Friday, August 25, 2023


Spotless from the world.

Rare species.

Even humans are born in sin.

Never seen before 

Is this new baby

In a Tennessee zoo.

He has no spots.

Actually, it is the other way around.

Isn't it?

The giraffe has a white coat

With lots of spots

Or is it a design of color

With an outline?

They say each one

Is unique, like a fingerprint.

Imagine Adams first assignment

Of watching and naming the animals

Realizing this creature

Had a unique pattern

On each one of them.

Just like women

Each one is different

Even twin sisters

Or mothers and daughters

Everyone say my mother

And I are just the same

Nothing of hte kind

She hates me with all her being

While I cant stand dealing

With her constant tricks 

Without treats.

She is long gone now.

The pain of losing her

Was that no one could 

Fix her 

Since she was broken 

No one knows what happened

But she was a broken adult

Always living or reliving

Her childhood.

Never behaving as an adult.

I dreamed when I was young

That one day she would be well.

Even God cant fix something

That does not want to be fixed

She only had twenty percent 

Of her brain matter

But somehow managed

To convince people

She knew what she was talking about

No way in hell did she understand

Anything at all.

Especially science 

All those arguments about 

Health and diet

She only understood. 

To starve you.

Her answer to everything

Was don't eat

Got a cold?

Don't eat anything.

Need an operation.

Don't eat!

She had cancer

She ate everything she could

Because it meant she was dying.

Everyone else needs to live

So, they are not allowed 

To have a single bite of food.

A girafffe with one very large


It is not that he has no spots

But that he is one large one.

Poor baby

Still unnamed

And not going to have

A moments peace

His entire life he is going

To be stared at

And watched

And visited

By complete strangers.

Locked in captivity.

Cant imagine what 

That feels like

Never having a moment

Of privacy or peace

Always being watched

And never getting to have your way

Always under suspicion

Of having done somethinig

While everyone dumped

Thier babies on her

Duping her easily

The judge got so frustrated

With me, more than two hundred

How could I lead them on?

I only tried to adopt one child

From the old Soviet breaking up

Years for her to be raised


She got her raising but by 

Someone else, always being stolen

And led to believe I did not want her

While she never finished school

Jimmy does not believe girls

Should get an education

Nor does he want to marry

So my beautiful angel

From Kiev

Became what everyone

Sees on television

Always involved in one 

More relationship

But never marrying

Nor being allowed

To have her children

And a safe home.

Amber was her name

My mother renamed her

Clair Marie 

She calls herself


The Christmas present

All those arguments about

A simple holiday

Both my mother and Jim

Are Christmas babies

And my only sister 

Died a week before 

My father would spend money

On the boys 

While waiting for my mother

To tell him the truth

She always said I was dead

While this girl 

Who showed up

Was a fraud

None of my relatives

No the difference

So accustomed to her lies

Then there are all those 

Real little princessess

Behind my back

Who just want to steal

My wallet

And live my life

While they live behind

A present in the form

Of a tarantula

There are many guys 

Out there who would like

To spank the different 

Selfish girls 

Who only think of themselves

Only to come back

Sit down and smile 

One more time

At my exhausted face.

I am immune to them

Both the girls and the spiders.

What if was her favorite game

What if Jimmy decided to do 

Something really stupid

And got himself 

Personally involved

With Putin's war

After all, Ludmilla

Was his wife 

When they were both

Twelve years old

Too innocent to be told no

But could not stand each other

She has always told me

That I am her friend

Which ususally means

When she comes that

I am about to loose something

Such as my apartment

Or my job

Of my bank account

I am so friendly

That I just hand it all over

No one sits down

And asks someone

For something such as 

A bank account

Or a home

Or even a guy of yours

Instead I have a bunch

Of jerks who insist

They are my husband

But all they want

Is my moeny

Or my introductions 

To others.

I was once a well known


Who could not go anywhere

Without some set of parents 

Claiming i left something behind

I cant have children

Some women cant you know

Just like some guys have never 

You know...

What if jimmy got 

On that plane

That fell out of the sky?

I recall how many times

He would pull the stunt

Of holding the airline stewardess

Hostage with a bag over his head

He would put a gun to her head

While he made demands

He did it so many times

While we were traveling

That no one wanted to get

On a plane with us anymore

She got tired of the gun to her head

Poor Ludmilla...

She has had such a hard life

Just like Teresa 

Who was born rich 

And did not live in poverty

Until it was convenient

Ludmilla, Jimmies first

Her mother died rich

A movies star

Named Doris

Her first husband

Was found hanging 

But was a CEO 

Of the same airlines

She worked

She had a number of guys

Before she landed the Kremlin lawyer

Who thought she was pregnant 

With his child.

Neither of those girls are his 

Nor does she tell him

What she does behind his back

Not that he is stupid

He is just busy

Made a match 

Like many men 

When it was convenient

She betrayed him 

Everyday but it was expected

Those days are gone

And so is the coup

The petty criminal

With a mug shot

And jail time

Who began as a hotdog stand

But got lucky as a chef

To a man whose

Grandfather was a chef

To both Lenin and Stalin

Never trusts the ones you like

They always get offers

How he became a mercenary leader

Jimmy always wanted to be a mercenary

And his cooking will make you sick

His ingredients are unspeakable

Anyway Jimmy

Likes to play in Africa

What if he came back

To Moscow

Just because he is not supposed

To ever step foot 

After setting fire 

To the Kremlin.

How would we identify 

His charred remains?

His dentist probably

Has no records

He is always switching

People around

So that even his fingerprints

Will come up on

Someone already incarcerated

While his mug shot

Has been destroyed

He once had a file of them

He put them up on his ceiling

All the ones he wanted 

To get even with

Mostly females 

Who did not understand him

They turned him down

Or men who thought

They would tell him no

As most men did in those days

Now everyone are yes men

And none of the grandchildren

Are worth their weight.

But he sometimes finds one

Who is above the law

Or just does not get caught

Such as myself

I have been accused of stealing

My entire life

Shoplifting or worse

My own drivers license

Is not really my own.

He would have to concoct

A situation where he would

Just have me removed

Without service 

In order to get the stupid cops

To put me through

The whole enchilada

Such as what Trump 

Is now doing

He was one who was 

Not even a Jaywalker

He learned early 

About the crazy kid

With the celebrity daddy

And rich mama.

A rare giraffe with no spots

May the right guy win

Jimmy makes people suffer

Just because he is stupid

It is too bad

He has survived every attempt

To get rid of him.

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Three times loser

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