight million US dollars!

Bought by a former Ambassador.

For the Tel Aviv Museum.

Must make a trip to Israel

Used to go there all the time

When I was little 

Until all that fighting began

It was a holiday trip 

Almost everyone made when I was of age

I can even recall my grandmother Hazel

Driving through the traffic

That did not last long,

Her ability to drive

Jimmy put an end to that quick enough.

Women are not allowed....

Must have Hysterectomy's,,,,

Cant be allowed to spend their own money

Nor choose food at grocery stores

Unless it is meant for his mouth

He even walked in once 

When I was having lunch at a buffet

With his wife and kids

Sat down on top of my lap

He is a big guy by the way

And directed my fork 

With food to his lips

And ate my food while staring at me

With those horrible eyes of his

I wonder what color his where 

When he was born?

He is an albino but he might have had

Brown eyes. 

Those baby blues of his just don't 

Sit right with me when he uses them.

I was born with blue ones

But had them stolen out of my head

These are borrowed until judgement day

And they are not the color I was born 

Anyways, elsewhere in the news.

Zelensky is getting to have his way

He now gets to have his little fighter planes

I still think he is dressing like Fidel Castro

And does not have the right to present himself

To World leaders in his khakis

It is not the MASH show where no one has anything else

Even my father threw away his Korean clothes

He has made the rounds of the European 

Court countries after I challenged him to come out

It was thought he was scared his family 

Would be taken hostage or something.

They are never with him 

One never does know in these days 

Of Coups and overthrows

But now he has gone to the desert

To shame those guys with oil to sell

About his difficulties

In not having a standing army

When he threatened to take the Crimea

As part of his own territory

And then he is off to Japan

Wonder who is paying for the gas?

Of his wonder jet

Or is Wonder Woman doing the flying

In her invisible jet?

G7 is dealing with the aftermath

Of the Nuclear bomb descending on them

But what does he have to offer?

The Soviets were not quite done

When the Ukrainians decided to withdraw

From the Federation of Russia

There are still warehouses of the damn things

Hanging around their garages

Most of the old boys who know 

How to work the things are dead

Such as my grandfather Ralph

Not jimmy's by the way

He always steals everything 

For  himself 

Must have all the glory

And none of the shame

Wants to be the wonder boy

His own dad was not good enough

One of the first millionaires

In Hollywood but hey

He was not a war hero.

Actually they say there are pictures

Of Captain Kangaroo in Japan 

Upon the surrender of the country

Due to this little bomb

Maybe he pocketed some things

Because his son Junior

Seems to have the goods 

On everyone 

Wants to be the one to tell all

If threatened he goes on a tirade

Calls everyone he has on his speed dial

About his troubles and how much

He is going to destroy their world

If they don't surrender to his wishes.

Now Zelensky is going to confront

These guys and cry about his plight

Why did he not think first

Before inserting his foot into mouth?

Why do they insist on treating

Putin as if he is Jimmy?

He is not stupid.

He went to Law school

At eighteen and then KGB school

He probably even has the equivalent. 

Of  a high school diploma

I used to have at least three of those

My mother kept insisting I had not passed

While Jimmy never got past the sixth grade

He did show up as a twenty year old

At the same high school

As Rebecca Debunay

And a few other notables

But he was not a completer of any task

Could not spell was his expression

The ABC's of algebra

Were too much for him to handle

A plus B equal C

I got it the first time through

Then had to repeat for the next four years

As my mother was relentless in her approach

To making me suffer for someone else

Also got a special award

At that crazy high school

For math and science

Only to have to sit through

A number of dumb classes 

With that twenty-five-year-old 

That Candace had hired 

Named Cathy from Germany

Who could not pass anything at all

But would take my work

Erases my name and scribble 

Hers on top 

And then the school board 

Believed her instead of me

Because she was pure white

And poor to boot

While I was lightly tanned

And Indian from a family

On the East coast

Who could afford to send

Thier kids to College 

Instead of roaming around with a shopping cart

Those Millers did not know what they were

To the rest of the kids

For one thing everyone knows

That in the old Holy Roman Empire

Of Charlemagne's

That the Germans put a man 

On the end of their names 

Like Jackman instead of er

AS in Miller

So they were from the French side

Of the divisions of Europe

But they were frauds anyways

Cathy was not French at all 

Nor a Miller but something else

A family took many to have her 

In their house to torment

The girl whose family were not white

Nore Nazi

She actually got an allowance 

Equal at the time to a full month

Of welfare or minimum wage at the time

While she ran araound in the same clothes

Everyday and pretended she did not have 

Anything to eat either.

While my grandfathers garage

Was raided by others who sat and ate

But did not acknowledge his request

To keep my mother from playing

Out her fantasy one more time

This is where they stopped running

Her parents from whatever pursued 

Them and their only child

She was completely crazy by this time

She did not complete high school

But got her one semester at Vasseur

An all-female college

Jimmy does not have a high school diploma

Nor a birth certificate or even a drivers license

Does not deter him from having his way

He has been robbing and raiding

Everyones garage and storehouses

He now has the goods on everyone

Mayb Tom Cruise can show the guys 

How to fly in the Ukraine.

He is a world class movie star

While Harrison Ford got a special

Award for his Indiana Jones  movies

On the Nazis and stolen loot

He was an air force guy 

During the Viet Nam war

Flew a few times himself

So was the Zodiac Killer

By the way, the have ID'd him

Now as a Gary Post

Former Air force 

Current house painter

His family are old east coast money

The kind that can trace themselves

To royalty without being a king themselves

He and his siblings are all dead now

But I recall his mother who was also

A Robinson being influential

I remember this guy hanging around

The same places as my father and his friends

Killings in Oceanside and Ocean Beach

It was usually couples he got close 

Maybe he had a morality clause 

But there were other hap hazard things

A rifle being used on a couple walking 

As if he was a sniper 

Taking out the enemy

Or another military guy 

Found face down on the picnic blanket

With multiple stab wounds in his back

That only a skilled military personal

Could have administered.

Maybe California was dealing 

With a rogue special arms guy

Who went undetected for some reason

Or at the time he could not be brought in for questioning

Due to the influence of the military

California is the sunny state 

Of movie stars

As well as heavily in military bases.

It was the Zodiac stories and letters

Avery brought forward in his quest 

For a Pulitzer that caught the interest

Of the public. 

He had a multi newspaper career

Before landing in San Francisco 

From Hawaii with a college degree

He should have had some knowledge

Of the military from his life in Hawaii

But he missed all the clues

And went for the Berkeley university 

Nut house personality

Wonder who wrote those letters

A guy pretending to be someone else

Or a guy pretending to receive them?

Ruffalo portrayed the wrong suspect

In the most recent movie on the subject

Thsi guy fit the nut bill

As did Jimmy by the way

He kept popping up everywhere we went

And the authorities were not happy

They even suggested he could be a serial killer

He was a little young for those killings

But they wanted us out of the way

All through the sixties

There were killings of this guy

And then 1970 was the end.

Did he run out of victims? 

On his hit list

Or drugs from his days in the air force?

My father had a sibling surface

He was raised by his  uncle

Because his mother had died 

When he was born 

But after she was exposed 

To the laboratory where her husband worked

On the Manhattan project

She had a prior marriage.

And son that disappeared.

This guy shows up in his high school

And is his exact double!

Albert was his name

He did the usual things.

Ended up in San Francisco with a wife

And a job but then was shot dead

In 1970.

Meanwhile the house painter

Traveled the same circuit 

As others and painted homes

Maybe even the Pelosoi's?

He was good at getting into peoples 

Homes or hearts 

Without them noticing he was a killer

His DNA matched on one of the stamps

Wonder of wonders.

Mr. Nice Guy 

Who is always around

Never causing trouble.

Now about Zelensky

Are we really going to allow him

To send his planes to Moscow?

This is more than enough.

Someone needs to stop this war.

A twin is in jail over there

His brother says there is nothing he can do.

My sister died when we were little

She was always getting into trouble.

Which is why I sat as a teenager?

Frustrated at all the things going wrong

I had to get her out of things

Only to have myself in a perplexing situation

Kept getting drugged or prevented.

From proper medical care

Making me appear to not know

What I was doing but I did pass 

Those old tests proving I was sane

Just not able to keep others from taking advantage

Of my mother's dementia and developing brain cancer

What a different world if she had been sane?

Wonder if there. would have been a difference.

If Kathy had been executed for her multiple attempts

At murder?

I always wanted her to be arrested 

In Red Sqaure as a terrorist

As that is what she was really

An insane individual who wanted. 

Her way so much, she was willing to kill for it.

About Zelensky, is he really running the country.

Or is it running him?

No one knows when their end is coming.

But is ridiculous to consider.

That Russia is going to go down.

Europe is already getting the drift

Of his war as his munitions 

Go up in flames.

Maybe a fire extinguisher 

Would be a better present. 

For him.

Oh, Holy Yahweh!


Thursday, May 18, 2023

Dear Mr. Truman


It appears there is no comparison

Between the Hiroshima bomb above

And the bombing of Dresden below

They were both part of war

Dresden endured over four years

Of constant planes dropping bombs

Upon the citizens of the German city

While only one bomb was dropped over Japan

What were they supposed to do after 

Germany collapsed 

And Italy was no more a threat?

Spend another decade attempting 

To find a way to convince the invincible?

No one want to apologize.

But I do want to say I am sorry.

I know you were not the original

Of the concept of the bomb

Only provided the details after the death

Of Roosevelt who had spent

Half a decade chained to the desk

In the Oval office 

It was developed in a laboratory 

In East Tennessee

And then experimented with in Arizona

Those two places kept their mouths

Shut but not their hearts

It was the culmination of the science

Available having conquered

The Math but not the results

Environmentally of the results

What to do with this thing?

Most would not have had it developed

Nor dropped at all.

I am sorry Japan for your loss

It was not designed for your small island

But for a much larger target

Berlin Germany

They spent so much time 

Killing everything they could 

In order to have world domination

And without any means of supporting 

Themselves except by stealing from 

Thier betters even though a different religion

As it should have been 

Berlin should have been lost 

As well as all of those who helped

Turn in the Jewish population

As well as others who were

Not going to stop with the European

Empire but were planning 

To even take their own Axis

Powers of Japan as they 

Also sought China 

In thier ideas of world control

After all they went up against

Moscow and thought they could

Have the entire continent

They would not have stopped

Going against Japan

Just because they supported them

They wanted it all 

And thought they could get away with it

After all there would be no one to tell

After it was done and over

Instead they had too many rats

Internally and got caught up 

In the overall development

Of countries not accustomed 

To have themselves made into slaves

Your country was never meant

To be the target at all.

They were ready to go forward

With their little bomb

When two things happened

One they won at D day 

On the beaches of Normandy

And they had a bomb to drop

And no place to drop it.

If you had only known 

Your men would have given themselves

Willingly in order to stop this from occuring

Would they have not?

They would have laid down tier arms 

IF they had known of what one city

Would endure?

Or they would have gone and laid down 

Themselves on teh ground to protect

They inhabitants of the city

If they had known what was going to happen

No, no one really knows

What is the turn of a war

Of the moment of indecision 

That causes an entire country

To lose their way

But your country was just convenient

To get rid of something they had 

Taken a decade to develop

Stealing at times

Scientists from Europe

In order to be teh only ones

To have it and then not want it

They wanted to get rid of it

Just as Jimmy has been getting

Rid of everything he can

Of someone else property

He only wants them not to be remembered.

Nor spoken of comfortably

Instead he wants them to be hated

Not to be remembered at all

He believes if he can erase.

Thier memories

Their lives then he can have

What he wants

World domination.

They say that Dresden residents

Did to themselves in order 

To gain sympathy for themselves

Kind of like all the tomfools

Going on in Ukraine 

Instead of being a grand old

Community that finally got 

Thier freedom from the Soviets

Who had stolen the country 

From the only people 

To make it work as a country

Then they turned themselves

Into a TikTok celebrities

How many of those early 

Scenes were staged?

It is a sad thing to tell 

You Mr. President

But you might have done them a favor

Everyone wants to go Japan

And almost wants to hurt them

It is sad those who died 

But sadder those who were saved

And dont know they were in the way

Of the relentless operation of peace.

I will say I am sorry 

As a granddaughter of one who 

Worked on teh Manhatten project

Only to reject it at its end

He ran off to join the army 

In the final six months

Fighting in North Africa

Finally getting his freedom

From his own studies 

He had lost his wife 

And son in the early days

Never to recover the newness 

Of making something for peace.

But for destruction 

Just as Kiev is no more 


Knock Knock, Who is it?


Who is it?

Better be something important!

What the hell!

It is time, jimmy.

They are knocking at your door.

The Swat team have arrived,

The FBI and IRS 

Are out there as well, 

In fact everyone came 

It is your Birthday!

They thought they would pay 

You a surprise visit today!

Surprise, it is Saturday.

May 20th,

Except there is no birth certificate 

For you on file, 

Because it is not your birthday

But simply a number on your

Fake ID.

Guess what?

It was noticed!

You don't have a real identification card.

Nor does your wife Teresa Maria,

Nor her two sons

The Barron boys.

In fact, you entire life

Has been a lie.

And today when you turn

Not 63 but already 66

They have decided to come 

Knocking on your door!

How are you?

Is it a good day for you?

It would be nice if you

Were not hanging out

Between your open robe

But that is how you always had it

On your own fathers show,

Captain Kangaroo!

The little waterspout song

Finished with you showing 

How it rains down from you....

Your father was never amused

Made sure he was the longest lasting kids show.

Unlike poor Mr. Trump

Who is being faced 

With which door to go through

Like Martha Stewart before him

He is being accused of normalcy

At least for New York city

You know Jimmy

If you had pulled any of those 

Fantasy things you once did

You would be shot!

They don't take kindly to kids

Anymore, the more messed up

The more likely to put them down.

You always stayed at the Hilton.

While you pretended to be poor.

Then you would get caught

Shoplifting or something.

Have to sit in the big room 

Waiting for the guys with badges

To figure it out and

Then you would sell anyone

And everyone out

Including your own mother.

You killed her did you not?

She died of a massive heart failure.

You have been busy selling everything 

Else you can form the smallest 

Doll to the largest piece of furniture

Not charging a whole lot

But then you already made a killing

On all of those secrets of yours

Then there are those bank accounts 

You conveniently captured

Make sure not big mafia boss

Has them nor a small time 


Who would walk down  the street

In broad daylight with a gun?

Shot a grandma and her daughter

Both of whom are older than yourself.

If one did not know any better

One might think you were behind

Thes mass shootings, somehow

From the mental ward

That even you own father 

Though you deserved.

Well Trump is being faced 

With a choice of what door to choose

As if he is on a game show.

Should he go for the prison door?

Or the Oval office door,

Or just the one where he retires

To a nice island somewhere

There is no extradition to America

And all because he was smarter

Then you Jimmy.

You were never going to make it

In Hollywood nor Washington

Only you did not know that.

All those crazy ideas of how to get noticed

Kidnappings, High jackings

Plain robberies at the gas station

On the local museum

Not to mention all those 

Cigarette sales 

They are doing nowadays.

They claim they are getting them

From Mexico by the carton

And then selling them at half price

No Federal taxes nor state ones

Either are being paid.

It is still illegal

And requires jail time.

After all they got Capone 

On tax evasion 

And Martha on stock fraud

You are a fraud. 

From the day you were born 

In December of 1956

To the day you are going to die

And it will be before this next year

Will it not?

You were one of those in the 70s

Never growing to grow old

Not over 17 at all

Which is why you assumed 

A second identification

So you would not be an adult

And then you had to be of legal age

Then a married man

Even though as a teenager

You married so many times

They just stopped pronouncing.

Man And Wife.

Then a papa 

Even though you hate kids

Oh, Horrors you had to go to work

Did not last a month at a desk job

Not that you ever did work more than 

a month at anything.

Decided to collect some else disability

And old age and then their pensions

You have not stopped defrauding 

The American government

As a German born bastard

In those days

He us military thought

They owned the right to be stationed

There in their fare land

Of the Nazis and killers of the innocent

That little escapade

But a lot of women went to Berlin

To have their baby

Not born in America

Now they simply run down to Texas

As that is not America either

Farmington New Mexico 

Is the home town of Demi Moore

And you moved there a few years ago

For no reason at all

You are listed as having a second home.

Instead of the stolen one

In Chula Vista

4266 Del Sol ct 

Sounds grand the dream home

Of someone to finally get his kids

But in the end, he lost

His eyesight 

His job and career

His wife and daughter

As well as his kids

You took those away

And still harasses them

Aunt Suzie has been caught

Having lunch with them

Telling them what not to do

And then you were caught hiring

Her daughter Janet 

Who is so stupid she thinks

God performed a miracle

A small six year old child

Gave birth to her!

You keep explaining that at five

Your performed a miracle

And had sperm as well as

To sire a beautiful child

Whom you have molested 

Her entire life,

Not to be a victim

I am told is to get over it

And yet there you were today

Insisting on me not having 

Medical treatment for my diagnosed

Disease instead of yours

Diabetes, you think you are Indian

IF you are treated for this sugar sickness

It is not so and I am not going to be told

About my blood work

While yet one more wife of yours

Whitehorse is supposed to administer

To me your repercussions.

You got old Jimmy

You allowed yourself to be called


Now you are over the age

Of no return

You cant go back to your youth
Nor correct the wrongs 

Instead you keep on raiding and robbing

It is getting tiresome to see the family

Jewels on display at some junk shop

Instead of on Christies as they 

Were not improvised those

Immigrants who came from Saint Petersburg

And Copenhagen to Canada

And California seeking their inheritance.

Finding others who were also not sure

Of why their family homes were 

No longer theirs 

The sad stories of the West

Conquering sand and stone

To get here was on thing

But then to put down roots

To build homes and railways

All have been torn up by you

And your kind.

You do know that an earthquake

Is predicted for San Diego

All those towers of glass 

Are going to com crashing down.

There you are smartly

Just below the danger line

Unless that Tijuana river

You once played in comes crashing 

In on your area with a huge tsunami

Might happen yet you know.

But come Saturday 

By your own reckoning 

You will be old enough

To collect old age Social security

Even though you never worked

More than a day at anything

Nor a month at any job

But have been having a grand time

Waiting for your retirement

To some island in the sun?

Or some m mountain one can get 

Or are you still demanding? 

To be given the chair?

You already had the executioners chair

In Arizona which failed.

You did not survive 

But it failed to function.

The Oval office is occupied

No matter how much you 

Crucify Trump 

Nor make Biden sweat

And as for the coronation chair

Which Charles just was coronated upon

I am surprised you did not steal it!

Maybe that stone from Scotland

Can become a backyard trophy for you.

They are coming Jimmy

To knock on your door

It wont be crows seeking your soul

Or will it?

Happy Birthday

Bid boy now that he is over

Thirty and Sixty!

As for Trogneux's

What good does it do to beat

A chocolatier up over someone 

Else politics.

This shop has been there for six generations

Established after a woman gave birth

To a son whose father is unknown

Got a shop out of it but no birth certificate.

Some people do know how to get the job done.

Well, Mrs. Macron has a long history

But a short surname, wonder if she is a Bourbon!

One never does know when a parent is not listed

Unlike you Jimmy

We all know who you daddy was,

Captain Kangaroo who was once a clown...

Monday, May 15, 2023

Dear Governor Gavin,


There was a time when California.

Was not Spanish speaking.

In fact originally it was French

And other languages

Making it one of the true explorers


Most of the early explorers 

Did not make it to the Pacific.

They usually gave up around the Louisiana

The Conquistadors did not even bother.

With this northern tip of the land

They were interested in the middle area 

Where the rich pyramids and people

Were located and not no man's land

The West coast had a lot of history.

Many stories of lost ships

And arrival by the Asians

There is a Japanese Queen 

Found on the Catalina islands

While other enclaves of different

Communities were not unknown

In fact there was a map 

Of old Russia which included

Alaska and the entire California coast

When did we become the unwanted?

All these people who are migrants

And then those Ukrainians 

Ran straight for our border

We even have those from the Middle east

Who arrive at the border and don't know 

They are not in New York or something.

What to do with all of these strangers?

Spain was not the original owners 

Anad the Republic of California 

Included Baja as well as Alto.

In fact there were a few uprisings.

Included by a Walker from the Civil war

Who took custody of Baja

There might even be a map

Where the Republic of Texas 

Includes a swath of land

All the way to the coast

Why do wee not include

Our southern land as part of our culture?

There was a time when it was not Spanish

But multilingual

Tijuana - Aunt janes ranch

Ha! that is not what it was called

It was the end of the line for those

Traveling by road instead of boat

They could not navigate the mountains.

Between the city of angels

And beautiful bay of San Deigo

In fact, Spain did not even claim

This section until the outlaws

Began to build missions

The Franciscans got in trouble

They were outsed from Mexico city

Nor were they allowed to go back to Spain

The reverse occurred they went north

The French guy Napoleon sold

To Jefferson the entire French land

Excluding Canada which still is unsure

Where they are except this guy in Toronto

Says they are part of England

They dont know how to tell him

They are not but like Ireland, ...

Anyways it was assumed the purchase

OFffifteen million dollars

Went from Louisiana in the south

North to the border of Canada 

And all points West

Lewis and Clark

traveled to Saint Louis 

And then westward

Following streams and Sacajawea

Who was a captured slave girl

She just wanted to go home

She lead them to her people 

Skirting those crazy Russians

And forgetting the south 

Where those others tribes 

Were not as friendly to her people

While one of them went back home

With her son in order to give him a proper

Princes education and he did make it to Europe

Her daughter and her disappeared 

It is possible the French canada family

Took at least one of them home

As their black sheep kept on going

Marrying many women until he finelay

Had to acknowledge his own line

They had many good people come out of them

Including Alec Tribet the gameshow host

But we are talking about Yosemite

And the other one who got lost

On his walk through the rest 

Of the territory which was not explored

That is becasue there were already

Those who came by boat

It is still an issue 

How many of the early 

Settlers and homesteaders

Were given the impression 

That they were the owners of the land

But some guy named Pancho Villa

Rose up and claimed all of the land

His and not his non amigos

I have a solution for the current border

Situation, we don't we just annex

The rest of our land as it is attached.

But not to the mainland Mexico

Pleases ask President Biden

To annex Baja as part of Alto 

As it  has always been in reality

Half of California believe they own 

The right to speak spanish

Instead of english or french

Lets just take back what is ours

Your family are also like mine

Early Californian's and I imagine

You have in your possession

Papers or maps of your families

Arrival in the West which

Indicated that you were part 

Of a larger section 

Which included Baja 

As my family had paperwork

In French and Russian 

But not Spanish

We had to go to Court in Mexico city

Only to have this Ferrel Sandoval 

Couple demand finders' keepers

Do all Mexican men believe 

They own anything the put their foot on?

There are a number of others

In Washington DC who also 

Were under the impression 

That thier families also owned

The right to the property provided

In the past, but later taken over 

By Mexico after they lost to the America

Somehow by winning  the battle of the 

Mexican American war

America ceded a huge section to Mexico

Really the border was never part of Spain

It has always been up to those who live 

In the area and is now called a border

Why dont we move the border south

Then many will have to go to Texas

Or learn English and pay taxes 

To the internal revenue service

There are many Germans who think

That taxes are not required.

They just walk in and take over places

Owned by Americans

And they don't plan to give them back.

Even in the next world or new system

It is theres to keep no matter who takes over

Lets annex our own land to the south

Making it impossible to have a border problem

As it will no longer be there for them to cross

And all those old land grants can be acknowledged

There used to be a train all the way to Cabo San Lucas

Which should be an English speaking city

As only migrants or Mexican mafia

Speak Spanish!

After all Zelensky

Has done this with his neighbors

He not only wont acknowledge

That the Dontesk people are differnt

They are actually Welsh immigrants

From before the Soviet system

When both Ireland and Wales

We're not getting anything from the British King

Only to be swallowed into the Soviets 

As so many of the satellite nations 

Between Berlin and Moscow were 

Now asked to speak Russian

Having been forced to see their 

Western or far East land 

Disappear to all those wagon trains.

Zelensky has even claimed to annex

The Crimea and the port of Sebastopol

He has gotten away with it

Why dont we just tell them to go back

To Mexico or Texas 

That all of Baja now has to

Speak English as they are Calfornians

Both north and south

That little finger wants to belong

To its owner not someone else

Please consider California 

In its full state capacity

And no longer Mexico territory

Hey Joe!

We have a proposition for you

We want to be a whole state again.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

She is coming to us,


The newest commissioned Destroyer

USS Lenah Higbee 

Is coming to San Deigo

Not a warship 

Nor a flight deck 

But the one with the really big guns

After the demise of Richard 

Which caught on fire 

While in dock and just a few yards

From downtown San Diego

They are getting a brand new 

Upgrade with the latest's technology

And huge gun power

No need for Tome Cruise to land on this one

She can take care of herself.

Newly commissioned on the East side 

She is traveling to the West.

To set up shop where she is needed.

Those pesky Asians might attempt

To creep across the Pacific again

But really she is at a good place

To disappear into the night

And pop up anywhere she is needed

Included off Europe 

Her guns can out do most 

Of the older ones 

And she is named after a woman!

Lets hope she does not get 

Court martialed for something

Stupid such as associating with the wrong type

And did I mention 

I walked past another dead body

Last week while I was trying to get

To the Marina where the ferry

Is located I walkead past a man

Laying on the ground near the train station

He had two bicycle cops standing over him

They waited till I got past

But I looked back anyways

They lifted his hand in the air

And his head fell back on to the ground

Just fell asleep on the sidewalk

And never awoke again

There have been so many of them

Not all of them from the Pandemic

But it is a life and death matter

To be forced outside 

Where the elements are never nice 

How are the new arrivals

Going to fare?

I hear they have new accommodations

As the old ones are already full to capacity

They even shut down the Golden Hall

Temporary cot shelter

There are so many people 

Coming from outside and to a place

That does not have enough resources

It looks pretty but it is not the same

Place as my youth 

When there were real neighborhoods

Not fly over cul de sacs

With no grocery stores

Nor libraries or police stations

Every neighborhood had its own group

Who knew the community and policed it

Even the librarians knew if you were at the wrong

Place as your family were looking

For you at another one

They have been shut down as well.

Where are they going to go 

And how are they going to get out of here?

I understand a group of them 

Were bussed to the airport

I cant even go to the airport

Without reason

Everyone is suspicious, nowadays

What are they going to do out there?

Set up tents on the runways?

The Mayor was supposed to speak

At the local POW WOW

As an Alaskan and other descendant

He at least has a connection

I was too ill to attend again

I used to be part of the community

But they don't want real Indians

Anymore, they prefer them blond and blue eyes

Such as Suzanna and Jimmy or Candance

They need us old timers

But want to look good for the public

They dont even wear authentic customs

But those silly things one can by at the dollar store

Where have all the Indians gone?

I was told to go back to England

On the boat I arrived on by an African

The Africans forget how they arrived

Only that they are here to stay

And they don't want us to get in their way.

They are the real Americans.

We can just get lost.

I stood in shock for a moment

And then slowly told the female

That my people had not come by boat

She was angry at me for talking back

How did we get here then by plane?

No dear, we were already here 

When the British arrived

And the Germans 

Who brought their friends with them.

I am not racist nor discriminatory

But I do hate the german mind set

Of assuming they are superior

Even though they have lost almost every war

They have engaged in 

Including hte ones with Africa

They thought they would take it over

Anda run it as a business

Instead they got into too much trouble

Had to have help to get out

The Natives were restless

And preferred things they way they were

Instead they deported the groups

They did not like to America

Where the German or ultra white

Landowners made preemptive strikes

On them through rape and torture

They were wrong of course

And the rest of us have been 

Paying the cost of the new arrivals

We are not needed nor wanted

Even by our own people

I am still waiting for the clinic

To acknowledge me as a patient

Instead of a mentally ill man

Who cant figure out he is neither

A doctor nor priest

Jimmy is going to get 

Into over his head

And then that will be his end.

This is what I have always been told.

I am still waiting but no holding my breath.

Those christians who want thier way

No government or authorities

Have to explain where all the dead bodies

Are going to be taken care of

Because they cant remain on the street

Nor buried in the back yards.

They just want to have their way

But never think of how to get it done

Causing so much trouble and over what

Nothing but stupidity

Such as taking someone else medicine

And then explaining they are insane

Lisa never will be forgiven 

And her family the Gordons

Have been warned off 

But they don't want to listen.

100-year anniversary at Liberty Station

Which was taken over for the military barracks

After it was also a deposit zone

For those who arrived by wagon train 

Only to have no place to go

They could not go home 

For the most part

There were a lot of murders along

The way from Saint Louis

The starting point of many of them.

No where to go and no way back.

The met the Pacific ocean

And can go no further.

But to hell, as so many of them

Are going to die anyways.

Those shoulder rubbers 

Dont understand it is not a race

Between themselves and somone else

But a race against time and the devil.

Where in the end only a third will survive.

Bless the new lady arrival

Into a port of Navy men.

Where  my relatives have already been

I had one grandpa spend two wars

Fighting in the Pacific 

But another ones grandfather

Arrive for the Civil war

Not a slave state

The Union deployed 

Men to protect the state

During the uprising on the east.

My great -great grandfather

Learned about canons on the bluffs 

Here in San Diego 

But finished his time

As the Post Master of the Presidio

In San Francisco

A lifer, retiring in 1900!

Others had arrived even before 

The Gold rush of 1849

Only to be told they were also 

Unwanted and unneeded.

First arrivals are not the best 

To be descendants 

As most of Natives will tell 

If asked politely 

I say to the white folk

Time to push off 

Why don't you paddle back wards

And leave us alone now that 

We have to share with the Africans

Who don't realize what continent

They are on because it looks

The same as on the news...

Even the Queen of England

Arrived by boat back in 1980's.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Dear Grandpa Jack,


When you rise in the dawn
After Armageddon
Or in the near future

As so many of our religions promised
A place and time when god will make things right
The resurrection is the anticipated outcome 

Of mans inability 
To do anything right
Or allow others to live a life

If I am not there to greet you
I make you my executor 
Of my last will 

As a lawyer you are qualified
And you will know more than others
What befell us in those days

Leading up to the great day of 
Jehovah's wrath and wage.
Do not bother looking for Jimmy

In the end he went to far
They all ganged up and got him
He will not be found nor remembered

Except fo the crimes he committed
He made all those agreements
And promise's 

Which he refused to keep
He went around robbing everyone
He tore down their warehouses

And homes destroying 
The community and the dreams
Of all the others who just wanted

Us out of the way 
So they could enjoy 
Our wealth.

He sent out al their goods
To the charity boutiques
The ones he did not sell on Ebay

He left nothing for anyone else
To enjoy nor look forward
Nor even give to their own grandchildren

We are all old know
That we have survived the worlds Pandemic
But there is no place for us to go

He has taken over all of the homes
Even of those who thought
They were out of his control

He made it clear he was not going 
To give in because he did not get to have
His way with me in the end.

He says in the future when
He was going to be whole
He is going to rape me

And then kill me
And then he will give them 
Thier stuff but he lied

It is all gone.
Nothing left for them to collect.
He took it all

Not leaving half for any of them.
So they found a way together
Imagine destroying everyone else drams

And thinking he was going to get away with it.
Hopefully you will find your wife waiting for you
As she always did do in those early days.

And perhaps when they find a cure
For brain cancer 
Your only daughter as well.

My father will not be so lucky
He has had too many girls claim 
To be his one and only

And there is my sister waiting 
for him to love  her again.
I will be coming along as well.

If they managed to get me 
When I was promised no harm
Would come to me 

The wickedness of those people
Who claimed a religion 
But only wanted to be teh ones left over

So they could be the world dictators
Have all meet their maker
If a few should surface

Make sure you understtand
They are only there to get what 
Is left over from all of their robberies.

You must find a way 
Of making it right
As I had it all sewn up 

To make sure no one got anything
Until I was given permission 
To distribute to those who were

The ones who owned the belonings
While the old ranch
Was put back to proper shape

That old witch never did give up
Lying about her possession
I'm afraid I might have killed 

Her myself in the end
Just to get her to stop yelling 
IN my face about her stuff.

Anyways you should be happy
To know where to go and
What to look for 

As the happy jimmy 
Left a wide trail to follow.
Even his own family 

Could not stop him.
He killed his real mother Camille
Having taken all of her money

Then gave away her precious 
Long fur coat 
It ended up a floor throw 

Or something after that fiasco
Her jewelry did not even  make it
To the pawn shop

I found the one pair
She was wearing  in her photo
With his father after they thought 

It safe to be together
My father was an elected mayor
And had oppurtunities

Of becoming a Senator 
Or something
Instead when he turned 18

In 1975 ,
He made sure his mothers husband
Got elected Mayor of DC

He sent his mothers daughter
To university for himself
She became a professor of African studies

Wrote several books
Published don on Josephine Baker
Which discussed her as a spy 

During the war in Europe
Did you or Hazel come across her 
In those days?

Anyways she made her out as a hero
Instead of a prostitute
As Jimmy makes all of his women

He has such small Muslim views
OF women in general.
Even Candace caught 

The fever once he burned down her house
She has all those dreams of being royal
And never does get invited 

Once Charles becomes King
Even missed the Coronation.
The Washingtons in DC

Became powerful 
And they were affluent
Jimmy was anever broke nor poor

Or he would have known 
Not to take the last possessions 
of others out of where they were stored

Poor Jules has no idea
How much hatred everyone 
Has for this boy 

Who should not have been born
Even his father was exasperated
And died suddenly as well.

The end of Captain Kangaroo!
What wonders will never cease.
A celeibrities  kid

And a rich mother 
Involved in politics
He could have had it all

If he had done right
Instead he hired Candace
To annoy us and threaten us about 

Religion when she is not religious
But straight from the devil
If I should be forgotten by god

In the end as the world seems 
To have forgotten who they are
You are to make sure there is no more

OF Candace nor her sisters
Nor her nieces and nephews.
Pure wickedness is all they were.

You might be able to enjoy aomethings
As I went after those tearing down 
And destroying everything

Just to have an earthquake
Come along and bring down 
Thier glass towers!

The world sees a powerful man
Such as Walter
But forgets his daughter

Who has done much for her own
While my father had so many kids
He could not juggle work 

And your daughter 
Going into labor one more time.
Bless all of you who are there 

To read this as it is for your eyes only.
Not Jimmy nor Candy.
The Washingtons have been forgotten

The Obamas replaced them in the hearts
But they were not able to curb him either
Until the day they came home

To find their garage had been robbed
As well, he left a note
In the middle of the empty house

Which said nothing at all.
Just like him, nothing.
Be well and recall I fought to the end.

I might still be alive
Just not able to get to you 
But the law will be established

There will be no anarchy
Look around and be wise
For we all want you to be our hero!

Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...