Sunday, August 13, 2023

A bright new day

Ah, the State fair
It is one of those oddities.
That the biggest thing

Of summer is the state fair
Everyone comes 
To see the exhibits

That the clubs
Have worked on all year
From sewing to woodworking

And then there is the ice cream
And lemonade
Those scary rides

The public information
With wat is poison ivy
To how not to be skimmed

Then there is all those
Food trucks
With wonders from around 

The world
Such as Iced Tea
And Hamburgers

Created just for the State fair.
Brand new items
Along with the science

And technologies tent
It is the meeting place
Of the public 

And the private sector
Along with politicians
It is often the starting

Point of an election
In fact elections
Can be won or lost

Whether or not one
Goes to the State fair
And today is no different

Several of the GOP's
Are there walking
Through the crowds

Just after two others
Have been shot down
Ecuador and Japan

Have both lost candidates
For public office
And yet this day

Is so important 
To be on hand.
Where does the country

Stand with what has occurred
In the last twenty years?
If 2008 had gone smoothly

Instead of Donald being
Indicted over and over again
We would be faced instead

With Palin in hand cuffs
The first lady of the Oval office
Would have been Sarah Palin

The former sportscaster
From Alaska turned governor
Who was the running mate

Of John Mccain
The former prisoner of war
Of Viet Nam war

Never forgotten by the press
For his heroics
Nor was he going to be given

A perfect honeymoon.
He would have been 72
On inauguration day

The oldest president 
With what Ronald Reagan
Faced once he began to have

Signs of Alzheimer's 
And now Biden with 
His arthritis catching up with him

Is it jsut stumbling because
He is older than most
And should be sitting down

Not walking and standing?
Or has his mind actually gone?
Those are the questions 

Everyone is facing
And what of the other guy?
Mccain had suffered in his days

At the Hanoi Hilton
What would he have done?
As it is he only lasted a short time

If he had won the battle
With his running mate
The world would have woken

Up at the end of August 2014
With a new face as the world leader
Sarah the first female 

Lady of the Oval Office
Would the world have welcomed her?
After all her running mate was over

The retirement age limit
And not expected to survive
Now Trump is older than hell

And he has never chosen 
A woman to replace him
In the White House

They are doing everything.
They can to prevent him
From returning despite

The fact some will say
He did the world a favor
In keeping Sarah from sitting down

Not Hillary but Sarah
What would have happened next?
No one likes Sarah now 

And she has faded from 
The news feeds
Meanwhile Hillary

Was under investigation.
At the time of her running 
By the FBI

Her indictments would have
Been almost sure if she had 
Gone forth and been inaugurated

Despite everything America
Likes honest politicians.
And not those who benefit financially.

Is the world ready?
For its next death?
If Biden should fall

Or fail to wake up
Then it will be 
Kamala who will become

The First Lady of the Oval Office
Are we all ready?
Everyone says it is okay

For her heels to show up
But are they really ready
And willing to show her

The same authority
As a man in office?
Will she be able to handle 

The constant pressure
Without breaking composure
And is it going to be a shue in

Instead of a hard-fought victory
Who will decide the face of 
America for the rest of this century?


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Three times loser

  Seen as the leader Of the pack Le Pen  Who has already Lost three times With those fickle French Has been seen as the Front runner of the ...