Thursday, August 3, 2023

Did you hear about?


Did you hear about
The house that swallowed 
A guy?

Thats right
Straight out of Ripley's
Believe it or not.

The guy was sleeping 
In his brothers house
And the boom 

He was gone!
His brother heard 
Something strange 

Went down the hallway
Opened his brothers door
You are right in there?

There was a huge hole
Sitting right where the floor

Should have been
And his six foot brother
Was gone!

He jumped inside the hole
Thinking he was just going
To put out his hand

While screaming for help
His sister came up to the door

Did you yell?
Oh my god!
Where are you?

Call 911
Hes in here somewhere...
Thats right a huge whole

In the bedroom
The dispatcher sighed
As she signed off for a response

Yelling at the guy
The cop was telling him
To get out of the whole

But my brothers down here
We need ropes and god knows what
Really, a whole in the bedroom?

A sinkhole under the house!
Get help here fast!
Slowly they brought up 

The guy who jumped into
A sinkhole to save his brother
While the rescue went on for hours

There was no sign of the guy.
He just vanished right into 
The ground below the house.

There is no a plaque
Where the house once stood.
There is no longer a house

Nor is there a missing brother
Going to come home 
For Christmas 

It so much a Jimmy thing.
We had to move and move
Because he and the babysitter 

Just keep arriving 
Despite court orders
Most of the houses 

became occupied by 
Thier friends 
Just moved in and forgot

They had not paid for them.
Another example of someone
Undermining the structure

Like the condo in Miami
Which just fell down.
Jimmy kept threatening. 

And then forty years later
Boom the building just fell down
Now this house has the same issue

Did jimmy mess with the
Ground through the sewer 
Or something?

Could have been jimmy
Who always shows up
And demands to sleep

In the bed belonging to the sone
Of the house
Just because he wants to.

Or the real guy 
Who went to live with
A woman he feel in love 

Only to have her abandoned him
When he was not even ten years old
Living with the wrong family

Brought coming home to visit
And then always the wrong place
But that would have been his room

Him and his girlfriend 
Want to have a American Christmas
But we are dealing with the reality

Of my father being set on fire 
And dying in Florida.
Too bad nothing bad happens

To jimmy just because
He stages things
He stands around threatening

Then goes home to think
He does not have the ability.
But he learns from observation

Such as the Jan riot
He would have been the one
To pull the fire alarm

Just to see what door 
The person he was interested.
Such as the Vice President

Whom the media kept showing
Just the other side of the wall.
If he had come out

And Jimmy was waiting 
At the right spot....
There she was watching

The first lady having
A funeral service
For her unborn child.

She did not want to be
A mother
But wanted to be married

She could not understand.
About babies 
It was too much for her

After Ken and Suzie
Had gotten hold of her
When her mother was too busy

To come to her rescue
When in fact she was 
In the hospital wanting 

To know why her daughter
Was not there holding her hand.
Anyways she had too much

Time on her hands
But to watch this French woman
Have her way with the media

On the news all the time
She felt something go wrong
In the middle of the night

And sat there for days
Recalling they had come to visit
Her drink this it is special 

She felt they had poisoned her
But she could not tell anyone
If she got caught 

Then it was off to prison
They had played all kinds of games
On her as a child

Now they just wanted 
her to go to prison
She ended up in the north

When her family insisted
She get out of the house
She was hiding

Turns out the baby was dead
That she had carried for six months.
Now she had to go through

The abortion laws
they convicted her 
And it was not her fault

She was not going to forgive them
But then she started carrying 
On and wailing over her dead born

They had to have a funeral
It made the newspapers
At least she got in the news.

The law decided to throw 
Her into a mental institution
They thought she was nuts

She was not going to do it again.
But there it was a few years later
A little girl arrived

She looked at the pathetic thing
That she thought she was going
To be her daughter

She threw her in the aquarium.
Just throw that one back into the water
Was the expression she kept hearing about herself.

That is what it is called
When your child disappears

She was stuck 
The rest of her life
With this one girl

She had more children
All of them boys
But she could not get rif

Of the one who arrived before
She knew about the other one
Who looked just like her

They knew there wasa two of them
And wanted to know 
Where the first on had disappeared

Sigh she was when 
The boys got to close
She told the all 

She was jealous of them
And that she was not hers
But the babysitters

The never knew
What their lives 
Were going to be

Until they all got old enough
But then the baby sitters
Shows up everytime

If only a huge hole
Would just open up
And swallow Jimmy

As  in the bible
Where an entire family 
Disappeared for lying 

About themselves 
And covering up for others
When god wants the truth

Dont hold back
An entire building went down
Just because jimmy wants

To be the boy that died
So he can have it all.
While there is always 

That sinking feeling
That another disaster
Is just waiting....

Everywhere jimmy steps
Is a land of Choas
And not going to stop

Until the day he is gone.
Another scarry day on the news
Falsely accusing the innoents

Just to have a headline
While girls in stilettos
Expect to be real princesses....

Meanwhile there is a guy
Giovanni Micheal Galioto

Who wants his daughter to become ...

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