Saturday, August 5, 2023

A horse of a different color


Jack Smith

You are a thief

A liar

And a bastard

I am the bitch

Who survived

To tell the tale

Of the landlord

From hell

A self proclaimed


A used car sales man

The father of

Eighteen children

From how many wives

One lives in Paris

Another from Honduras

None of them legal

Just like jimmy

A wholesale idiot

Who wont leave 

It alone that 

He has a golden dick

And has produced 

200 plus 

With no effort 

Aat all

Since he is impotent

He does nit have to do


But steal everything

Then throw it away

So the rightful heir

Has nothing 

After all the years

Of sacrifice


And striving

He has stolen

Her right to anything

But he has also given

The old peoples 

Buildings away as well

All those years of attempting

The impossible

To make something

Out of nothing

They created gardens

Out of dirt 

And neighborhoods

Which he destroyed

Undermining always

The religion of each one

He has conquered 

Nothing in his haste

This man did worse

Taking a respectable 

House and tearing it up

Making small cubicles

The antiques are gone

As are the personal letter

From various places

Around the world

And not a single book

Has survived

But it his ownership

Of the lives 

That reside inside

The once proud


Of yesteryear

The last remaining 


Of the Imperial 

Nation to the south

Before renegades


Even more than 

The crusaders

Who massacred 

The Aztecs

Who had themselves

Rid the Mayan 

And Olmec 

Of their garden

Of paradise

To no end

There are no more

Honest Mexicans

Nor Catholics left

And Jack Smith 

Is one of those 

Who have causaed

This situaion

Making sure to be nice

And then stealing 

The money or income

Of the wounded

Who have crawled

Inside a beautiful modern 

Castle of beauty

Set down in the 

City now called


Aunt janes ranch

Was once a mecca

For many international

And no place for them

Inside the United States

So they flee across

My family inherited

The old ranch's

Who had hoped

When they crossed

The deserts 

And the mountains

And the ocean before 

They would find peace

If not paradise

Instead there are those men

Who make your life


Holding you down at night

Giving injections

Or worse 

To soften one up

For what comes next

A pregnant woman

In a mental hospital

An innocent man

A Mexican jail

A man who was once

A chief at a great resturant

That is no lnoger standing

Who has no ability

To take care of hmself

And the mother of a son

Who cant work 

And has no place to go

As well a few students

Who run out of places

To go and just need

A plce to rest

Before they go back 

To the world of preyers

Only to have their life

Sucked out by a man

With no ability to know

He does not even own 

The building but talks

About what he is going 

To do to a former family


Asking others to help

While he is infirmed

And then demanding 

Money before they can go

To the border to retrieve it

Only a few are wicked enough

Will eat the food 

Out of your mouth

Or take your last dollar

Or demand service

For payment 

When it is not even owed

His daughters take the last

Place of privacy

In order to earn their

Keep on their back

For even they do not

Get free rent

A woman who walks

In with two babies

Runs out the door

With her four children

As she is quick

To discover what he wants

And another one has 

Been sold for his rent

Promised a ride

To the border before

He takes her as well

Wont come down on time

Her suitcase packed

And ready just in case

Only to have it put 

Inside a closet 

With a lock on the door

The rest of the ones

Who did not come back

Have their suitcases

Stacked a dozen deep

What hope is there 

Walking past them 

Everyday knowing

There is nothing else

To do but wait

For the check in the mail.

When it arrives

To flee across 

The once great city

With only the clothes 

On your back

And your purse 

With your passport

He missed that for some 

Reason unless he forgot

To see if I was the only one

With one of them.

The others pleading 

Thier cause

Each time they crossed

To stand in the mercy

Of god with an empty 


And no money left 

The hours it takes

For them to watch one

Before allowing one 

To be processed

To finally cross the line

That once was further south

When the homestead

Was first built

And not part of a communist

Country that prefers

Drug dealeers and smugglers

To honest citizens

There are no christians

Left in the land

Not even when the Pope

Came to visit

All those women

Wanted to know

Is what happened to their

College kids

Who were studying

 To be Teachers 

Only to board a bus

For a field trip

Forty-four bodies

Gone into thin air

Just found in garbage bags

That is the kind of people

The land has become

Under the type

Of man such as 

Jack Smith

Who steals lives

While the innocent 

Are left with no dreams

After they do reach safety...

There is nothing left

Now of the former

Promises made 

By christian women

Who had no intention

In honoring them

Nor is their mercy 

For a single person

Who thought to show


A new man

Has gone done

By the once mighty

Force of Investigation

Jack Smith

Is the unfortunate

One with the same name

Is he the same kind

Of man who steals

Another's life?

Will he leave a man

With nothing but 

The clothes on his back?

Soon we will see

If he is different

Than the other one

Mercy upon his soul...

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