Sunday, August 27, 2023

Oh, what a beautiful day...


The Pacific Ocean

Was named for being calm

But it also has storms

Unlike the current 

Non educated ones

Doing the weather

There are more important things

Than Florida and Haiti

Of the bad news bears

That CNN has become

The main theme behind

Giving a black eye

To Russia every chance

They can in their daily briefings.

Russia has had a bad week

There was this plane

That just fell out of the sky

On board was someone

Who was in charge of a coup

He surrendered and was allowed 

To live or was he?

Everyone is jumping 

To conclusions about

It being poor Mr. Putin's

Fault once again

Once a bad ass

Always the villain

Where would the world?

Be if there was no Russia

To control the seven seas

These ships above

Are patrolling the China seas

There have ports next to Japan

And the European Black sea

As well as Baltic Sea

And then there is the artic

They seem to be prepared. 

For anything

To ride out the storm

The world seems set

To destroy a country

Which is land locked

But also has access 

To all the worlds seas

Accept of course Africa

Asia, Europe 

And America

In fact, they say 

That they were here first

Before the Spaniards 

Or English

On the West Coast 

Of the Pacific 

Leaving behind evidence

Of their prior occupation

Including a few places 

Named rose or ross

Such as the submarine base

That Biden visited

Which was called Roseland

Once upon a time

Just as there is still

A building which says

In Spanish Roasrio

Russian river

Before Sonoma county

Stoled the idea of them

Being occupied

Although they do still

Have standing buildings

Which reminds me

Poor Mr. Biden

Is having issues with balance

His standing and his steps

Are being discussed

As if his mind is not all there

When a family main

Becomes more concerned

For his own people

That where his steps are going

Well, he is over fifty

And he does have alot 

On his mind.

Waging war against

Thier main ally 

During both World Wars

Is something to get 

A little bit unsteady about.

Why don't we send the Germans

Back to their country

As a failed experiment?

They were mercenaries

During the American Revolution

And even attempted to take

Over Rome and the Pope

In the old Holy Roman Empire

Sending the Pope scurrying to France.

Give the man a break

He deserves a long one

He at least came to California

For his summer vacation 

Instead of Marthas Vineyard

Which makes me sad

As I still have not gotten

A ride to that former 

French homestead by the sea

Just because it changed

Flags does not make it 

A concern and no one has

Offered to tell me if there

Is anything standing at the old place

Jimmy is going to regret

Anything he did or did not do.

As I have had enough of it all.

Even yelling at my cat.

Poor Jacques

He smelled of cigarette smoke

The other day.

Must make sure the door is locked

When I leave because one never 

Does know who comes visiting.

A man with a really bad attitude

And a man with a broken spirit

Are our two men at the furthest 

Poles of America and Russia

Who cares what the others do

Certainly no one really wants

Anything from that devastated

Place called Ukraine

Now that they have refused

To set their prisoners free

Those Donbass people

May as well as kiss ...goodbye

Zelensky is never going

To get the point

They just wanted their freedom

Instead he incited a riot

Against the Russians

Causing enormous amounts

Of casualties

Without an end in sight.

Perhaps they would have 

The decency to not go to the Paris

Olympics since their comrades

Are not being invited

What are the Olympics without

The Russians?

The Ukrainians cant possibly

Be training under all that barrage

Let them to the right thing

And not show up.

At least Africa is setting

A good example

As for being a chef

Check twice as to lifetime expectancy.

After all Egypt decapitated

The Baker in the story of Joseph

And the Obamas Chef drowned

While Putin's fell out of the sky 

Reminds one of the old Greek-Roman

Tale of the boy who flew too close

To the sun and burned up 

Just suggesting he was the best.

If lightening would only strike

Those who truly deserve it!

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Three times loser

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