Saturday, August 12, 2023

A massive fortune

 He built a massive


In his tenure

As the Pharoah's 

Chief accountant

He was put in charge

Of the incoming 

Improvised of the nations

The great drought

Caused by the greedy

Made all the crops 

Fail in the entire area

The area was the cradle

Of civilization

Quickly providing

The grains needed

For the inhabitants

To keep from starving

As the animals

Were hunted to extinction

By the Babyloanins

The land his forefathers 

Had come from

A rich patriarch

Willing to leave 

The decadent city

Rich from its kills

Having brought the peoples

To them under the old Nimrod

They continued to return 

Feasting on the abundant

Of life until they had

To hunt humans

For food as there was none

Of the other for them

This is when they failed

But again the rich trade

From the sea to the south

And the road to the north

Even Tera was massively

Rich in his ability to leave

The city behind

And provided for his 

Son and nephew 

A good life in the desert

Even the desert 

Had rich rewards

Not just the sheep

Rich silks

And pottery 

Until they could not leave

It behind in the Sodom story

But his father had returned

From his journey

Being robbed by his 

Own mothers brother

With two wives

And a dozen children

His own brother whom

He himself had cheated

Of his inheritance

Greeted him gladly

laughing at the massive offering

Of animals for him

Culled from his own herds

Which was masssive

His family were rich 

And welcomed into 

The realm of the royals

Of the area

His own sister Diana

Engaged to marry a Prince

And then they had sold him

His own brothers into slavery

Out of jealously and envy

We worked hard

And made sure he was seen

As moral and honest

For his own mothers sake

While the others had begun

To misuse their own father

Now he was at the head

Of a massive effort

To save the humanity

Given a dream 

Of a great drought

Where the earth was 

To be scorched

No fields would survive

Without water

Nor could the herds 

Feed off the grasses

Nothing but sand 

Was left of the area

Once abudant

In natural gifts 

The massive forests

Were even cut down 

For the buildings to come

But now he was second

In all of Egypt

The visitors came to him

Leaving the Pharoah 

To deal with his own issues

They came to buy food

Then they came back to sell

Themselves and their land

From all over the world

The Egyptians were not niave

They knew there were great

Places across the water

And high in the mountains

And to the south

They hid themselves

Only after loosing themselves

A fifth of all was handed over

To the Pharoah 

In exchange for grain

They had a warning

To store it in massive silos

It was enough to last

The full seven years

And then it took so long

For the fields to be replanted

And provide for the people

But not in the growing deserts

The people could not go back

Once the Pharoah died

And his bad seed rose up

But during this time

His father had arrived

With seventy as his family

To have such a large amount

Of people to provide

And they did have money

They were given the best

Land of Goshen

Where their flocks

Would not be affected

He had the daughter of a priest

And two sons 

He was a rich man

By many accounts

But he had also a personal

Fortune of a massive


His drinking cup

Was silver 

His younger brother 

And younger son

Were made into princes

While the others 

Were not his slaves

They were always


Despite thier pledges

He made them promise

To take his body 

With them once they left

The land that was once

A paradise

Then became a prison

The new pharoah 

Wanted absolute power

His fortune was so great

No one else could compare

His was also massive enough

To hide especially the gold

When they left and roamed

The wilderness 

After crossing the Red Sea

They had enough gold

Rings and bracelets

To create a huge bull

To worship as Egyptians

Had been taught

And then they melted

It down along with more donations

To create the Angels of the Ark

The temple of Jehovah

Was made of clothe

Huge pieces to provide

A tent large enough

To be seen from far away

Which was not a small thing

Nor was all the gold implements

They forged in the wilderness

For the temples offerings

Including the sacarifices

To god as they travled

With huge herds

And other goods

It was only stealing

A cloak of authority

Which would cause

An entire family to be swallowed

No man was to supercede

Jehovah gods authority

A city of gold

Is what they said existed

Not in Egypt nor Babylon

The ones chosen

Had gone by boat

In the quiet of the night

On a fleet of ships

Before it was too late

Taking with it his massive

Fortune to different areas

They were supposed to be waiting

When the time was right

And as it was Saul became

The richest ruler of his time

A zillionaire in his own right

Helped along with the hidden

Fortune awaiting them in the promised

Land but it was not the only treasure

They had carefully distributed

It throughout the world

His father and him

Having access to the maps 

Of the great library

Burned down by the next

Generation of greedy

The Muslims gained 

Control of the area

Even the distraught

City of David

Made it clear

They had no reasons

For others to know

The knowledge

That only the rulers 

Of the world  had at 

Thier fingertips

His fathers seed

Had dispursed

And shown themselves

In such areas as Medes

Where the great Alexander

Went as far as India

Where they had fled

From Europe 

But there were others

The monks had kept

The secrets as they found them

Or were entrusted with them

The Holy Grail

That his descendant

Would drink from

After his family 

Came to Egypt to visit

Was not the thing

They needed but the gold

Sent across the waters

For apeople to live

Before they were trapped

Into brick building

Where was it now?

Most of it would

Have been brought back

When it was safe enough

But those plagues

Brought by Moses's god

Were found in lost communities

Creating a situation

Of abandonment

His massive fortune

Meant to save his people

From decimation

All those rich jews

Of later years

May have been frauds

Having foreignors

Getting the information

They were not to have access

No plan is perfect

Certainly not when 

Your own family

Are enemies....

They probably even 

Melted down the angels of the ark

Knowing the ways of thieves

Unless they are decorating a wall

Somehwere deep underground

And the rest of his fortune

Might yet be found

In the land across the waters

The Romans had been sent

To keep it out of thier hands

They were sent to Babylon 

And Rome in order to break

Thier family into

Foreignors pretending

To be religious

What was the cause of the hatred

Towards them?

They have still survived

But his massive fortune

Was misused by those

Who were not to have it

Taken from the caretakers

His grave and his fathers

Have never been found

After his brothers children

Made sure it was forgotten

Whom can one trust

When your own mother

Is a thief and a liar

Allowing others the impression

That all they have to do

Is pretend to be related

In order to steal what is not thiers


There is a true group 

Of his peoples

While the rest have been

Punished for nothing at all

But then there are those 

Who continue to betray

Thier own for the sake

Of having themselves

Made over into princesses

Without any blood in thier veins

The day he understood

What he was sitting on

Was the last day of peace

For Joseph the dreamer....

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Three times loser

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