Wednesday, August 23, 2023

The South Pole!


Taj Mahal

Has landed on the moon.

India owns the south pole.

As explorers go forth

The fourth country 

To land on the moon

Is the only one

To make it to the South side

Of the globe in the night sky

How many poems 

Have been written

About the moon

Only one side is ever

Seen by those down below

But a space ship has made

It to the far side

Of the moon.

Just imagine...

They say the original

Aryan race left Europe

Over a thousand years ago

Where did they go?

India some say

While others claim 

They made it across

A little piece of ice

To the American continent

We know now 

They did not go to the moon.

What else could be more important

In todays news?

The Trump thing

Really, why are we even

Discussing it.

He is just going to get off.

Who would have put 

George Washington

Or Abraham Lincoln

In prison for their crimes?

Everyone makes mistakes

And it does not include murder

What is the big deal?

Eaves dropping is illegal

Even with a warrant

Not that keeps Candy

From getting on the phone

Every time I make a phone call.

I made a few calls yesterday

And there it was

On my phone

In between 

The notice that the 

Phone was busy!

It is my phone 

And it is busy.

Who is my phone 

Speaking to while I am not?

Candy, sandy 

There is kitty litter

Waiting for you on your

Burial day

Might not even give you

A wooden box 

For the rats and snakes

To knaw on and slither through

Just a huge amount of kitty litter

To bury you in.

Why is she calling people

After I speak to them?

I once caught her

Actually speaking on the other end

You promised, you Promised.

She has been answering the phone

For fifty years...

No warrant lasts that long

Wonder what the authorities 

Are thinking just siting there

As she flashes her fake credentials....

Meanwhile, the most important

Thing unless the White house

Blows up from a gas leak

Is a belly flash dance.

Congratulations India

Please don't find any little green guys...

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